View Full Version : A couple more '03s

01-22-04, 10:44 PM
First a het/hypo from a hypo to het breeding. I love the orange on this one. It is all over the snake.

01-22-04, 10:46 PM
and a red hypo from '03. A bit of stripe on him.

01-23-04, 01:36 AM
Is the hypo your holdback? Or did it come from someone else? I vaguely remember that snake.

01-23-04, 05:12 AM
It was not really intended to be a "hold back", but the guy who wanted it at Daytona (another breeder) wanted to trade - and I didn't. So I kept him, the het above, and another hypo from different parents this year. I'll put them in the mix in a few years :)