View Full Version : My turn to vent!

01-18-04, 02:18 PM
On occassion, I've read in the forum where sellers are upset with buyers. The complaints are that they try to talk down the price, make commitments and never follow through, etcetera. Well, I saw an ad on herptrader.com and sent the guy an email on Friday. I got pics back and asked about sexes. Several emails went back and forth and I had three in mind that I would have like to have gotten. I never tried to beat him on price. Unfortunately, the seller sent me an email saying he sold one of them (that's ok as I didn't commit yet) and that the price was raised on the others. The price was almost double! Needless to say, I won't do business with that individual! Some people!

Sorry for the rant!


01-18-04, 02:21 PM
Don't be sorry, that was very insightful. I hate it when people make decisions that were not originally part of the deal. Seriously there was no reason for that price to go up as if he sold that one and you bought the other two, he would have gotten the same amount of money. Just because there is an extra buyer that doesn't mean there should be a huge jack up in price.

01-18-04, 02:31 PM
Those are the people that don't end up selling their animals.

01-18-04, 02:46 PM
I hate that too. I wanted to buy a Tank off Ryan337. He dropped the price lots to help me with my steam pipes bursting(flooding) and Christmas bills, and getting laid off, I had NO money still to buy it. He was very understanding and polite. A real pleasure to talk with. Too bad more people like him aren't around. If you see this guy selling something, I would say his word is good. Great guy.

Then there's a crooked lying weasle (not to insult weasles, lol) that likes to sell Russian Torts as Captive Bred when infact they are Wild Caught, in poor health, and loaded with parasites. He also sells snakes claiming they are Albino Hets and such when they are not. He ripped me bad along with other buyers who sent him money and got no tortoise. A complete imature loser. If anyone wishes to know who, PM me. I'm not one to publicly announce his name. Although he could use an onslot of heckling and a good kick in the rear.

I guess you just have to get to know someone before you trust them. It's a shame.


01-18-04, 03:16 PM
In my opinion there are too many people out there trying to portray them selves as something they are not. Hobbist who call their downstairs herp room a "facility". The Sutherlands have a facility, Reptile Head Quarters is a facility. A spare bedroom (which is what I have BTW) is not a facility, it's a spare bedroom with herps in it.
And I say if someone is going to try and act like a retailer then they shouldn't get mad when they are treated like a retailer. Hey this is capitalisim and a buyers market. If I don't like the serivce at Zellers, I can go to Wal-Mart they have all the same stuff anyway.
Dealers don't like tire kickers well too bad. When I buy a snake I spend a lot of cash and I want to be 100% sure I'm getting quality so I ask a tone of questions. If they don't all get answered I take my money else where, I've done it before and I'll do it again. As for price though, I don't think I've ever asked an established breeder to lower their price. When I buy from Roy Stockwell and Don Patterson I don't ever ask them to change their price. I pay what "they" ask because I know what I'm getting from them is worth every penny. But if it's one guy that may have something for sale that I might want (not how I buy my animals BTW) I may see if he wants to move a bit if I don't think it's a fair price.
My very own little rant too I guess,

01-18-04, 04:33 PM
In my opinion there are too many people out there trying to portray them selves as something they are not. Hobbist who call their downstairs herp room a "facility". The Sutherlands have a facility, Reptile Head Quarters is a facility. A spare bedroom (which is what I have BTW) is not a facility, it's a spare bedroom with herps in it.

I agree and I think its silly that people try to mislead in this way because sometimes buying from the "family/spare bedroom" breeders is a better choice. Smaller breeders may not have as many species and what not but they have more time for each baby at their "facility" LOL. It's true though.

In the end honesty is the best policy on all things and its easy to tell who lives by "honest is the best policy" and who doesn't.


01-18-04, 04:39 PM
I am pretty sure that weasel's name starts with a K and finishes with EN

01-18-04, 05:10 PM
I'm glad someone touched on that facility thing!! I almost doubled over in laughter last night when I went to someone's page...and pictures of 'their facility' included two or three melamine racks...LMAO.
Every time I see that stuff I get a kick out of it.

01-18-04, 05:27 PM
I think my biggest rant is ppl who claim to have bred certain animals that they have not.. especially when u know the person and know what they have and have bred.. Tehres a few on this site.. not gonna name any but .. Its wuite annoying to see tjem go..

Jungle Jen
01-18-04, 05:42 PM
I am interested in who this weasel is. I think I may have unfortunately been mislead by him as well. :(

01-18-04, 06:54 PM
Yeah, come on we all want to know who the weasel is!lol!

01-18-04, 07:23 PM
No names in the forums. He said to PM if you want to know who he's talking about. Also don't forget there's Canadian BOI now. Here's the link, http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=614

01-18-04, 08:19 PM
There seems to be alot of breeders/ buisness that will take any chance to rip u off. 2 years ago when my mom bought me my first snake( nicky my corn) for christmas the guy had told her that it came with a 20 gal tank and then i had told her to get the hide box and stuff so then i compared it to my cousins 20 gal tank and it turned out to be a 10 gal:@
it was at pjs in sherway mall i never did switch the cage i suppose two years after the fact is a little late but it goes to show u should really research the person/place ur buying from.

01-18-04, 08:54 PM
I would like too know why you guys think a bedroom can't be a "facility". And why people have too have one to make a sale. I know for a fact you people would be suprised at where many people produce their animals and where you get them from. It's how you take care of them not where they are at.


01-18-04, 09:01 PM
No one said you have to have a facility to make a sale. No one.

What Boidkeeper said was its funny too see people calling a spare bedroom a "facility"

A bedroom in your home is not a snake facility. It's a bedroom in your home. It's a home based business, its a small hobby breeding room, its not a facility that has been designed and constructed as a snake breeding facility.


01-18-04, 10:05 PM
That's exactly what I meant and Marisa.
The fact that snakes are being bred at home is not my problem, not at all. In fact I think it's probably the best way of doing it. That way it's a bit smaller and better taken care of. My pet peeve is people trying to pass them selves off as owners and operators of large breeding facilites just because they think it will make them look more proffesional and therefore sell more snakes. There proffesionalism usually stops there though, that's the problem. They strive for the apparence of something big with out the responsibility of something big. What I mean is they portray them selves as a large proffesional breeding facility untill there is an issue.

01-19-04, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by gfisher2002
Then there's a crooked lying weasle (not to insult weasles, lol) that likes to sell Russian Torts as Captive Bred when infact they are Wild Caught, in poor health, and loaded with parasites. He also sells snakes claiming they are Albino Hets and such when they are not. He ripped me bad along with other buyers who sent him money and got no tortoise. A complete imature loser. If anyone wishes to know who, PM me. I'm not one to publicly announce his name. Although he could use an onslot of heckling and a good kick in the rear.

You can't import tortoises or turtles into canada for sale as pets. If I were you I would report this guy to the proper authorities.

01-20-04, 12:07 AM
Didn't have to. Found out through a reliable source that he got busted with illegal imports. They took the animals and gave him a fine. Big woop. Should have thrown him in Jail and let a couple ballbusters make a playground out of him. I hate people like this. When he claims they're CB, it's hard to acuse him of otherwise to the authorities.