08-31-02, 11:43 AM
Could a mite-free boa exibiting these symptons over 2 days at most have internal parasites? :
Lying stretched out (not all muscles strained, but jsut not curled up like a normal snake would be); dehydrated-looking with dry wrinkly skin; when picked up, it just dangles with it's mouth wide open; followed by death. Very little movement, the snake never throws it's head about or has spasms.
If it's not parasites, what else could it be?
Any insight would be appreciated,
Could a mite-free boa exibiting these symptons over 2 days at most have internal parasites? :
Lying stretched out (not all muscles strained, but jsut not curled up like a normal snake would be); dehydrated-looking with dry wrinkly skin; when picked up, it just dangles with it's mouth wide open; followed by death. Very little movement, the snake never throws it's head about or has spasms.
If it's not parasites, what else could it be?
Any insight would be appreciated,