View Full Version : Pics of your coolest looking snake

01-21-04, 01:39 AM
post your coolest looking snake picture here.

01-21-04, 02:05 AM
I can't. All of my snakes are super cool. :D

01-21-04, 02:09 AM
You must have one favorite snake invictus.....lol.......just post your neatest snake. :)

01-21-04, 05:14 PM
I have no favourites, but one of the funkiest looking snakes I've had was the late Bugs. There was absolutely nothing funny at all about the reason he looked the way he did, but needless to say, he still looked neat and always brought a smile to everyone's face o>

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22bugssun2.jpg">
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22hello.jpg">
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22bugssun1.jpg">
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22bugshead3-med.jpg">

01-21-04, 05:59 PM
Bugs certainly was an original - looked more like a gecko than a snake - but sooo cute,

mary v.

01-21-04, 06:00 PM
times like these really make me wish i had a digi cam to bad there so expensive between buying new bedding for all my reptiles and feeding and new plants i just don;t have the money maybe in the summer:(

awsome looking snake by the way


01-21-04, 06:03 PM
That is one cool snake,any offspring that looks similar??

01-21-04, 06:05 PM
I thnik thats a cool looking snake :)

01-21-04, 06:07 PM
what does he have, that gives him his condition

01-21-04, 07:01 PM
Well, OK....

I do have a favorite snake. I don't like playing favorites with my collection, but I love this snake more than you can imagine. He also happens to be EXTREMELY cool looking on top of being a super sweet snake who has never hissed, bitten, or shown any agression whatsoever. I love his super light coloration and his BRIGHT orange tail (these pics do no justice) with the bright white outlines. Enjoy. :)



01-21-04, 08:09 PM
This is the coolest one I produced this year, I think anyhow. He's a Jungle Corn/King & his name is "My Preciousss" LOL Mark

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/PRECIOUS 1.JPG"width="600">

Edit: Well there was also Dually the 2 headed Lavender CalKing (check my gallery), but thats a whole new world of cool, Mark

01-21-04, 08:17 PM
Nice snakes everyone. Lets see some more pics though. I like looking at all kinds of snakes. :)

01-21-04, 08:36 PM
Mark - Dually was definitely the coolest thing ever. Did you see this month's Reptiles mag? They have a big 5 page article on dicephalism (2 headedness).

01-21-04, 08:42 PM
can you get reptile magazines anywhere in canada?

01-21-04, 08:51 PM
gonesnakee that is an awsome snake way to go!!!

01-21-04, 10:30 PM
Bugs suffered from severe brain damage, which was the reason his eyes bugged out that much (you can see the pressure on them in the closeup shots). He was born normal, but due to circumstance, became quite ill. Prolapsing, regurgitating, etc., and he never grew from that time on (He was about 12" or so, the perch in the pic is a plastic coathanger). He passed though many hands in his 4+ years. He was in my care for one year and doing fine the entire time I had him, not a problem until he started to go downhill right towards the end. You can read more about Bugs at http://www.corallus.com/bugs ;)

01-21-04, 10:40 PM
Coolest picture of a snake I've taken, though maybe not the <i>coolest</i> snake. :)

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/youkai/snakes/yum.jpg">

01-21-04, 11:44 PM
I definitely think our female blood python is one of the coolest snakes that we have. *ssssh Invictus, don't tell Buttercup* :p

Nefertiti, hamming up to the camera. :)


Here's another shot of her that I took that I thought turned out really well:


01-21-04, 11:58 PM
Well, maybe not the coolest snake around, but I thought this picture turned out pretty good:


Along with this one (more cute then anything:)) :



01-22-04, 12:19 AM
I think all the snakes look great. at the end of this we should all vote on the coolest looking snake. :)

01-22-04, 12:39 AM
this is the best snake i have ever and will ever own. a man was giving two 4 foot boas away, both colombian red tails. one had alot of bone deformities and the other was "agresive" he said. i got them in a rush and only had one big tank to put them in but they were growing fast and soon it wasn't big enough and they started fighting. the one with the deformities was actually the agresive one, and i REALLY wanted to keep her but had no room so i had to sell her and i miss her SO much. but the other boa became a dream snake. she doesn't even act much like a snake, took some years for her to like being handled but she will (no lie) curl up in my lap and sleep for up to a half hour in my lap. its the neatest thing. i love her to death.

