View Full Version : Females

01-18-04, 09:06 PM
Hey guys, i wanna change, and move to the next level keeping a female, im up to it and will to go lengths for this girl, looks for a nosy b, i just dont know where i could get one, and its a pure nosy b, i just love the blue, anyone wanna give me ideas?? Havnt seen trace posting...or is it just me lol srry going off topic


01-18-04, 10:33 PM

Check out these amazing chams

01-18-04, 10:36 PM

01-19-04, 12:37 AM
females are a lot of work compaired to a male make sure you know what u are getting into. Sounds like u want to breed can u afford to raise and feed. and find homes for all the little guys? Just some things to keep in mind...If your gonna breed if your not gonna breed I doubt that it maters what local u get. All female panthers look similar hard to tell local, so make sure u know 100% and trust who u are getting it frome. Try looking at the reptile show.

01-19-04, 10:52 AM
Yeah, I'd wait for the spring reptile show. I don't think femlaes are hard to keep care of at all. Especially for you meow. It would be hard if you are one of those people who don't watch their chams and therefore don't notice behavior changes. And for me, my panther is almost a year old now and she hasn't laid eggs yet.
The only thing I'd like to caution about is that the more chameleons you have, the less time you have to spend with one individual socializing it. They may become nasty as a result, causing you to spend even less time with them. Then you may have to worry about not catching the clues your female gives you about her special needs.
Just some things to think about. But otherwise go for it. My female panther is my favorite out of them all.

01-19-04, 04:38 PM
nah dnt want to breed just wanting a femae, nah i give all my chams full attendtion, and my baby veiled hates me but slowly i played with it often and being nice a gentle, hand feeing(very hard lol) and now its becoming a gentle cham hehe just loving him, im really looking forward, and that this is the next steup for me:) and ya believe i stare at these guys for hours lol, thanks for the tips guys


01-19-04, 05:23 PM
I find females to not be as tollarent of things as males. My females eat more drink more you have to watch there food intake ect... An area must be created for laying. you have to be aware of all her signs and behaviour. and i find the females to hate interaction. thats just my opinion of course Personally i think if your not planning on breeding get another male of a diferent morph. or another species.

01-19-04, 05:25 PM
never thought about that, i find females these days are very hard t find, if i happen to get a female, im up to it:) but ya ill lk up oter morphs any suggestions??
