View Full Version : Feeding question

08-30-02, 03:51 AM
Ok here is my question. I am not sure I am feeding my adult corn enough. I give him an adult mouse and he swallows it and searches for more. His diamater is about the size of a roll of US Quarters. You can not even see or feel a bulg in his belly. Should I be feeding him rats and if so what size?

08-30-02, 03:36 PM
Rat Pups are about the largest Meal I have seen used for a corn.
But thats not to say that you cant get them to eat a larger rat. I've seen them take on some pretty heafty meals. you can also try feeding your snake 2 mice. I'm still trying to figure out if I should move up to a new meal for my baby. She is growing so fast I dont even notice it until I feed her.

09-02-02, 02:29 PM
My corn will eat anything i put in their including my hand, he will eat anything even if it is too big for him. I would say you could stand to move up a size of rodent.