View Full Version : how long will this last?
01-25-04, 02:41 PM
As most of you know (;)) i have a savannah monitor that is about a foot and a half long right now (nose to tail) and i was just wondering how long my tank would last him to the absolute max. The tank is measuring at 5 feet long, not quite 2 feet long and not quite 2 feet tall..about 1.10 feet for both of those. How long will this last the little guy?
01-25-04, 03:51 PM
Well, a properly kept Savanna will reach adult size in less than a year so..........
01-25-04, 04:03 PM
so when he reaches adult size i should up him to a tank that measures 6 long by 2 and 2...i dont have unlimited space but if he needs bigger then he needs bigger but smaller the better..what are your opinions on this up'd tank size?
Not all savs reach full size in a year, it really depends on their history.. 5 x2x2 should be good for awhile, maybe a year, maybe less. its really dependent on your husbandry and the animal itself.
01-25-04, 06:03 PM
I'd say for a full grown, the min should be 8x4x4.
01-25-04, 07:20 PM
noo thats forsure way to big..well not big but more then needed. At reptilia near me they have a pretty much full grown in a tank that is prob 6x2x2 thats why i asked. could be 7x2x2
8x4x4 is big for one sav, but you can never have it TOO big. if you have room, always make the most of the room you have.
7x2x3 tall would be better, so you can have a foot of dirt.
01-25-04, 07:24 PM
could it be 6x2x3 beacuse that owuld fit good in the room where his tank is now..
6x2x2 has been used before with success, for one savannah I dont see why 6x2x3 would be a problem. Worry about it later, focus on the current situation with him :)
If you were in his shoes how much room would you want? His prison cell is only as big as you allow it to be. To get a proper temp gradient and proper temps usable for the animal in its life it needs to be able to move from a hot to cool spot (its whole body, no just a foot or so of it), to a hide spot etc etc. Dont go by what pet stores do as they are after the most animals and profit with the smallest amount of space and resources taken up. Maybe you should have researched these things long before buying the poor animal, limiting a medium sized monitor to a space an ackie or 3 can use is not proper care. I noticed the pic of your animal and its in apalling shape, it may not make it a year if it doesnt get proper care and husbandry. Ask questions of specific nature pertaining to husbandry and take the answers you get from a hand full of people here as most have only a few weeks or so with their first monitor so watch their advice. Vhb is a good source, Mark Bayless, and several others are good, you can email me with questions any time Ill answer them or direct you to someone who can.
01-26-04, 01:43 PM
why dont you stop talking before you know anything. Why dont you also take a look at the other post and she all the things ive changed..why dont you also take a look at how much better hes already doing, and why dont you take a look at your dumb post that makes no sense. I already spoke to v.hb, jeff favelle and asphyxia for the last week and ive changed absolutly everything they have told me to. Sorry for sounding mean but i hate it when people start talking when they see one thing...take a look at the rest of the facts
01-26-04, 04:10 PM
Worry about it later, focus on the current situation with him :)
I think im going to :p
I typed there because I only offered advice and help. You thought I insulted you in that responce??? I read the entire thread and commented with no sugar coating and referenced the animal in the picture you posted, the one that you said "is this a magazine quality photo", but you were offended by someone offering to help you and warning you to watch who you recieve advice from. Im sorry for trying to help you out, and being completely honest.
01-26-04, 11:07 PM
No sorry but i figured you were acussing me of being a bad pet owner...maybe for the first week or two that i had the lil guy i wasnt doing eveyrthing 100 percent, prob 75 and after speaking with a bunch of people id say im doing a great job now. Ive changed everything they told me and trying my hardest to fix my mistakes. Thanks for your concern and sorry if i was harsh in that post i just thought you were stomping on my efforts to fix up what i was doing wrong...
I guess i got the wrong message from these two messages in particular and i still cant understnad what the hell you meant by them
His prison cell is only as big as you allow it to be.
Maybe you should have researched these things long before buying the poor animal
oo and this one
it may not make it a year if it doesnt get proper care and husbandry.
and this is why i told you to take a look at all the posts before you start calling me a bad owner and that he isnt gonna live a year and a bunch of bs like that...sorry bud but those are replies that i dont need to hear
01-26-04, 11:09 PM
"warning you to watch who you recieve advice from"
Shvar who should He/we watch out for?
-PM or Email me
I'm going to intercept here before anything gets a chance to start.
I don't know if you had any intentions of answering the above question with names, but if you were, please refrain. :)
Asking questions like that is asking for a flame war. There is no need to single out other members in that fashion, and it only counters the community feeling we strive for on sSnakeSs ;)
Of course you need to excercise caution when accepting advice, it is the internet and there are a lot of "internet experts" or those that wish to portray themselves as something they are not. You get to know who to trust, and who not to, listen to opinions and if it makes sense, give it a shot, if not then just let it roll on off ;)
SHVar, i think you should phrase things a little different here.. I understood what you meant only because I see you posting on "that other site" but not everyone understands... Jeez its amazing how bitter the people are over there heheheh..
Bartman, he meant "Prison Cell" basically because all monitors are imprisoned. You cannot 100% mimic their natural habitat, its impossible. They roam miles daily foraging for food, we simply cant make up for that with a box.. In no way is that a knock to you, you're doing good man dont worry.
01-27-04, 02:36 AM
I agree with V.hb. SHvar was not trying to roast you Bartman. He was helping. I think you may have mis-read his post. No worries.
You should be careful of the advice you get from anyone on the internet forums including Shvar ( he tends to forget how little he knows). Look for trends from more than one person who are willing to prove what they claim.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Good Luck
Vhb mentioned the bitterness on another sight, and that bitterness showed up in the form of RSGs responce. Thank you for demonstrating this.
I agree with the picture idea, unfortunately I lost all of my JPG images from my old monitors, and minus what was saved at various times on disk (Sobek, squirt, a few others) I lost thousands of pictures during 2 computer crashes. Someday Ill recreate some of those old pics from 35mm etc.
Steeve B
01-27-04, 11:48 AM
SHvar dont let him bother you, I think your a fine jack, cant say the same about rsg who only registered to make such post, must have lots of time on his hands
01-27-04, 12:20 PM
Yea i think i did misread his post
In no way did i want to start a little war here so please lets stop, theres not need for this
01-27-04, 12:57 PM
Okay, so now everyone has had a chance to calm down, apologies were needed, and we can get back to the topic on hand? There's a lot of good info here, it would be a shame to lose it if the thread gets deleted.
dont delete the thread, just the unwanted posts. do that anyways! we dont need this crap :)
I'll explain myself then walk away.
We should all be careful of advice we recieve on a forum, because we have no idea where the advice is coming from. That's why we should look for trends, then make our own minds.
The comment I made in parenthesis was toungue in cheek and not meant as an insult. We (myself included) know very little about these animals, other than there are no absolutes.
Perhaps the other forums are so bitter, because they are perceived that way. In this era of political correctness we can't even have a debate without someone getting thier feelings hurt. This thread will attest to that.
How do you read tone into a post??
No need to delete my posts, I'll not return to this forum again.
i didnt mean you rsg.. just the whole topic going off topic.. i in no way meant you individually. I agree nobody knows anything about these guys.. any advice i give is what works for me, and iam still trying to breed my larger species so i in no way claim to be an expert, but i will offer my own expierience... as well as learn from others.
I think we all make the mistake of unintended sarcasm etc from time to time, but should strive to leave that behind and share as well learn from these wonderful animals as well help each other, after all outside our hobby who cares about our monitors or our rights to enjoy them?
Hey, by the way whats been popping up lately in the incubator?
I always enjoy reading useful info from you RSG.
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