View Full Version : Do bloods need a UV Light?

01-13-04, 01:14 AM

I am wondering, i have my blood in a cage and i am building a bigger one. Well the question is, does my blood need a UV light? It will be going into a room with several UV lights already and i am just wondering if i need another UV light? Thanks.


01-13-04, 01:36 AM
No snake in the world requires UV lighting. Bloods, like most snakes, are nocturnal, and do not in any way require spectrum lighting.

01-13-04, 07:30 PM
Thanks Ivictus!

I wasnt sure and read that it was benificial to most snakes, i thought some did require UV lighting? Anyways thanks!


01-16-04, 10:48 PM
Actually some snakes DO need UV light such as rough green snakes and a few other colubrids, particularly ones that have bugs in their diet (there's a couple but not many). I've heard that diamond pythons also require UV light but i think the jury is still out on that one. Other then that I don't know of any boid that needs UV.

01-16-04, 10:57 PM
hmmm......they might not NEED it but can they benefit from it? some nocturnals are seen out of hide during the day....