View Full Version : A few pics...

01-23-04, 09:41 PM
I had the beardies out for awhile so my boyfriend took a few shots. Btw i really hate my pics taken!!!!

Login (Left, Male), Raven (right, Female), and me in the middle. lol


Raven(my baby girl) and me.


Hope you enjoy.

01-24-04, 01:52 AM
awwwwwwwwwwww. Gorgeous dragons.

Have to ask, Raven looks huge. Is she a german? How big is she anyways ( weight/length ?)

Thanks. Great pics btw

01-24-04, 10:38 AM
They are SO adorable! Raven is a beauty! Can't wait to see the kids! ;)

01-24-04, 11:25 AM
Great pics :thumbsup:

Nice looking dragons you have!

01-24-04, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Bichiraddict
awwwwwwwwwwww. Gorgeous dragons.

Have to ask, Raven looks huge. Is she a german? How big is she anyways ( weight/length ?)

Thanks. Great pics btw

Thank everyone for your kind comments. Raven and Login as far as i'm aware are both Pogona vitticeps (that's what the breeder told me). I haven't been able to weigh raven for awhile, the last weight i have of her was about 300 grams (highest my scale will go). The boy did see the vet about 6 months ago and they weighed him in at 1.2 LBS (the biggest beardie my vet has seen, hehe they had to weigh him on the dog scales.) Login is 19 1/2 inches long and Raven is 19 inches. The reason i think they are as big as they have gotten, is that they have been eating rep-cal food pellets since they were babies and salads since they were about 3 months old. They eat tons of salads, i'm glad they do.

Dragon slave didn't you see the pics of the babies last year, they were so adorible. I can't wait babies should be right around the corner!!!



01-24-04, 03:53 PM
Those are some good chubby healthy dragons! So cute! They do look huge. Isn't german giant just a morph of Pogona vitticeps, though? I probably just misinterpretted the book. In any case, they're beautiful happy looking beardies!

01-24-04, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by norman
Those are some good chubby healthy dragons! So cute! They do look huge. Isn't german giant just a morph of Pogona vitticeps, though? I probably just misinterpretted the book. In any case, they're beautiful happy looking beardies!

Thank you, I'm not quite sure i thought they were another subspeices but now i'm puzzled so i will take a look into and see what i can find, Or if anyone else knows the answer to this i would appreciate it.

01-24-04, 06:45 PM
German Giants are a sub-species of Pogona Vitticeps.....

01-24-04, 06:58 PM
I'm still a little confused. One of the books i have says:
"There are no known subspecies of he beard dragons. All are members of the genus "Pogona"

But then under the "Pogona vitticeps" it says:
A long, large and heavy-bodied race of these lizards is being bred in Germay and they have earned themselves the nickname "German Giant."

I see that as being a subspecies, what do you guys and gals think???

01-24-04, 11:06 PM
From what I understood, German Giants were Pogona Vitticeps that had been selectively bred for size. I would have thought that made them a morph, as opposed to a subspecies. Instead of being bred to be red, they were bred to be large. But then, the fact that they are all under Pogona has nothing to do with whether there's subspecies. Isn't Rankins a subspecies? Anyway, I haven't studied the genetics of beardies or anything. That's just something I came to understand.

Reptile Aaron
01-25-04, 05:09 AM
They are awesome!!!!


01-25-04, 11:16 PM
Those look like two beautiful, fat, happy beardies! Beautiful reptiles Jamie.

01-31-04, 09:47 AM
From the pics I have seen German Giants are Pogona barbatus (Common BD) as opposed to Pogona vitticeps (Inland or Central BD).

P.barbatus (Common BD) grows larger than P.vitticeps. Also barbatus are generally more drab in colouration. There are a few differences but the easiest way to tell are the spines running along the lateral edge. Vitticeps has an orderly row while Barbatus' has spikes running in opposite directions and quite unorderly.

This link has a pic of Vitticeps and a German Giant side by side and (as you can see) the German Giant is definitely Pogona barbatus.

Edit: I think most people know what to type in here?

I hope this clears a few things up for you.

Thanks, Al

02-01-04, 03:34 PM
I'll take the word of the guy from Australia! Thanks Al!