View Full Version : feeding too often?

01-16-04, 01:59 AM
I think Jeff had said to me that it wasn't possible. and if they will take it to go ahead and feed it. Don't want to quote that though I could be way off...but I was wondering... since the fuzzy rats I got for my boy are a bit on the small side for him, should I be feeding him him maybe two per feeding or every day or two until they are gone and I can get some bigger ones? Now that he back to eating he has turned back into the eating machine Jeff said he was. I fed him on the 11th, and he was asking for more then but I wasn't sure if that would be too much so I waited a day and fed him on the 13th. Again he was begging for more and every time I pass his enclosure he pops his head out of his hide and looks like he is pleading for another one hehe...so wat would you do? I was going to feed him again tomorrow and possibly two if he will take it, and then hopefully that will hold him over for the rest of the week? After him not eating for a month I never thought I would be asking if it was possible to feed too often! LOL.

SO any thoughts?


01-16-04, 02:08 AM
I would offer him two every 5-7 days. But that's just me. :)

Two isn't too many though. More at once is better than a little every day or two... IMO :)

01-16-04, 07:54 AM
I agree with Tim_Cranwill, Just don't feed on a daily basis.

01-16-04, 09:28 AM
Its better to feed a bigger meal less often (5-7 days) than to feed smaller meals frequently. Their stomach fluids need time to recuperate in between meals. I would definitely go ahead and offer two. If he's not interested in the second one, you can re-freeze it once if its only been left with him for 30 minutes or so. But I would wait at least 5 days since your last feeding before doing this.

01-16-04, 10:52 AM
thanks everyone, I'll wait another day or two then and offer him two and see what he does.


01-16-04, 12:09 PM
If the items are smaller, feed as many as he'll eat. I attempt to feed selected balls every couple of days, if they're hungry, they'll eat, it they aren't...you get the idea.

01-16-04, 05:02 PM
Feed him till he doesn't want anymore. Heck it could be 5
