View Full Version : Do you think they know?

01-18-04, 01:06 AM
Rat keepers say they are very intelligent animals. Tonight I fed off one of my rat fuzzies, and now the mother is sitting here looking at me very reproachfully. She wasn't in the cage when I removed the fuzzy, but as soon as I put her back, she blocked up the entrance to the nest and is now just sitting in the corner looking very dejected. I don't feel bad about feeding - that is what I got them for, after all - but I also don't like causing distress. Do you think I'm just imagining this, or have others who have been doing this for awhile found that their mother rats get very stressed out by it? If I'm not imagining it, will she be over it by the morning do you think?

01-18-04, 01:22 AM
My rat moms seem to know also, but they forget soon enough when there are 14 babies latched on to her nipples sucking for dear life.

01-18-04, 02:57 AM
I got a pair of Dwarf Hamsters and i take their babyes after like 3-7 days after birth, and after about 2 month the parents especially their mother became soo agressive towards me! lol, from know on when i poot my hand in, she runs from one end of the cage and trys to byte me and some times does. Very painfull! When my friend picked hir up she did not even straggle.

01-18-04, 08:37 AM
Well when I took one the first time I did it when she was distracted, so I don't think she even noitced. But the second time, she noticed! She lunged for my hand. I had to pull her out by the tail.

She had 10, now she has 6, She came and sat and stared at me fora good 15 minutes after I took 3 more babies, with her paws holding onto the side of the cage and her nose resting on the wire........just staring, as if to say "is this how it's going to be"......so me being me said......"no only for a while, then you will be retired as a pet with one of your daughters for company (I know I'm strange, lol)
Then later I went to count them to make sure she didn't eat any, I can pick her up and give her cuddles and treats. She seems to just understand.
She comes out about every 2 hours for about 2 hours, running around the cage, climbing the side of it, getting into the hammock (this is rats that will be retired pets so they have a "proper" sized cage), eating, and rebuilding the nest. Then I don't see her for about an hour and she comes out and does it again.....

01-18-04, 05:36 PM
Sapphire, LOL - you are as soft-hearted as I am! My rats are also pets and have a great set up. I can't imagine feeding off my mothers once they are retired as breeders, even though I know that makes sense. My mother rat seems ok today and it will be a few days before it happens again.

01-19-04, 12:29 AM
well only 2 of mine are pets. we have a 1.2 group that when they are done, will be fed off. 2

01-19-04, 12:30 AM
well only 2 of mine are pets. we have a 1.2 group that when they are done, will be fed off. 2 of the feeder mothers daughters will be kept for breeding and one of my pet rats males will be kept to add in for new blood. But have to be sensible about it to. Once they die (naturaly) then they will be fed off, not buried.

01-19-04, 11:22 AM
The females never behave any differently, I can usually take the babies at will, it's only if I'm waggling my hand in there for a long time that they may take a nip. However, all the rest of the rats view me as the hand of death I'm sure. The second I open the tub they all run wildly to the back, climbing over eachother in panic. They never used to do this when I killed them in a speerate room, but now I do it right in front of them :eek: Even the babies are just as scared of me from as soon as they can manage to run :rolleyes: I think their parents have been telling them stories! :p