View Full Version : How many of us bought snakes they wanted when they were little kids themselves?

Aztec Fred
08-30-02, 12:35 AM
I know...i know..strange question eh?
But honestly, howmany of us have bought snakes or reptiles that we,
when we were little tikes, wanted and adored and longed for?

Some animals stick in your memory, example: The vast majority of people that purchase Eastern Indigo Snakes from me REMEMBER them from when they were little and were ENRAPTURED by these fine serpents.
I myself was *SMITTEN* by the following species:

Eatern Indigo Snakes: Saw them in the lLittle golden Book of Reptiles(The Grail) when i was but 10 years old. They said they were tame, beautifull and rare. They left out the MESSY part though. lol! I have 8 now...go figure.....

Rubber Boas: Again that darned Golden Book of Reptiles. they said the things felt like RUBBER, were slow moveing and NEVER bit.
I LIKED that last part. No biting. I have had 2 or 3 but they never thrived,I now have one that is bulletproof.

Eastern Dimaondback Terrapins:
In the back of my turtle book for my(OF COURSE) red eared sliders they had apicture of this magnifcent turtle. I remember it like testerday, good trick since i am *** years old.lol
I will get some this year.

So thats mine....share with us all YOUR childhood"Hit list " for snake,lizards and turtles, tortises!!


Fred Albury
(Aztec Reptiles U.S.A.)

:D :D

08-30-02, 04:36 AM
For me it was a green anaconda. I wanted one since I was probably about 6 years old. At that point I never knew it was actually possible to buy one. Now I've got myself a very healthy female that I consider to be the prize of my collection. I also always wanted a black mamba. I think I'll hold off on that one though.

08-30-02, 06:50 AM
I just have always wanted snakes .. and now I have over 10 of them!

One snake that i always wanted aas a kid was an anaconda too! And i now realize, If i can take care of a very vicious 8 foot rock python, a yellow annaconda is defenetly gonna happen someday!


08-30-02, 08:51 AM
I grew up in Grey Banded King country and have loved them the whole time.

08-30-02, 08:52 AM
As a kid I caught (and sometimes kept) garter snakes, frogs, salamanders and toads constantly. We lived on a farm hours away from the city - my exposure to other reptiles/amphibians was nil. As a teenager I had no interest in them. In a first year English course we read Edward Hoagland's essay, "The Courage of Turtles". I became somewhat obsessed. 10 years later, my husband brought home an 18 year old red slider as a surprise. She hated to be in her tank and would only eat canned salmon - but we adored her. After finding out about the possible $50,000 fine for having her - we returned her to her previous owner.

But, she hooked me! We only have lizards and torts ... but Jeff's GTP's are making me wonder....

08-30-02, 10:39 AM

for me it was....

chameleon, i went to hawaii (the maui island) and was in the in this garden and saw a jacksons chameleon, this is when i was 10, than i waited for them to become legal to keep (in alberta) and than 3 years after that i got my first chameleon.

red eared slidders, i got them when i was 6 but i have always had a high interest for turtles ever since i was umm probably 3 and i still am except i only enjoy to see them when i am diving.

poison arrow frogs, ever since i saw them in a reptile book when i was in gr. 4 i have always wanted some dendrobates tinctorius and dendrobates azureus. look at me now i have 15 tinc's and 4 azureus , plus my auratus. ya this will always be my main interest except i am not buying anymore unless i can get my paws on fantasticus, galactonotus, or intermedius.


Big Mike
08-30-02, 11:25 AM
I don't remember being enamored by snakes when I was young. Except maybe king cobras, which may have come from so many G.I. Joe toys and what not. But My stepfather had an iguana before and we had little crabs for a while (get your mind out of the gutter) as well as all sorts of cool fish.

I really remember an iguana that was kept on display in the children's section of the main branch of the Edmonton Public Library. I used to watch him as much as I could.

I really liked the little lizards that I saw while on vacation to Florida and Jamaica. Someone told me they were geckos.

Anyway, I had never even thought of getting a reptile as a pet until my girlfriend said that she had always wanted a snake but was never allowed to get one. We only have one snake right now but that will change soon. I spend a lot of time reading about snakes online and now I want to get other herps too.

I have heard it before but it truly is a hobby that turns into an obsession.

08-30-02, 02:18 PM
I'm only 17 will be 18 in a few wk's but have always adored Kingsnakes,hognose snakes,Coral snakes, and Red- Tails and now have one of each with the exception of the Coral who lives at another family members house I just helped catch it. I just hope that when I get to be Aztec Freds age or older that the species I love to catch,own and breed won't be rare and require a permit to own. I also have a special place in my heart for the Red Ear Turtle it was the first reptile I ever caught and I have owned several over the years. Great question Aztec Fred.

