View Full Version : Name Change

Tortoise man
01-26-04, 06:17 PM
Hi everyone !
Cr@ppy weather we are havin here in toronto right now! But what else can I expect its that time of year eh?
Anyhow,I would like to change my name from Tortoise Man,LOL,
to something else, something cool, LOL but I don't Know how.
I've tried everything. Can you help cuz I don"t want to be stuck with this name LOL Turtle Head , Turtle head . you getta the picture?
HELP PLEASE LOL Thanks Vinny:eek:

Tortoise man
01-26-04, 06:18 PM
Oh and buy the way i do have three tortoises
0.0.1 sulcata
1.1 Hermanni Hermanni
1.1 Ball pythons

01-26-04, 06:18 PM
I dont think there is a way.
I think you would have to register under a new name.

Tortoise man
01-26-04, 06:23 PM
it won't let me
Because it finds the same e- mail address and says that i allready have an acount ( i think ) I 'll give it a try thanks Choke on smoke LOL

01-26-04, 08:02 PM
You might need to talk to jeff or one of the other mods/administrators

01-26-04, 08:17 PM
hehe try -40 for crappy weather

Tortoise man
01-26-04, 08:23 PM
wow alberta eh? is that with the wind chill? LOL watch you don't freeze your BALLS lol (pythons) that is. Remember 90 degrees F:eek:

01-27-04, 04:05 AM
lol no wind today just -42. ya I pray every day I dont come home to find the power out.
