View Full Version : Chicken Mash?

01-16-04, 06:51 PM
Anyone know where to pick some up in the GTA? Trying to breed my own nightcrawlers, been reading that Chicken Mash is a good feeder for nightcrawlers, but got no clue where to find it, any thoughts?

01-16-04, 07:03 PM
Try a local Co-Op not sure if they have them there or not but you could phone to find out.
Hope that helps

01-16-04, 07:17 PM
check with your bulk pet food stores if they're dealing rabbit feed and such they can probably just order in for you , make sure its not medicated thou

01-16-04, 09:11 PM
have you checked wormman's worm farm?

01-17-04, 12:53 AM
Vengence: if you can't find a Co-Op in Toronto, im pretty sure there are a couple in Markham (if travelling isnt an issue). If you have no luck with that, you could always visit your local walmart, they sell a product (in the sporting/fishing) section that is for worms. Its a type of food that you just sprinkle on the dirt and or newspaper (not sure what you're using) and is really cheap and lasts a long time too..

01-17-04, 01:09 AM
Lisa127, we're in Canada. Isn't the company your talking about located in the states?

01-17-04, 09:39 AM
Ren's feeds sells it
But chicken mash is medicated. I found this out when attempting to buy it for crickets. I was quickly switched to Duck Starter which I was told is exactly the same mix but without the antifungals and antibiotics.
this stuff is grain based... It mildews almost instantly when wet, so I'm not sure it would be the right stuff for worms

01-17-04, 10:31 AM
"chicken mash" - a.k.a. "distiller's dried solids" is available very cheaply at any agricultural feed store. Sometimes it's called "chicken feed" & is the leftover byproduct from the manufacture of whiskey. Also, feed stores sell "cracked corn" - same stuff before it is made into mash & fermented. Cracked corn needs to be cooked in water - just boil it for 15 minutes or so - before it is used as worm food. The boiling "converts" the starches into sugars, which is necessary for either fermentation or digestion. "Sour Mash" whiskey is made by boiling cracked corn, fermenting the resultant "mash", then distilling off the alcohol. The sludge that is left over is dried & sold for chickenfeed as "distiller's dried solids" - chicken mash.

01-20-04, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Matt_K
Vengence: if you can't find a Co-Op in Toronto, im pretty sure there are a couple in Markham (if travelling isnt an issue). If you have no luck with that, you could always visit your local walmart, they sell a product (in the sporting/fishing) section that is for worms. Its a type of food that you just sprinkle on the dirt and or newspaper (not sure what you're using) and is really cheap and lasts a long time too..

Thanks Matt I'll go check out my local walmart tonight.

Thanks to everyone else for all the other great ideas. I'm keeping the nightcrawlers in peat moss at the, seems to be working fine. Just need to get them some food to eat.

reptile boi
01-20-04, 03:56 PM
Any/all farm supply/feed store carry chicken feed. There are some in toronto, jus look in your yellowpages under farm/feed stores.


Michael Gibson
01-24-04, 11:16 PM
When I used to teach an elementary classroom in Toronto a few years ago, I used to buy duck mash at a hardware store on Dufferin a few blocks above Bloor. It used to be a Home hardware at one point but was privately bought out. I think the name was Bastone (?). They served all the little backyard farmers in the area. If you look under hardware in the Yellowpages and look for an address on Dufferin and call and ask for duck starter, you'll find them. Hope this helps.


One More Herper
01-26-04, 11:02 PM
This guy sells feed for most animals and if he dosent have it, he can usually get it

Ren's Feed & Supplies Ltd.
4002 Trafalgar Rd.
Oakville, ON., L6J 4Z2
Tel: 905-257-4611 or 1-800-610-RENS(7367)
Fax: 905-257-4614