08-30-02, 04:04 PM
Hum... I've always be a biology person. I fancy just about every animal I can get. I have kept about everything since I was about 8 years old :) I've kept ferrets, snakes, fish (fresh and Salt) Lizzards, Invertebrets, Arachnids, Chelonians (I think thats spelled wrong I mean water turtles) Cats, Dogs, birds, NUMBEROUS Rodents, But I've never been occustomed to keeping Exoctic pets before, I'm going to start keeping BRBs and chamelions soon. I'm hoping to have a jungle before the years end.

08-30-02, 04:07 PM
The emerald tree boa was the first snake I ever loved. I got this card from Diary Queen from those kids meals and kept the card with me for a while, telling people this is the snake I want. I like emeralds, both the snake and the stone, as they are both green and the emerald is my birth stone. I was probably in gr 4 when I fell in love with the greenest snake in existence.

Burmese pythons are the first snake I had a lot of contact with. When I first move to Vancouver, there were these two guys who used to take their albino and normal burm outside for people to handle. They used to let me play with their big burms and many people took photographs of me with them. I left my burm fascination for a while when I learned of all the care that goes with them. Then I fell in love with Sarah. Corey Wood's albino green/patternless burmese. I had to have one, and so a year later, I finally was able to purchase my own girl! And tonight I may be getting an albino to go with her.

My first snake was the eastern milksnake. A dull brown gray snake, but truly beautiful in my eyes. I would love to have more them and would like to see them more popular. They are unlike any other tri-color.

08-30-02, 06:36 PM
I had always wanted snakes growing up and my mom would never hear of having one in the house. Later in my first marriage he wouldn't hear of it, then in my second marriage when I started to adopt an 18 ft Burmese, he had a fit worrying that it would eat him! LOL I finally got it right with my third marriage, even though he was terrified of snakes when we first met, six years later, we now own 5 and hopefully after the show tomorrow, there will be 3 more in the house! <G>

I still don't have the dream Emerald, but Jon wants to get a little more proficient before he tries to tackle something with teeth that big and attitude that notorious<G>, but I have a feeling that it won't be much longer now.


08-30-02, 07:50 PM
I'm still a kid darn it!?!?
But I want a diamond python really badly so maybe it will happen sometime.

08-30-02, 08:33 PM
I was oblivious to the wonderful world of reptiles up until not too long ago, when I saw a snow corn and it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, beyowulf was with me at the time and she said "you should get one" and I said "I'm gonna!" and 2 months later I was the proud owner of a baby, now 3'2" aztec corn...and ever since then I can't get my mind off of snakes, I'm hoping to pick up some more corns and a BCI at the expo...interestingly enough, I was a huge rodent person before, I've had gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, and rats...rats would be my favourite in that department, they make great pets as well as great food ( :p ), like a dog in a tiny little body!

08-30-02, 08:36 PM
I never knew that I would like snake as much as I do right now. Its only been 2 years that I Love snakes.
Brazilian rainbow Boas were the first snake That I said "I want IT !!!!!!" and I got 3 now.. :)

But I still want some Green Tree Pythons that I should buy when my adult BRB will give birth.. :)

08-30-02, 08:43 PM
When I was researching leopard geckos before getting my first few, I was...oh about six. I saw a picuture of Japanese Cave geckos, Goniurosaurus splendens, (formerly G.kuroiwae splendens) and fell in love at first sight! Last year (12 years later!) I got a pair, and I'm still on cloud nine every time I look at them.


10-03-02, 10:30 AM
I have always been obssesed with snakes. Now i know that they aren't some rare and coveted snake but i absolutaly love Ball Pythons, and wanted one since i can remember! They are the most incredible, and beautiful snakes in the world to me, i own 2 regulars now and someday i hope to own a high contrast Albino.

10-03-02, 12:33 PM
a friend of mines brother had a Colombian red tail when i was about 8, i always wanted that snake and now i own three.

10-03-02, 03:35 PM
I did i wanted a cornsnake since i was about 8 boom 5 years later i bought one and now she will be a year next week! so i guess if you did the math i'm still a bit of a little kid just a little

10-03-02, 04:11 PM
to tell the truth, i never knew I liked reptiles until 7th grade!!!!!! Isnt that weird?!?!?!?!?! Anyways, so I never really wanted a pet snake! I was drooling over dogs instead!

10-03-02, 05:54 PM
Being back in Singapore and loving the King Cobra doesn't make it possible to fulfill my dream...yet!!