01-22-04, 01:04 AM
My first morph. Sigh! I haven't received him yet -- err, even paid. I'm sending my check out tomorrow :) I can't wait until he gets here! Should have him by the beginning of February depending on how long it takes for my check to clear.


01-22-04, 01:07 AM
well I have a few pic's that I love posting from time to time some ppl hear have seen them so many times.

hear they are:




Girls tend to sy they like me in this pic I have no clue why but that is ok.



01-22-04, 02:37 AM
Here is my favorite pic I have taken. Looks real cool when the pic is inlarged ;) http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/3297Picture_081-med.jpg

01-22-04, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Linds
You can read more about Bugs at http://www.corallus.com/bugs ;)

Actually we cant Linds 404 error. If the page is still up there somewhere....lol forget it I found it. You forgot the .html

full link:

01-22-04, 11:03 AM
Don't have picsof the coolest looking snake I've had (a Nerodia fasciata confluens ) but here's one I do have a pic of still. She's currently being brumated. This snake has been self brumating from it's first winter! Pain in the a**!


01-22-04, 05:30 PM
Just a couple more cool pictures and we should be ready to vote for the coolest snake. :)

01-22-04, 05:35 PM
Dose this guy even keep snakes,snakebeginner ,seems to just post to anything,

01-22-04, 06:38 PM
Weird, because when I click on it it takes me to the site :confused: I never usually put the HTML on the end because it doesn't matter...

01-22-04, 06:45 PM
Linds: it 404's for me too :P

01-22-04, 06:57 PM
Whatever carpetman. Why dont you just shut up. im sick of some of the people here. all they do is hurass me. I'm doing nothing to bother you and still you complain. so why dont you just worry about your self. And yes I do own a snake. It's only a cornsnake but I also have a BP on the way. So back off or just dont talk on my threads please. and I am doing this just to check out different picutes of snakes.

01-22-04, 07:00 PM
Oh yeah for those of you who are nice to me and actually help me out I just want to say thanks to you guys. The message above is for all of the anoying people that keep cutting me down and sayin I cant do anything. Sorry that im trying to learn as much as I can about snakes. It's just I want my snakes to be healthy and not stressed out

01-22-04, 07:01 PM
and also carpet man if you dont like what i am doing then why would you keep reading my posts. Think before you speak please.

01-22-04, 07:13 PM
Cuz thats all there is,,,is your posts,look at the last 3 ,,,you little s***

01-22-04, 07:20 PM
Is it a crime to just chit-chat about herps, or do we need to be publishing scientific papers in this site? Chill out guys.... :)

Here's a cool snake I have the pleasure to own....

100% het albino and she eats like a PIG!!! :D

Gregg M
01-22-04, 08:48 PM
Here is one of my gaboons...... She is almost 5 and a half feet long.....http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/510/1298img_0781-med.jpg

Gregg M
01-22-04, 08:50 PM
And here is my female puff adder...... She is over 4 ft.....http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/510/1298img_1159.jpg

Jeff McFadden
01-22-04, 08:55 PM
I just wanted to say that the pics of the gaboon and the puff adder are awesome. Bitis are amazing.

Gregg M
01-22-04, 08:59 PM
Thanks..... :)

01-22-04, 09:13 PM
Little????cant you see in my picture that im not little. I'm 20 years old. You dumb @$$!!!How old are you 3 years old? I only have 2 posts up write now you fricken idiot. Why are you trying to start a fight with me? Seriously, what did I do to you? Besides nothing. you just start mouthing me off for no reason. If you wanna fight tell me where you live and I will come there and we can settle this my way. And belive me you will be the one to go down. Why can't you be nice like everyone else?

01-22-04, 09:16 PM
oh ya the only posts I have up are "Pics of your coolest looking snake" and "My BP cage"

01-22-04, 09:18 PM
Here's a nice retic:)

01-22-04, 09:21 PM
Thats a cool retic KaHane! :)

01-22-04, 09:31 PM
Here's my favorite....but he's also my first and only so far...



01-22-04, 10:05 PM
That attack was completely uncalled for. If you have a beef with someone, leave it at the door, don't bring it on the forums.

We were all beginners at some point, and it's a shame when we forget what it's like to be enthusiastic about the little things in this hobby :(

Don't let a few people get you down, most of the people are here to help :)

01-22-04, 10:12 PM
no offense but you will come to his house? honestly thats the kind of comment that will make people make the negative comments against you. I can see where you were comming from I used to make all kinds of posts people thought were dumb hey I still do so dont worry about carpetman hes just trying to be a tuff guy.

