View Full Version : Ibd

01-21-04, 01:48 PM
is anyone in canda concerned about having any of there boas contracting this disease?
does anybody know if there has been any prooven cases in canada?

01-21-04, 01:53 PM
I was concerned when I first joined the site, that's the reason I DID join the site. But I really wasn't that educated on it, I had just read a book and my Spotted Python was showing the symptoms.

But yeah, I don't know if there are proven cases or not, but I was once concerned.


01-21-04, 02:09 PM
After reading the chapter in the boa constrictor manual on IBD I became very concerned. After reading that chapter I've put these protocols in place to help protect my collection.
1. Only buy boas and pythons from breeders I know very well.
2. Never touch anything in a pet shop anymore.
3. Quarentine everything and treat it for mites.
A boa can carry IBD for up to two years before showing any symptoms. It is the AIDS of the snake world. It is trasmited through bodily fluids during copulation or by mites and mothers can pass it on to her litter before birth.
I'll never let a boa into my room who's history I can not be sure of for the last two years. That's why I will only buy CBB from reputable breeders.
It may seem like over kill but you know what I tell my students about snow balls, you can't hit someone with a snow ball if you never make one.

01-21-04, 11:09 PM
Wow Trever, you just sounded like my grade 3 teacher, Mr. Scherzinger. I hated him. :medtongue

beth wallbank
01-21-04, 11:33 PM
amen Trevor. It is a horrific thought. I agree with you on your ideas and worries 100%. Is even harder when breeders start to import animals for a buck, dont care what they bring in, and sell it. Before they know it, whatever was imported in those animals is now in their facilities. Sad what the mighty $$ can do to people.

01-22-04, 05:59 AM
mykee do you need a time out???
Mr. Furlotte

01-22-04, 06:29 AM
As common as it apparently is in the US I would be surprised if it isn't also in Canada. My vet works with it a lot and helped develop a live biopsy test for it (liver I think) and told me that something like 50% of the boas he has looked at lately have it and that it has spread all over the world.

I guess the fact that they can live so long with it is the big problem. I work with ball pythons and it's probably best for us that they die quickly so don't have long to pass it on.

01-22-04, 02:41 PM
Mr. Furlotte, dunce cap and all? hehe.

01-22-04, 03:02 PM
That's it I'm calling your Mom. You will respect my athoriti! (Says with a Cartman voice from South Park)

01-22-04, 03:05 PM
How long to pythons have it before they begin to show symptoms? How long to they have it before they die?

01-22-04, 03:25 PM
It can kill a Ball in as little as two months. So I imagine it would not be long before the star gazing starts in pythons.
Practice quarantine and keep your collection mite free. Touch all newly acquired animals last when working with them.
Those are a few points I forgot to menthion.
As for it being in Canada I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Some one can have it with out knowing they have it. Breed the animal that has it and export the offspring to Canada. It will come in that way or through WC imports.
I've been to a very large importer in Montreal. I walked through and looked at how all the animals were being kept. Let me tell you there is no quarantine going on there and all kinds of mites. So for example, one sick snake comes in with mites. The mites spread to the other snakes. Your local pet shop places an order for a boa. The snake arrives and with out any quarantine or acclimation period it goes on sale, mites and all. You go in and spot this really nice with amazing colour and pattern that would be great for your next project. You know you shouldn't buy from a pet store but this animals is amazing and the price is right. Against your better judgment you buy it.
You take it home and place it with your other reptiles.
Then about a week later you notice mites in the new snakes water bowl. You check the other snakes cages and sure enough they're everywhere. After a week of cleaning and battling mites you notice your BP's not acting right. He seems to have a hard time to control the movement of his head. Shortly after that he can't seem to stop staring straight up. All the while your new little boa appears to be fine. Next thing your ball is dead.
It's just that simple.

01-22-04, 04:16 PM
Do you know what the maximum is that they can live? How it is transmitted?

Don't worry, I don't suspect it with any of mine, I am just generally curious.

01-22-04, 05:51 PM
im not great with the diseases but star gazins then one when they roll over right?

01-22-04, 06:55 PM
Star gazing is when they stare straight up, like as if they were gazing at the stars.