View Full Version : mIRC

01-11-04, 12:53 AM
Hey, does anybody use mirc? I used to use it to download stuff but now I forget the commands. If anybody uses it, can you please PM me and help refresh my memory? Thanks in advance for any help.


Shane Tesser
01-11-04, 01:06 AM
J, just list your questions here..im sure lots of them will be good for alot of members who wish to use mirc that belong to this site. Either myself, or one of my more then capable mods from Chat should be able to answer just about any mirc question you might have.

01-11-04, 01:09 AM
Yes. I would like to learn a bit as well. no specific questions yet though.

01-11-04, 01:14 AM
/Join #ssnakess
/Nick Matt
/me is the coolest thing since sliced bread

Those are the ONLY commands you need to know :P LOL..

01-11-04, 01:26 AM
lol Matt...

Ok, I didn't know that many people here knew about mirc.

Thing is, I don't really have any specific questions. I just have memories (in bits and pieces) of downloading stuff a few years back. I remember going into a server and typing something that would bring up a list of what I THINK were people's FTPs. I know each one had something called a "trigger." And if you typed the trigger it would bring you to this person's FTP (again, I'm not sure it was an ftp), then you would type I think /dir to list all the things in that folder. From there you could either download a file that's in the folder you're in, or you could choose to go deeper and browse sub-folders.

It's been so long that I don't even know if this is how you still do it or not. I hope you all could understand that.


Shane Tesser
01-11-04, 01:29 AM
Jeremy...your best bet...come into the chat room using either mirc or the java program directly off the site. I think your probably looking to doing some mp3 and file sharing stuff. Its probably easiest for some of use to walk you through it live. Besides..there is always a mod on hand 24/7 in #ssnakess. And im sure anyone of them are more the capable at helping you. See you there.

01-11-04, 01:54 AM
Ok cool, I'll try that (I'm there now). Hope to see you in there sometime.

01-11-04, 01:44 PM
also, if you are using it to download stuff from people's F-serv, you use commands similar to DOS commands.

dir .. lists all files/folders..
cd <directory name>

01-11-04, 02:49 PM
Yeah, I remember what do once your inside the folders. There are only two things I'm having trouble with at this point.

1. Finding a network (I think it's a network) that has files for download

2. Once I'm in one, what I type to bring up that list of people's triggers. I think it's !list

01-11-04, 03:02 PM

you'll have to find your own network there are tons. depends what you want and this isnt a file sharing site

01-11-04, 06:29 PM
Personally I like X-chat, it's free, and pretty easy to use. it's pretty much the same on all platforms too.

01-12-04, 12:45 AM
j-man, most of the people who share files do so on an undernet server. Once connected to a server, type in /list and wait a few minutes while it downloads all 35,000+ channels. then just go find one that has what you want :)

good luck