View Full Version : Supplemental heat question?

01-21-04, 11:02 PM
Do you remove all supplemental heat at night for your terrestrial turtles/ torts? Just let the enclosure fall to room temp? If not, do you use a red light for basking and leave it on 24 hrs/day? Any info. is appreciated.


01-22-04, 05:00 PM
What are your temps at night? Since you have a CA wood, I would hesitate to let the temps drop too low. I don't know if it needs a nightlight, but maybe it if can be kept in a warm part of the house.


01-22-04, 05:56 PM
Sorry, room temps are low to mid 70's at night.

01-22-04, 06:15 PM
I would provide some type of heating at night to keep it in the high 70's or low 80's. For most torts/turtles a temp drop at night feels very natural to them as it's experienced everywhere in the wild. My house is always around 78 or 80 so I use no night heating. The enclosures never drop below 78. Researching your torts natural habitat climates would be the most reliable way to determine night time temps. If your unsure use a small Wattage red or blue light at night time. He'll appreciate no change in temp more than being cold.

01-23-04, 01:07 PM
I let all of mine drop to room temperature(22 deg C). Some people keep their houses a lot colder than that, if thats the case I would supply supplemental heat.

01-23-04, 01:21 PM
Thanks zhiv9, I keep my house at the same temp.