View Full Version : Baby Mtn King Pics!!!

01-24-04, 04:34 AM
Hi all thought I'd share these 3 since they are currently "webbound" anyway. These are the last of the 2003 babies that are still around believe it or not! I don't mind having just these guys around for babies though. Kinda nice when theres only 3. With burmation & all the snake rooms looking kinda empty actually. Sort of scary because I'm temped to fill it up heh heh Mark :joker:

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/KNOB M 1.JPG"width="600">

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/KNOB M 2.JPG"width="600">

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/MTN F A.JPG"width="600">

01-24-04, 01:09 PM
Hey Mark! Nice Knobs... amazing red on the head... I used to have knobs and pyro pyro and woodini...and all the mexicanas and lots of traingulum, even arcifera and normal ruthvens
I still love them all, but I keep to breed, and there is surprisingly next to no demand for these gorgeous snakes... I still can't figure out why.
I actually miss my tris and mexicanas. I especially miss the excellent line of sinaloans I once had. Here's a pic.. I worked with these for about 15 years... I was gifted some back last year, but they aren't as nice as my original line from Ernie Wagner

01-24-04, 02:08 PM
You had to go & post a Sinaloan didn't you! I say this because I just got rid of my last 2 around 12 hours ago, DOH! They were a beautiful "future" pair, a 2003 holdback male from my breeders that I had sold to Invictus & Red Dragon & a 2002 female that was from Crimsonking via Katt & Vanan. The only Milks I have now are my breeding pair of Mexicans. I can totally relate to your "market comments". What the heck is wrong with people? They'll buy a Cornsnake morph for $200-$300, but won't purchase any fancy Mtns etc. Far superior snakes in every which shape & form IMHO Even as far as value goes do they really think those Corns will be as worth as much as these guys in the future, LOL Darn people anyway, no wonder I spend most of my time with snakes & on ssnakess heh heh Mark
P.S. You'll have to excuse the poop in the pics, but beleive it or not, its something people like to see when buying these guys. They beleive you when you say they are feeding well anyhow ; )

01-24-04, 02:25 PM
It's a shame. I've been meaning to get a pair or trio of Mnt king for almost 2 years. My heart kind of drops when I see pics of them. Not too sure what's holding me back... :)

Beauties, Mark!

01-24-04, 04:28 PM
Yeah Mark!! I'm right there with you brother...
Just look at the few responses any milk snake posts get... These things are basically living jewelery....so why don't people want to own them... I've been upset, confused, angry..and now just indifferent, and resigned to the fact that they just aren't boids
But if we bastardized them by crossing them with Ball Pythons or corn snakes they'd probably sell like hot cakes.. LOL (still shaking my head)
But then I stopped breeding Ball Pythons in the early 90's because nobody would buy them... so maybe there's hope for tris :)

Have you ever worked with Zonata? They are one group I never had. I tried to order some pulchra many years ago from Larry Keller, but he was having trouble producing them... that kind of chilled my jets so I never tried to get any again

I used to have some really nice blairs kings though... do you still breed blairs?


01-24-04, 06:10 PM
GBs yeah, six clutches this past season : ) I was working with 1.3 they all doubleclutched. 2nd clutches were smaller & I lost all of one. The one I lost the clutch from was not bred again though & all were infertile except 1 egg & some dummy screwed that one, doh! There were a few "bumpy back" ones as well, but again temp spikes in incubation. Darn Calgary weather never know what it will throw at ya & it was messing up my system while incubating the 2nd clutches, nothing too serious though. This coming season I have a 2nd male & he is a true "screamer" in all aspects (ask R&S Scales, the fools heh heh), except he isn't proven yet. He'll get his chances soon enough heh heh.
I had some Zonata Agalma (San Pedro Mtn.) once, but was a newbie, didn't really have the knowledge to properly appreciate them. Anyhow not only did I sell the pair (they were just babies) but I split them, DOH! I know slaps for Mark. I thought Henry P. might have when I told him that had I sold the male & he came by with cash & saw just the girl, heh heh. Anyhow dumb move, but I had just went from around 30-40 snakes to 100+ real quick. As it was I had to start sleeping in the basement because my bedroom had become over run LOL thus "Mark's GONE SNAKEE!". Had to thin the herd to a managable number before any babies started happening, I'm only 1 guy LOL. Can't keep em all, but theres sure some I guy wished he'd kept. Mark

01-24-04, 07:07 PM
Would you guys quit posting those pictures? Every one I see makes me want to add another one to my wish list. There really isn't enough room left here for dozen species, 3 or 4 is the limit. Those pictures aren't making my life easy at all.

01-24-04, 07:50 PM
This is how we covertly recruit the next wave!!(har har!!)
Onwards and upwards my child!!
look into my magic orb... and have sweet dreams of these

01-24-04, 07:59 PM
Isn't torturing the inmates against the TOS?

01-24-04, 10:48 PM
They look awesome Mark! :) I particularly like that last one, with the splash of red on the head -- very nice! If only I had some money kicking around... lol...

And Roy, that is one KILLER sinaloan... I've never been a big fan of them, but that is one that I could definitely see myself owning! Wow :)

01-25-04, 12:07 AM
Thanks Jen, did you ever find that Blairs you were looking for a month back

01-25-04, 01:43 PM
Gorgeous babies Mark - wish I could include a new species. Great pics, as always Roy - some great examples of those guys - enough to tempt anyone. Is very true that they are not as popular as they deserve to be,

mary v.

01-25-04, 01:53 PM
I've been upset, confused, angry..and now just indifferent, and resigned to the fact that they just aren't boids

None truer words ere spoken! Katt has to console me everytime I get upset about how colubrids are thought as "beginner" snakes and not worth money! The last part really gets my goat! Argh!!

All hail the Almighty Colubrids!!!

01-25-04, 11:55 PM
Not yet Roy -- looks like I'll be importing some of the really nice alterna phase ones (which is what I was looking for, and not really finding up here) from the US later this year actually :) Just have to save up my pennies so I can hopefully grab a few other things at the same time and make the shipping worthwhile... lol...