View Full Version : Lazy girl
Steeve B
01-21-04, 06:45 AM
Lazy girl
She’s sleeping like a log after jumping on me eating 2 rat pups stayed on my shoulder about 30 min, then as I grab here to put her in cage, she falls a sleep on me again and doesn’t bother with the crazy lace jumping in all directions to impress her, who said nervous specie? They’ve been my favorite pet monitors sins the early 80’s Not without a reason!! A fun.tastic monitor easy to love, simply adorable.
01-21-04, 07:00 AM
hey Steeve,
You never mention your lace monitors any more. What's happening with them? It's hard to tell with a photo, I know, but the one in the background looks like a female. Did they end up being a pair?
LOL great pic! Does V. prasinus share a similar temperament?
01-21-04, 01:09 PM
Nice little gilr budy! Lind's, I think beccari, prasinus and macraei are similar in temperament
Steeve B
01-21-04, 02:16 PM
This photo says it all, first let me say aim a varanophil, I love all varanid regardless of there value, this beccari to me is worth 10 times the female lace, look at her! Theirs a connection between us, she trust me blindly! This is very rare with any monitor and most enjoyable, I have about a dozen such monitors from different species, my most tolerant is a 5 foot ornatus female, so I guess specie has nothing to do with it, however I will admit lace monitors are annoying me big time, its all about food with them, they go hyper and move so fast, its hard to photograph them, I think its an over glorified monitor, in my book its far behind many species much more fun to keep, guess this is why I don’t talk about them much.
Linds; prasinus , macraei, beccari are all the same monitor, its there habitat that made them evolve different coloration, apart from being more fragile humidity wise, they are the same.
Hey Steve, is that the beccari that had severe mouth rot? looks good!
Steeve B
01-21-04, 02:51 PM
no the tooth less beccari is the one on upper left , photo taken yesterday
Such an awesome species, I loved mine!! would love to get more, they really do calm down fast don't they?? I would love a chance to breed them again, unfortunatly not to many people offer them for reasonable prices down here :(
Steeve B
01-21-04, 03:13 PM
This is the mouth rot beccari, about a month and 20 force feedings latter, she’s now doing excellent with her cage mates, she takes food from my fingers without hesitation, obviously not traumatized the least.
V.hb why didnt you ask me, I have 20 now! and just refused 2 females from Bernd edenmuler this morning.
Steeve B
01-21-04, 03:19 PM
I tot somone whod have notised, the first photo is a gravid female, see how the belly scales are distended.
Hey Steve, I sent you an e-mail. Post some more pics of your beccari! i'd love to see more.
01-21-04, 05:14 PM
"so I guess specie has nothing to do with it, however I will admit lace monitors are annoying me big time, its all about food with them, they go hyper and move so fast"
Do you have two females, by any chance?
It's all about food with the males, too, and they go just as ballistic over food but outside of feeding time I get great interactions from my males, so I wouldn't judge the whole species on the two individuals you have (even if they are male and female). I let my males wander around (individually, not together) my place whenever I am home an one of them loves to climb onto me to sleep.
01-21-04, 05:28 PM
Hi Steve,
Very nice, as always
Steeve B
01-21-04, 06:01 PM
doc see my thread on hot females, its only this one female that bugs me, not the specie
01-22-04, 12:40 AM
Cute picture. :) Just seeing that is starting to make me think that I should get one. :)
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