View Full Version : Het for sulfers.........

Gregg M
01-25-04, 02:27 PM
On one if the classified adds I saw baby salvators that are "het for sulfer" going for $1000 USD......... Althought it may be true that sulfer could be a ressesive gene it has not been proven to breed out that way......... I would be careful if anyone is thinking of buying these guys........ There has never been a breeding between sulfers and normals until just recently so there is no real way to tell if this is a true ressesive gene until these babies are bred to eachother...... If you buy these, you may just be paying $1000 USD for regular baby waters....... Any thoughts????

01-25-04, 11:11 PM
Thank's for the info Gregg!

Steeve B
01-26-04, 05:18 AM
sulfur is a locality morph not a genetic trait, the only thing that will happen with these cb crosses they may or may not have more yellow, personally I who’d not pay $200ea much less $1000.
in my opinion this cross takes away the entire value of the real sulphers, aim not talking about the occasional odd sulphers found throughout the entire salvator range, aim talking about the real deal, very few peoples know there locality for a good reasons, they are possibly already exterminated by poachers, so trust me to never give this information, however I will say sulphers are no1 in my book as the rarest living monitor, and one of the most desirable, any one keeping them shod keep them in a vault, get this john!!

01-26-04, 04:30 PM
Porr monitors. Well, someone has to breed them to keep the population up:D

John A
01-27-04, 12:53 PM
steeve, gregg,
thanks for bringing this subject up gregg. theres only 1 way to see what will happen when 2 true sulfurs reproduce...ive introduced 2 animals, got copulation, and after watching and fixing some environmental things, i should get a few fertile clutches this year. steeve, i know they are truly special, rare, beautiful and a great reptile to work with. just ask gregg who lived around the block from me for years, watched cody grow up, he played with her when she was so small, she walked through his fingers. and today, 11 years later she remains amazing in everyway. -john

[URL=http://www.cybersalvator.com ]

Gregg M
01-27-04, 01:06 PM
Yeah, I just dont know if I buy into that het for sulfer thing.......It needs to be proven out....... How can someone sell a het for anything unless it is a proven genetic morph........ I feel it could be, but nobody can say for sure yet........ It could be a locality spacific ressesive gene that for some reason worked out better than the wild gene and became the dominant form on those certain islands........... Like I said though you cant know until those supposed "het for sulfers" are bred back to eachother or to a pure blood sulfer.......... Cant prove it or disprove it yet........ But to me it aint worth the thousand to check it out........ If you want sulfers then buy sulfers......... I never buy het for anything even when it comes to leo morphs......... Hets are too hyped up.......