View Full Version : Fat Tail Feeding and Moist Hide Questions

01-24-04, 02:00 PM
Hehehe as the time draws near for Fat Tails to be hatching...well, still like a month, but whatever. I'm starting to gather things for their new home. But there are two bits of info I haven't gotten.

One, when feeding geckos, I know their staple diet is crickets, and I think I heard it's not advisable to feed other things when they're young. My question is, young geckos get crickets that they won't choke on, I know this. But at what age/size can you start offering mealies and other variety, and furthermore, what shouldn't you offer? And what are all the varieties you CAN offer? As always I know there will be seperate opinions, but I do consider every single one of them. Also, what brand of calcium supplementation do I use for dusting crickets and also to put in the bowl in their enclosure?

Now, as for the humid hide. I already have one for my Spotted Python, as Invictus, when she was doing bad sheds due to low humidity, advised. So I took a tuperware container, filled it halfway with Sphagnum Moss and I now keep it damp. However, when do you CHANGE the moss? Do you EVER change the moss? And I know already that Fat Tails should have the moist hide option 24/7 for shedding purposes and also if you're breeding for an area to lay eggs.

Thank you, as always, in advance :)

PS. I'll see you all at the expo, I'm 100% sure that I'm going now :D

01-27-04, 06:14 AM
Hi Jenn, I'm not sure how much help I can be to you for some of your questions, but I can offer my perspective and what has worked for me :)

I only feed my Fat Tails crickets and pinkies. I've tried other things like wax worms and meal worms, but I find them to be a pain in the butt and of little benefit for the effort (in my situation). I have had Leos and Fat Tails gorge on wax worms only to then toss them back up. This usually hinders thier feeding for a couple days after as well.

I feel well fed, and supplemented crickets offer about everything a growing Fat Tail needs. They provide activity and mental stimulation as well. Pinkies I feed mostly to breeding adults or to bulk up an individual should the need arrise.

For Calcium, I supplement with MINERALL and I use Rep-Cal's Herptivite as a vitamin supplement.

I nesting boxes/humid hides I currently use the compressed coconut fibre. This is my first season doing so, but I have no complaints as of yet :) There is the odd gecko that thinks the nesting box is a great place to go to the bathroom. this will grow fungus very quickly in such a warm/humid environment. I spot clean whenever it is needed (the boxes are checked at least once a day) and replaced as needed.

Best wishes :)


01-27-04, 06:40 AM
I started my babies on crickets and within a month was feeding them a combo of crix and mealies. I don't go in for all that chitin nonsense (not to say that crickets aren't better and have excessive chitin can't cause impaction, but I don't believe that feeding a couple mealworms a week to a young gecko will it).
I fed mine everything; well, silkworms, mealworms and crickets, and a pinky to the occasional gravid female.

I used rep-cal (with the pink label) for calcium and rep-cal vitamins. I mixed a little vits into the calcium to put in a dish in the cage.

I find that eventually, the moss starts to flake and fall apart, that's when I replaced it. As long as it looks/smells/feels good, it probably IS good :)

Good luck, they are amazing geckos!
