View Full Version : help plz

01-16-04, 04:22 PM
my red tail boa has not been eating and has a scab on her but.can any one help

01-16-04, 06:31 PM
how long has it been since its eaten? have you tried giving it a bath? it could be constipated so try leaving it in water for about 30 min( it should be luke warm water). also your temps could be wrong.there is a bunch of reasons why it wont eat. what r u feeding it? have you changed cages recently?basically have there been any changes recently with the snake? even the small stuff counts when it comes to the snakes appitite so if you can think of anything then post it then maybe w can help you

01-18-04, 08:47 PM
ok man i will try the bath

01-19-04, 07:36 PM
I wouldn't be inclined to believe a bath would help in this siutation. It definitely sounds like it is husbandry related if the snake has a sore/scab on it. Where is this scab located? How long has it been there? Do you know how it got there? Do you feed live? What are the cage conditions like? Are there any decorations that could be injurious? Is it damp? What kind of substrate are you using? What is the overall humidity? What are your temps? How long have you had it? What kind of enclosure is it in? How old is the snake? What kind of prey are you offering? Was the snake eating fine before? We definitely need more information if we can even have an idea what is happening...