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I went up to Tobermory for 10 days and spent some time looking for snakes....I found quite a few garters, a ribbon (i think....he took off like a rocket when I spotted him), a smooth green, a water snake Eastern Massasauga. I shot a few pics of it and will post them once they're devoloped...if they turn out!(still with my crappy!). Anyhow, it was about a foot long and I was surprised to find it in a high traffic area.
I talked to a few Parks people up there and was told that they have a tracker studying the behaviour of a rattler with a monitor implanted and most of the other ones found are in areas away from people. They also told me that they had a decoy placed on the road and found that many people would swerve out of their way to HIT the snake!! That is sooooooo ignorant!! I think they should be pulling those peops over and fining them!!!Large!!
I wonder if re-introducing c.b. into the wild is a possibility?? Seeing they are endangered....
Wow Yvonne! I have not gone snake spotting in years but with my rejuvenated love of snakes I will hopefully be going soon!
Cant wait til you get the pics!
08-30-02, 11:41 AM
Glad ya had a great time Yvonne Kostecki :) Hurry with those pics!
08-30-02, 02:26 PM
I've heard many people talking about doing this but just put a nail through the head of the snake. That will teach them to run over defenseless snakes.
08-30-02, 03:41 PM
Can't wait to see those pics!
That's awesome! So glad ya found one. They are so scarecely found, maybe the populations are building a little wee bit? ANyhoo, gald ya had a good time, and can't wait to see those pics! :D
We have to remember that alot of peoples hate for snakes stems from the fact that our grandparents as children living on farms were almost certainly doomed if they were bit by a poisonous snake. And that teaching pretty much is passed down to their children. Even though now we are not in as much danger from snakes since we are destroying their habitat and driving them out of our housing areas some people still just have a bad disposition to them.
well yvonne it sounds all in all you had a good experience
sorry to hear about the idiots swerving to hit the snake but hey there everywhere(the idiots not the snakes)
Linds you hit the nail right on the head and took the words right out of my mouth. All the time we spent in Michigan woods looking for one and NEVER, EVER seeing a Massasauga in the wild and Jon lived there for 26 years and never saw one! We had to go to the Natural Science Museum to see one in person, in Michigan!
That's a heck of a find!
Big Scott, I really like the nail in the head idea!!...that'll learn 'em!...hee,hee!
Linds, I'll be super ticked if the pics DON'T turn out...I took about half a doz. from different angles, they'll be up soon... I hope you're right about the numbers rising....the parks and parks offices in the Tobermory area do have bulletins teaching about the Mass. and how to deal with it when encountering one. I think this helps with the preservation.
Syst3m, I see your point and I think there ought to be more education these days especially when it relates to endangered species. One thing I've learned about the Mass. is that they're venom is not terribly potent and judging by the reaction of the bite some people are not even treated when bit....another important thing to note is that the Eastern Massassauga is NOT an aggressive rather run(slither:)), sit still, or warn you with a rattle if it has been discovered. I was hovering around the one I took picures of for around a minute and he just rattled.
As well, many of the bites recorded were people trying to pick them up or poke at them. Most bites recorded were on the upper body. I think if more people were aware of these facts their numbers would not have dropped so drastically.
08-31-02, 04:32 PM
thats cool about finding the rare snake :) tobermorry is such a beautifull place to visit I hiked the peninsala be4 (sorry bout the spelling) its a great hike.. did it a few years ago... wanted to go back this summber but waited to long to book the time off work 8-/ going to go for a camping trip next year hopefully up there again....
Man, I haven't been to Tobermory in years. I need to plan a camping trip that way soon.
Great find Yve, can't wait to see pics.
It would be great to captive breed and release Michigans only native venomous snake, would seriously make me consider keeping a hot, however, because it is endangered and native here, I'd need a permit to keep them. I wonder what the steps are and how hard that permit is to get?
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