01-22-04, 11:07 PM
Yea I have to tend to agree, that is the ultimate lamer line, "I'll kick your a$$ in real life", I mean really this is the internet, your most likely never going to meet carpetman so really when you think about it, he's only 0's and 1's. You going to let a bunch of 0's and 1's piss you off that much?

01-22-04, 11:13 PM
Yeah I guess you guys are write and im sorry but im just getting frustrated with people trying to discurig me so I guess I over reacted and im sorry everyone. including you carpetman. :(

01-22-04, 11:30 PM
Ok, that's it. I'm gonna kick everyone's a$$ if you don't admit that this http://img6.photobucket.com/albums/v16/ChristinaM/Promise/brbcloseup9.jpg

is one awesome snake :D

01-22-04, 11:50 PM
My yearling IJ is definitely my coolest looking snake. Here is a link to the most recent pic of him just before entering a shed cycle.


01-23-04, 12:57 AM
Wow those are both awsome looking snakes....sorry but I think Bichiraddict has the coolest snake so far. its so neat looking. :)

01-23-04, 01:43 AM
Ok time to vote and I vote for Bichiraddict snake.

01-23-04, 02:13 AM
not my coolest looking, but one of the better pics i have managed to get..


01-23-04, 10:00 AM
Lindsay,s snake Bugs takes #1 for me as the coolest looking snake

01-23-04, 10:04 AM
Snakebeginner, I'm glad to have you here. I don't keep snakes but I like seeing new faces around here. I've seen your posts around alot lately. Since they are not spam and not useless, I'd say it's awsome you jumped right in and actively participate in the threads. But responding to carpetman with crap like "You'll be the one to go down" is stupid. Instead of him looking like a jerk it makes both of you look bad. Don't stoop to that level when someones rude or no one will want to support you. And you don't know Carpetman, if you went to his house, you might be the one to go down. And it would be stupid and childish to fight over a dumb comment on a forum. Carpetman, go easy on the new guys :) lol
I'm, for one, glad to see you here and give you a warm welcome to snakes.com. It's awsome that your eagerly interested in other snakes and there care. Knowledge is never a bad thing. Welcome Snakebeginner!!!


01-23-04, 10:20 AM
Thank you Gfisher2002,your right,he was the one that said he was coming to my house,for those who think i attacked him,,
And that is Officer Carpetman to you Snakebeginner..
Think before you Speak

Gregg M
01-23-04, 10:42 AM
Ok cool out now carpet man, the kid even opologized to you after you clearly started with him and you still continue......... I just dont understand how a good post like this goes bad........ Hey Snakebeginner, when people stert crap with you for no reason it is best to just ignore them and the will eventually go away......... Linds was right about alot of keepers forgetting how cool it is to siked when you start up........ And another thing to remember is that the only stupid question is a question not asked........ Especialy when it comes to the health of your reptile......... Carpet man, you should know better than that being that you are obviously an experianced keeper........

01-23-04, 10:58 AM
Well i am sick of this,i guess real snake keepers get no respect,,compared to beginners ,,i am done with this thread,,,,mabye this site

Gregg M
01-23-04, 11:08 AM
Hey, I am a real snake keeper and I get plenty of respect........ Not because I keep hots but because I give respect........ Even brand new keepers get respect from me......... Hey carpet man you are probably from same old school I am from when we did not have resorces like this to help us along......... We had to do everything our selves........ But now the world wide web is here and we owe it to our reptiles to do the right thing and pass our knowledge on to other less knowledgable people........ This is a great site and it would be a loss to everyone if you did not post here anymore and pass on your knowledge......... It would also be a big loss if the more experianced keepers discouraged the new keepers from posting........ Questions and things that are simple to us are not that simple to new keepers........ Just keep that in mind......

01-23-04, 12:25 PM
What does it take to be a "real snake keeper"? Because I only have 3 snakes. Does that make me a "not a real snake keeper"? I highly respect all breeders on here. They have a "job" I would die for, but I'm not so stupid as to realize that breeding takes work.

BUT just because people that keep small or medium amounts of herps doesn't mean they don't know what they are doing!

Oh wait, thats right, you were never a begginer, you just popped outta your mom knowing everything about herps......so sorry to have offended you with that label!

I agree that it wasn't right for snakebegginer to have said what he did, but he apologized (sp?). Nothing of the sort should have been said......

