View Full Version : What happened?

01-26-04, 03:05 PM
Was the site down earlier today, or can you only get on ssnakes at a certain time? Has anyone else had problems with this site today?



01-26-04, 03:17 PM
no not really.....wut time???


01-26-04, 03:24 PM
I'll tell you what happened. I got to work and couldn't get on here so I had to actually do some work and I'd like some answers! How am I going to be compensated for my time??? :)

01-26-04, 03:29 PM
yeah, that has happened to me a couple of times today and yesterday

01-26-04, 03:30 PM
lol why you couldnt get in???? or they log you out?


01-26-04, 03:33 PM
I couldn't get on all day and school was cancelled today because of the extreme cold. Can you believe it, no work and the site goes down!!!!!

01-26-04, 03:34 PM
yea i couldn't get on last night or thsi morning. it would take a really long time to load then amessage would come up andsay there is no page to be displayed.

01-26-04, 03:44 PM
same here

01-26-04, 03:48 PM
yea last night it just said "page cannot be displayed"
that stupid white page...oh how i hate it!!

01-26-04, 03:52 PM
now I can't get onto chat... when I type /join #ssnakess, nothing happens.....

01-26-04, 04:07 PM
The site was down last night and a bit of today but everything seems to be fine now. I know Jeff was looking into the problem and getting it fixed.. Im sure he'll see this and hopefully shed some light on the situation for everyone.

Tracy, i just noticed you entered and left chat in a matter of minutes..

[15:36] * Tracy (ssnakess@57322ea.1383ffec.2f31aeca.1faf4a71X) has joined #ssnakess
[15:37] * Tracy (ssnakess@57322ea.1383ffec.2f31aeca.1faf4a71X) Quit (Client closed connection)

Perhaps you're computer is lagging and you're closing the window before it loads.

01-26-04, 04:10 PM
lol, wow i still had to go to school today ugh, freezing out there burrrrrrrrrr well im glad its back up lol


01-26-04, 04:14 PM
Yep i was upset at work today to. Trying to skimp on doing some work and my favorite website wasn't working. I figured it was some minor problems and it would be up in no time. Plus ratemytattoo.net and allthingsaquatic.com was down. Glad you got everything fixed Jeff.

01-26-04, 04:27 PM
Yea. Thanks for getting it working:D I almost cried!

01-26-04, 04:29 PM
Um... er... not saying that we're addicted to this site or anything to that effect, huh?

01-26-04, 04:35 PM
I couldn't get on either. I actually had to work. I thought working was driving to a building hopping on the internet and chatting on ssnakess.com? :D

01-26-04, 04:39 PM
ha ha, dragndrop, you kno you are as well!!!!


01-26-04, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Auskan
I'll tell you what happened. I got to work and couldn't get on here so I had to actually do some work and I'd like some answers! How am I going to be compensated for my time??? :)

WE DEMAND COMPENSATION!! You don't actually expect us to WORK, do you?!?!

01-27-04, 01:53 PM
I still cant get on from my own computer :( have to use others not even reformatting, reseting the internet works nothing im gonna go nuts im on day three...... without it in my room... I had to watch american idol... if anyone should be compinsated it shall be me.

01-27-04, 02:04 PM
ya these little outages have been happening more and more frequenly of late. Frankly I'm expecting a big DB crash anytime. Mine you dont get the wrong idea I'm not hoping it will happen but I've had it happen to me when a board it the 4000-5000 member mark. Hope they are doing weekly backups

01-28-04, 06:13 AM
Actually the problem is still happening. If I log into my computer as jwsporty, ssnakess still hangs. If on the other hand, I create a new user and then try again, I can get on. Don't know, don't ask..

At least I am back on, jeez I was going through withdrawls..;)

Cheers Jim

01-30-04, 01:46 AM
hmm weird it happened again yesterday, i foudn out that it seems that, the server is down in the morining, when im at school heh, but i have exams now ugh! and i got a day off, i couldnt get on *tear*, hope they fix it soon


01-30-04, 07:15 AM
ohhh so thats whats wrong, it's not just me! yay! and yes I am very addicted! lol, I spend like 4 hours a day here. I would be here more, but I have to stay in my room with the elderly dog because the OTHER dogs down stairs would rip him apart......:( oh well atleast I have a t.v.

it's been doing that to me for like 2 weeks now, i thought it was this stupid computer, it usually is anyways.

Shane Tesser
01-30-04, 07:55 AM
Its a server problem....some sort of upgrade. As it where, i think in the two years the site has been up its only gone down for a matter of a couple hours once or twice. The last downage was the biggest to date, but extremely rare. Be patient, things will get fixed up :)

01-30-04, 10:13 AM
Thanks, Shane. As for me, I snuck off to the school computers, and it's working fine:D