View Full Version : How do I convince my mom on letting me get a ball python.

08-31-02, 09:07 AM

08-31-02, 10:47 AM
My mom said there was no possible way she would let me get a snake. So I got 2, lmao. She was always teaching me logical thinking, and to say what you mean. She should have said theres no way for me to have any snakes, but since she didnt, she couldn't get mad at me for not being specific enough :)

08-31-02, 10:50 AM
LoL Wow my mom would have killed me!!

09-01-02, 09:46 AM
I have a better way then that!!!

I gave my mom 1.1 childrens pythons as a Christmas Gift, knowing full well that she would never ave the inckling to go feed, clean, water etc... But, somebody had to do that!!! So, I assumed the role as care giver and naturally the snakes became mine. All while my mother became use to the idea of having snakes in the house. And realized that it wasnt as bad as she had though. And now I have about 14 snakes and that isnt even a year later.

See most mothers just have a psychological block saying NO SNAKES! WHen really they have no reason at all for it. Good Luck!!


09-02-02, 09:50 AM
bring your mom to someplace where she can handle one! My mom didnt want me to get a bp. I got one since 1 yrs. She didnt want me to get 1 mouse.I got 75 mice in my garage ;) + 10 rats!
She like to see mice when they are babies hehe :P...

Get a young BP...its so cute and fragile ..she will fall in love with him ;)

09-02-02, 09:27 PM
lol.. my mom was like dead afriad of snakes.. but i kept the snakes in my room and i took care of them and everything.. so now she doesnt really care.. and doesnt go into my room too.. win win for me.. :D

09-03-02, 02:26 PM
my mom is still deathly affraid of them. They live in my office and im not allowed to take them out when shes around. She thinks "python" means they will strangle and eat me, even though the little guys are only 4-5 monthes old, lol.

09-06-02, 08:01 PM
My parents are VERY scared of snakes... i keep mine in my room and they on'y see them when i walk around the house with them on my shoulders, so they don't mind... they just don't like hearing *THUD* when i bang the mice against the wall

09-06-02, 08:14 PM
Heehee! My mother said "NO SNAKES in my house!" and now I have 2, soon to be more...I also remember her saying "NO RATS!" several years ago, too...and since then I've had 8 of them! And, though she won't admit it, she loves every one of my animals...if she hated them she wouldn't cuddle the rats or ask me all kinds of questions about my snakes when I have them out...she's even said that my corn is "a very pretty snake"...I never thought I'd hear that!