And I am sorry if I sounded rude, mean or whatever. I really am. But even though that remark was not directed at me, it really really offended me........

It's as though you were saying only people with large amounts of herps should get respect.

Everyone on this site deserves respect until the point of where everyone starts flamming......

Ok now the nice me........

How dare any of us judge people new to snake/herp keeping.
ALL of us were begginners at one time to!

01-23-04, 01:23 PM
He just replies to anything to move up on posts,which is not right,,like after every pic "Cool snake" that is just crap ,,,posting to move up on the food chain....I have had enough,,if i wanted Drama i would watch a soap opera,,this stops here for me

I,m finished with this!!!! GOOD BYE

01-23-04, 01:57 PM
Well carpetman I just wanted people to feel welcomed coming to my thread. and I just want them to come and keep posting so we can have interesting discussions. I also dont want to fight with you. I said im sorry. so can we please be civil to eachother. and please dont leave this forum cause I know I over reacted. so please lets get along.

01-23-04, 02:14 PM
How do you know he's replying to anything just to "get further up on the food chain"? People don't post their pictures of their beautiful animals for them to get ignored. Who cares if he posts to pictures, and says "Cool snake". Maybe he really thinks its a cool looking snake. I know I do. So what...? He also probably hasn't seen many of these "common" snakes that he replies to, and when he see's them, he literally thinks "Cool snake!". I don't know, but neither do you. So what's the point. I mean, it has to give something away when his username is "snakebeginner". It's not like he came on here to be a troll or spam something.

He looks like a good guy, to me, even though that one post he made was completely unnecissary. He learned and apologized. Now be a grown-up and move on; it was a petty mistake.


rattler keeper
01-23-04, 02:15 PM
Drama is right....dont want to be involved

Coolest snake GreggM,s Gabboon she,s a beauty

01-23-04, 02:19 PM
thank you Jennifer for the message. That makes me feel better. And I do say "cool snake"and stuff like that cause I havnt seen to many different types of snakes and I do think they are all cool. and I am obsesed with snakes now too. (it used to be tarantulas)

01-23-04, 02:26 PM
Okay after looking through what was mostly arguments, and a few snakes, Bugs is the one for me. Bichiraddict is my next favorite.

01-23-04, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by carpetman
He just replies to anything to move up on posts,which is not right,,like after every pic "Cool snake" that is just crap ,,,posting to move up on the food chain....I have had enough,,if i wanted Drama i would watch a soap opera,,this stops here for me

I,m finished with this!!!! GOOD BYE

Nice assumption there. Why are you so obsessed with what he is doing and how he is posting anyway? So what if he is posting to "move up his post count?" Everyone posts and their post count gets moved up. He's not spamming, he's not posting constant, random junk, so WHO CARES? He is asking questions and responding to posts the same way as everyone else does. Is he suppose to go in-depth in responding to people who post pictures of their snakes?

And what difference does it make if one is a "real snake keeper" or not? Do you deserve more respect than him here because you have more snakes than he does? No! Everyone deserves respect, from those who have hundreds in their colletion to those who haven't even purchased any reptiles yet but who are looking to get into the hobby.

Man, he's even apologized to you and you are still acting like a little brat, running off stomping your feet and crying. I hate it when people threaten to leave discussion forums. Is everyone suppose to beg you to stay? You're acting rude and inconsiderate, even after snake<b>beginner</b> apologized.

Grow up for crying out loud! None of this even started until you went and made that comment about him not having any snakes (again, WHO CARES?), as if he doesn't have any right to be here. YOU need to think before you speak, because if you hadn't said anything, this thread would be just as calm and enjoyable as it was in the beginning.

And my vote goes to Bugs :)

01-23-04, 02:40 PM

*Standing and Applauding you*. I agree with you 100%. Not that it matters to anyone. :o)

01-23-04, 02:50 PM
Leave it to others to open their mouths,elevation24 and mrs ogle kiss my a**,,when was this any of your business,,their is all kinds of other sites on snakes this is not the only one!!!!!!

01-23-04, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by carpetman

I,m finished with this!!!! GOOD BYE

Liar. :rolleyes:

01-23-04, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by carpetman
their is all kinds of other sites on snakes this is not the only one!!!!!!

Then by all means, go and post on those sites. No one is forcing you stay here, nor is anyone forcing you to reply.. Maybe they other sites will like your attitude..

Thread Closed..