View Full Version : New babies!!!

08-31-02, 04:18 PM
Fresh from the Raleigh show... here's what we got today...

Yes we are both doing the happy dance....

08-31-02, 04:20 PM
Those were the Sumatran Red Bloods... a 1.1 pair for $140 and this is Tiamat - female Columbian Boa for $90


08-31-02, 04:24 PM
congrats......those are beautiful snakes!!!!! wow....they are sooo cool~!

08-31-02, 04:29 PM
Another shot of Tia the Columbian Boa... we got her from Quality Rainbow Boas out of Ohio, USA... Man that show was PACKED! You couldn't hardly move... The Blood Pythons were purchased from Ben Siegel Reptiles from Florida, USA. Whatcha guys & gals think?


08-31-02, 04:54 PM
Congrats! So ya went ahead with the short-tailed kids after all ;) Very nice :)

08-31-02, 05:08 PM
Heck ya... well.. ok... so we got both... heh heh


08-31-02, 05:15 PM
Here's another of the female blood.


08-31-02, 05:16 PM
and the male...


08-31-02, 05:35 PM
That's awsome! Now what did ya's get me ?

08-31-02, 05:38 PM
LOL... tanx... well lesee... we kinda ran outta money... but there's always tomorrow!



08-31-02, 06:02 PM
Here's a couple pix of Tay starting on the new enclosure for the bloods & the columbian... it is a display case that we purchased for a whopping $20 from a local store that was selling them on the sidewalk... can't beat it... it's the size of two vision cages or even a bit larger... we're dividing it in the middle and all we have to do is the door installation, the back and the lights... sure made our job of building a new enclosure a bit easier...


08-31-02, 06:02 PM
another pic...


08-31-02, 06:05 PM
awww, they are all so cute!! How big do those red bloods get? Are they nice snakes? just wonderin!! awesome snakes, congrats and good luck!! BYE!

08-31-02, 06:37 PM

We're not totally knowledgable on this species yet as we've been owners for about 8 hours... {G} but from what I understand from reading on the net and here... thanks to Grant... {G} they get 'around' 4-5 foot and bout telephone pole wide.... hee hee...

As far as temperment... from what I've read the Borneos and Sumatrans are pretty even tempered for the most part.. the Malysians are still noted for an indifferent opinion of bipeds...

Correct me if I'm wrong... Grant? Corey?

We love em' though... absolutely gorgeous snakes... and ours seem to be very well behaved thus far...


08-31-02, 08:01 PM
Great looking snakes

Grant vg
09-01-02, 12:06 AM
Wow Guys!

Thoses guys look amazing! and the boa too...lol:p

I love seeing this species getting the recognition they deserve.....
They truly are amazing snakes.....

Length wise, u can expect those guys to get 4 feet easily....usually maxing out at 6 feet for females from what ive seen.....

As for Temperment, I have not witnessed any difference in it, because its kind of impossible to tell which local they have come from.
The malaysians are said to be more of a "blood red" and nastier...
but i am saying this solely on "heresay"....

Marketing wise, it would be better for those selling them, to say they are from Sumatra...but i dont think anyone really knows for sure, unless u get papers with them....

again Congrats, and feel free to pm/email me with any questions....

Grant vg,
PS. Also doing the Happy dance!:rolleyes:

09-01-02, 06:34 AM
Thanks Grant,

Thanks for the info. Actually, your constant flow of information had a great deal to do with us choosing this species. We fell in love with them as they're drop dead gorgeous... and we wanted bigger pythons that don't neccessarily get lengths of 20+ feet!

These guys seem to be very sweet so far... we have them in a 52 quart rubbermaid with an 11" wide flexwatt over the back 1/3, a shoebox rubbermaid for water, aspen bedding, and we drilled quite a few holes for ventilation.

I have to get the thermometer / humdity gauge today... but our temp gun is reading the suggested temp on multiple tests... There is a slight fog to the inside walls of the rubbermaid? Too much or just right? Like I say, I'm off to buy the gauge today...


09-01-02, 04:03 PM
WOW very nice .Congrats:D

09-01-02, 04:10 PM
ok kewl, dang, they sound like they get to be fat snakes, lol! ok thanx !

09-01-02, 09:30 PM
Thanks everybody... we are just so tickled to have them... had their first feeding tonight - first on thawed as well... and everything went very good...

I'll take some more pics soon... {G}


Grant vg
09-01-02, 11:38 PM
They Ate!?!?!
Great, thats always a good sign...lol

Usually, when its foggy.....thats too much humidity......
Its ok for a few hours after a misting, but i would try to keep it down to 60%.....Constant fogging is usually up at 80-90%+

But ur getting ur hygrometer...so ull be able to monitor it.


09-01-02, 11:44 PM
Yep they ate pretty well... everybody had to be still for a while and we turned the lights down and down the hatch.... {G} - they seem to be still a bit timid... but very sweet tempered. Most likely can be attributed to the stress of the show environment and their change/s in habitat... we're putting the finishing touches on their new enclosures and hope to have them in it by tomorrow or the next day...

Thanks for the tip on the humidity... we think it's too high in their present enclosure as well... have to drill some more holes I suppose... they do seem very content however and they feel great when ya go to handle them...

We are just totally enamored of these beauties.

Jon & Tay

09-01-02, 11:47 PM
Those are three little beauties!

09-01-02, 11:48 PM
congrats on the new snakes!

09-03-02, 08:59 PM
Thanks guys, we're so thrilled with them, thanks for the kind words fellas!
