View Full Version : sick monitor??

01-15-04, 02:17 PM
This morning I awoke to a god awful smell, and following the stench from cage to cage, I finally came upon the culprit: my black roughneck monitor. There was a small lake of foul-smelling liquid-y junk in her cage. I don't know if it's her poop or her barf, or what! Up until now, she's always had very normal looking feces (I've had her about 8 months.) When I cleaned it up, it seemed kind of mucus-y, rather gross indeed. Her last meal was two days ago (ground beef), could this be regurgitated? I'm not sure what to think!

I put her in the bathtub so that she could have one of her frequent soakings, and as I was carrying her there I noticed some snot leaking from her nostril -- do monitors get colds? Or is this some kind of infection???

Any ideas, or suggestions -- whichever! -- would be GREATLY appectiated! Thanks!!

01-15-04, 02:24 PM
Sounds like a respiratory infection to me plus other problems brought about by lack of heat. What are her temps in her cage Jen? Basking temp? Hot end temp? Cool end temp?

My guess is that the temperature is too low in her enclosure. please check the temperatures. Hope Trinity gets better ;)

01-15-04, 02:31 PM
Thanks Baz, I was thinking she might be needing more heat too ... I am definitely going to take care of that ASAP!
I'm also glad that she's still acting like herself (curious, and active) -- this would be even more upsetting if she was all lethargic and blah. I'll let you know how she's doing.

01-15-04, 02:51 PM
Lovely jubbley mate :) make sure you measure the temps with your digital thermometer though yeah. I think a basking temp of 120-130 F should be good enough for a black rough neck (anyone correct me if I am wrong).

01-16-04, 11:27 AM
120-130 is stellar, be sure to sanatize the enlcosure JUST in case though too.

And wow does monitor puke smell bad eh? Yuck!