View Full Version : Insect Nutritional Value : Help

01-23-04, 10:28 AM
I am incorporating some information on feeders into one of my caresheets, as you will see it is on Veiled Chameleons. I would appreciate if you guys would mention any suggestions in regards to the description of each insect. If you have something good / bad / a suggestion about one of them, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

<b>Waxworms</b>: waxworms are relatively high in fat and lack essential vitamins in comparison to the other choices of readily available insects. They are therefore not recommended as a staple diet. They are, however, a great tool for fattening and assisting growth spurts


<b>Moisture</b>: 60.97 <br>
<b>Protein</b>: 15.40 <br>
<b>Fat</b>: 20.12 <br>
<b>Carbohydrates</b>: 2.54 <br>
<b>Calcium</b> (mg/100g): 13.14 <br>
<b>Vitamin C</b> (mg/kg): 23.60 <br>
<b>Calories</b>: 181.08 <br>
<b>Dietary Fiber</b>: 1.60 <br>
<b>Ash</b>: 0.97


<b>Zoophobias</b>: also known as superworms, zoophobias are a great additive to any varied diet. They have an overall fit nutrition level, although they lack sufficient calcium levels.

<b>Moisture</b>: 58.91 <br>
<b>Protein</b>: 18.92 <br>
<b>Fat</b>: 15.07 <br>
<b>Carbohydrates</b>: 5.81 <br>
<b>Calcium</b> (mg/100g): 10.80 <br>
<b>Vitamin C</b> (mg/kg): 9.80 <br>
<b>Calories</b>: 135.63 <br>
<b>Dietary Fiber</b>: 2.20 <br>
<b>Ash</b>: 1.29


<b>Mealworms</b>: mealworms, overall, boast a low nutritional value. They would however, in diminutive quantities, contribute protein and moisture into a varied died.

<b>Moisture</b>: 62.89 <br>
<b>Protein</b>: 18.65 <br>
<b>Fat</b>: 13.64 <br>
<b>Carbohydrates</b>: 3.62 <br>
<b>Calcium</b> (mg/100g): 3.28 <br>
<b>Vitamin C</b> (mg/kg): 38.10 <br>
<b>Calories</b>: 135.63 <br>
<b>Dietary Fiber</b>: 2.00 <br>
<b>Ash</b>: 1.20


<b>Crickets</b>: crickets are the most broadly desired insect for the majority of the hobby. They have an overall balanced nutritional value, which makes them great as a staple diet. However, as with any feeder item, they should be offered with the occasional varied diet.

<b>Moisture</b>: 68.96 <br>
<b>Protein</b>: 20.72 <br>
<b>Fat</b>: 5.74 <br>
<b>Carbohydrates</b>: 3.06 <br>
<b>Calcium</b> (mg/100g): 21.53 <br>
<b>Vitamin C</b> (mg/kg): 105.90 <br>
<b>Calories</b>: 51.66 <br>
<b>Dietary Fiber</b>: 2.80 <br>
<b>Ash</b>: 1.52


01-24-04, 01:47 AM
My suggestions:

Mealworms: are full of chitin and can cause impaction quite easily on certain herps.

What about silkworms and/or butterworms? I use both regularly ( not for cham's though....don't have any of them ).

Looks good though :)

01-24-04, 10:45 AM
I still have to add silkworms and butterworms. I will mention that although butters have a whole load of nutritional value, they are high in fat!

01-24-04, 11:54 AM
Butterworms are actually very low in fat...one of the lowest out there. They also have the highest amount of calcium of any feeder insect. Silkworms have high protein and great calcium levels as well.

01-24-04, 12:54 PM
The problem with butterworms seems to be their name, not the actual nutrition. I've heard from a lot of people who automatically assume they were named 'butter' because of the high fat content.