View Full Version : Albino Blood...

Velvet Science
01-23-04, 09:49 PM
We finally got a decent digital camera, so i'll probably be posting pics a little more often now. Anyways, this was the first of three observed copulations between a VPI male albino and a NERD full-striper. The sheen on the female is normally stunning, but she's actually in shed in this pic.



01-23-04, 09:50 PM
Wow, Tyler... that must be so exciting! :D

Was that the bunged up albino blood at the Red Deer show?

Good luck with the pair! :)

Grant vg
01-24-04, 12:59 AM
awesome pairing tyler! Goodluck and keep me posted on babies!

01-24-04, 04:43 AM
SIMPLY GORGEOUS!!!! I was going to get a pair, but since my incident I'm not sure now. Best of luck with them Tyler and keep us posted, maybe I'll be getting some babies off of you:)

Corey Woods
01-24-04, 11:18 AM
Very Nice!!


01-24-04, 11:36 AM
Awesome Tyler! Good luck with the offspring. I hope I win the lottery soon. :D

01-24-04, 02:25 PM
Dam thats what I would love to have is a albino blood. Thats a amazing project your working on. Best of luck. take care Nick

01-24-04, 10:02 PM
When your done with that male, send him over here! Nice paring!

Velvet Science
01-25-04, 12:55 PM
Thank you all for the encouragement- i've never bred bloods before, and may be asking for some of you for advice in the days to come.
Best to you all in the coming season...

And yes, Tim, this is the snake that was so rediculously constipated at the Red Deer show, but somehow, within 1 minute of being handled by Henri, dropped his load!

David Kwok
01-26-04, 12:47 AM
Thats awsome! good luck with the pairing....

He sure has grown since Red Deer


01-26-04, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by Velvet Science
And yes, Tim, this is the snake that was so rediculously constipated at the Red Deer show, but somehow, within 1 minute of being handled by Henri, dropped his load!

I guess Henry scared the crap out of him eh? Too bad, that's usually my job... :D

01-26-04, 08:25 PM
Wow! That's awesome! Good luck with the babies Tyler! And, be sure to send some Invictus' way so that he stops weeping at night. :D

01-27-04, 02:01 AM
I guess Henry scared the crap out of him eh? Too bad, that's usually my job...

LMAO Invictus!

01-27-04, 11:22 AM
Not normally one for albinos, but those guys are very nice! Best of luck with this project! :thumbsup:

Ryan and Katie
01-28-04, 07:48 PM
Holy crap!! Good luck with those! Have the genetics been proven out on the NERD striped line? (co-dom or simple recessive)