View Full Version : 36 " by 18 " cage for a Bp (height:12")

08-28-02, 02:35 PM
is it enought?? will it last forever? I will probably get one friday... I already got the lamp and the uth. Its been one year since he is in a 24 by 12. He is now 3 feet long.

Now..give me advice on how to decorate it :))
im thinking about putting melamine box for hiding
im still not sure about the substrate
any cheap safe bedding?
dont mind how it looks..just want it to be clean and safe for his little scales :P

Big Mike
08-28-02, 03:01 PM
I'm not a BP owner but 36x18 sounds like it would be enough space for an adult.

If you really don't care what it looks like, newspaper is the cheapest bedding. You can just throw it out and replace it every time it gets soiled so that makes it safe too. Use black & white sheets. Aspen is not too expensive and you can spot clean for a while and then replace the whole lot every so often. I use Astroturf for my snake. Just pick out the poop when dirty and then clean the turf every so often. It helps to have two pieces so a dry piece always goes back in.

I was reading that one of the best hides for most snakes are the bases for those clay plant pots, with a hole in one side. Looks like a plate only a little deeper. They are cheap. They like a hide that is low and tight fitting. Anything that the snake can hide in will do. It's a good idea to have a hide on both the cool & warm sides of the enclosure so that the snake can regulate it's temp without sacrificing its sense of security.

08-28-02, 07:33 PM
Ball's will live happily there hole lif in a 24.7 gallon rubbermaid so yes ur BP will be fine