View Full Version : Terrariums, your opinion

01-15-04, 05:11 PM
Do you prefer the all natural look or the "if it works well keep it" look in ornamentation and set up of your terrarium? All natural being all real plants, all natural substrates, rocks as hides rather than the stuff bought at pet store etc. and functionality being for say chameleons, fake plants, no substrate and instead newspaper or wood shavings? In short, do you prefer asthetics or functionality?

01-15-04, 05:59 PM
Our current setup is very practical, and not very aesthetic at all. But, as I get more time, more money, more power tools, and a good supplier of accessories, we'll be going more towards showcase terraria for most of our snakes.

01-15-04, 06:02 PM
I try to make my setups look nice along with function, and the well being of the animal.

01-15-04, 06:47 PM
Well for my leopards its ll very simple, same with my scorps too. But I am always working on setups for a few of the aboreal geckos.

01-15-04, 07:37 PM
I prefer terrariums or stacking cages.