View Full Version : Wow, she likes super worms!!

01-23-04, 12:11 AM
Here's a little rant to liven things up. I fed my ambanja some Super worms I got from Ryan337 yesterday. Wow. She was one happy looking cham. She munched those things down like you wouldn't believe. I think they will just be a treat though. She ate like 10 of them.

What do you think your Chams like the best? Treat or regular feeding.


01-23-04, 07:30 PM
Hey where is everyone? I guess no one want to post on my thread so fine then. I'll reply to myself, that's how pathetic I am :)

For treats my cham loves superworms. Her new favorite.

For regular Feeding, she gets crickets mostly a few mealies here and there, some silks when I got them and hte odd wax worm when I get a few. She still loves her crix though. Whether out of a cup, free roaming, out of my hand, or when she sits on the cricket tank and pluckers her favorites out. It's funny there's over 100 crix running around below her in the tank and she takes like 30 seconds to get one. She half openes her mouth and follows one then another then follows another. Like it's so tough to pick one out. lol It's hilarious!!

When I feed my elephant I use a 2 step foot stool. He likes to be hand fed. And his ears rubbed.


01-23-04, 07:37 PM
i like to feed supers and crks at the same time so he can choose. and worms are nice because u can put a bunch in and leave them for a few days with a little gut load in there. and crks u have to feed daily.

01-23-04, 07:53 PM
What, you don't have an elephant?

01-23-04, 08:01 PM
I find that some of my chams go nutz for different food i have a male panther who gets all excited with super worms but only eats crix if hungery definatly likes the worms more. and i think that if u feed them lets say silks for a lenght of time when they see crix they will love them the reasions variety is the key is to keep the interested and with a variaty of nutricinal foods...

01-23-04, 08:51 PM
Ever had your cham turn up his nose at the same ol' crickets in mid winter when variety is hard to come by? Try dusting them with spirulina powder. :) I'm willing to bet nothing gets a cham's attention like green crickets (unless it's other green bugs, natural colour or dusted).

01-23-04, 09:13 PM
Hey I noticed my cham has being turning away from crix lately too. maybe it's just a winter thing.

01-23-04, 11:10 PM
DragnDrop- That's a really neat idea. Do they carry the powder at aquarium places?

Gus is a weirdo I guess because he goes NUTS for crickets no matter how often I feed them to him LOL. He loves worms and what not but he really loves his crickets.


01-23-04, 11:16 PM
whats spurulina?

01-23-04, 11:18 PM
It's a food commonly fed to fish.

Here is some general info about it:


01-23-04, 11:22 PM
thanks, i seen your pic of a green tree boa and its my backroudn what a wicked snake


01-24-04, 12:14 PM
I buy human food grade spirulina, and use if for dusting bugs once in a while, and always for fish and tadpole food, fruit fly media and in my cricket gutload. Once in a while when the health food store has run out, I'll use spirulina fish food flakes and pound them into dust. It works too, but it's not 100% spirulina, so I don't like using it often. For dusting to get a cham's attention, it works fine.

01-24-04, 12:19 PM
DragnDrop- thanks for the information! I will be checking for that at my local health food store.

chamitch- thank you! We love the gtp! :D


01-24-04, 03:16 PM
My elephante loves to swim in the pond behind my house. It is really cool when all you can see is the tip of his trunk. LOL.

One of my chams LOVES superworms. I watch her eat them and she ALWAYS grabs them by the head and chomps down on it first. That makes me happy because it puts my mind at ease about their biting. I notice that if they are caught by the behind, they whip around and try to bite the animals face. Too close to the eye for my comfort.
The other chams have all been bitten or something cause they stay away from supers.
I've had a real problem with loss of interest in crickets - it seems to come in waves. I feel like I am wasting my money buying them, as they mostly just die before they are eaten. But, it looks like things are turning around again and we're back to liking them. I will remember the spirulina tip though DD, thanks for that one!

01-24-04, 05:49 PM
ha ha ha LMAO!!!!! wow srry abou the late reply, im wrking on a banner fr the allthingsaquatic site turniing out well heh, lol myne is scared of anything that lpoks like a worm or even a string lol, he'll go mad:S and bite lol, im glad i dont have a snake if he saw one he wuld run like hell lol


01-25-04, 12:13 AM
Ahh a fellow elephant owner. LOL