View Full Version : I am getting reallt concerned...can you help?

01-10-04, 03:16 PM
My Red Tail Cleo, ate Jan. 6 she was on the warm side rock that night and day, but since she has been on the cool side. She always seems to stay on the cool side since we got her, its like she prefers to be cold, but when I took her out today, she still has a small lump from the rat pup she ate...

Why wouldn't she be on the warm side to digest? could it be from the cold weather? I am getting concerned, cause she shed just before she ate, and we had to soak her in the tub and help get the skin off (it was hanging off her like a big sock, but she wouldn't try)

Any ideas? It isn't parasites, we've had her awhile and no problems, and no regurging or anything.. she just always seems to stay on the cold side.....

Any thoughts would be appreciated...

01-10-04, 03:43 PM
What's the temp on your hot side? and what's the temp on your cool side?? Also, you said you had to soak her to get the last shed to come off, what's your humidity at???

01-10-04, 03:46 PM
how cold is the cold side? 2 of my snakes, 1 corn & 1 JCP dont use thier hot spot for digestion. Is the lump still in the stomach area or has it moved? 4-5 days is about how long the lump of a good sized meal lasts in my guys, wheather or not they are on the hot or cold side.

01-10-04, 03:50 PM
I have a BCI that doesn't like his hot spot either. Don't worry about it, the snake will choose. If it gets cold, the snake will naturally try to warm up. As for the shed, don't worry so much about that either. Sometimes my larger boas like to pause for a breather when they shed too. :)

01-10-04, 03:52 PM
The hot side is 83-90 and the cool side is about 78-85. the lump had moved, it is about 1/3 from the end of her tail roughly... I can take the temps again to make sure, with my probe....she is in the warm hide now....

01-10-04, 04:20 PM
I would try to stabilize your temps. With temps fluctuating like that it is hard to guage what temps your boa prefers to be kept at. Generally they do well in a standard range of temps, but each boa is unique, some may like it a little cooler, some a little warmer, but until you can keep them stable your boa will not be able to tell you.

As for the shed, it's not normal, but I've had it happen once with one of my rosies. She took it of as far as the base of her head then quit. Looked like she was wearing a hat. Still wonder if she is just lazy or a little slow in the gears :p I have no idea what causes that kind of behaviour, but in my case, it wasn't indicative of any immediate health problems. Although I suspect it could in some cases.

01-10-04, 04:26 PM
the shed I think she was just lazy... and as for the temps, they do stay stable, I just didn't go take them again... anyhow, funnily enough, as I finished posting she mosid on over the the hot hide.. so i think it was me being paranoid... overall I think she is just a lazy boa.

it has happened (when I first got her) that i panicked cause she stayed on the cool side, so I took her out the cold hide and put her near the warm one, she would go in, I'd feel better.

This time whereever we put her she will stay, and move when she has had enough... but maybe she is just too lazy to go from one to the other all the time! lol either way, she wasn't freezing in the cold side so, I guess I should worry less...

Also it could be the tank size, it is pretty small, we just put a payment on a 4 ft tank, so that should help...

Thanks though!!!

01-11-04, 01:36 AM
how small is pretty small?

01-11-04, 01:42 AM
well she is about 28" and is now in a 15 gallon. we have a bigger tank coming next week.

01-11-04, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Dark_Angel_25
and as for the temps, they do stay stable

Originally posted by Dark_Angel_25
The hot side is 83-90 and the cool side is about 78-85.

With both sides each fluctuating 7 degrees, that is not stable at all. If they were eggs they would be dead. Some snakes can actually be kept with a gradient that just one of those sides has.

01-13-04, 03:14 PM
Lol, Sorry Linds, I know that was contradictory, what I meant was that when I was first doing the cage those were the average temps, NOW they are stabile BUT I would have to take the temps again (with my probe thermometer) to tell you EXACLTY what they are. I tend to do it like once every couple of days or so, but I haven't yet because I have been UBER busy, and I know Kenn took them, but I haven't spoken to him in awhile... If I had to go based on the last time I took the temp, Hot side was 90-92 (on heat pad) and cool side was 85. The ambient air temp changes a bit more, depending if we keep a towel over half the tank or not, but it doesn';t effect the temp all that much.

01-16-04, 04:26 PM
As long as the boa is healthy,i wouldnt worry to much about her going just to the cool side,i have 2-male red tails,,& 1-hoggs isalnd liveing in the same enclosure,(not to mention other reptiles..)and sometimes the boys stay on the cool side.even after they ate..also as far as the shed go,s you could start spraying her down with a shed ease mixture.%50 water/%30 shed ease.you could do this daily..or a vita-spray works nice also.good luck on your baby!

01-16-04, 04:54 PM
As long as the boa is healthy,i wouldnt worry to much about her going just to the cool side,i have 2-male red tails,,& 1-hoggs isalnd liveing in the same enclosure,(not to mention other reptiles..)and sometimes the boys stay on the cool side.even after they ate..also as far as the shed go,s you could start spraying her down with a shed ease mixture.%50 water/%30 shed ease.you could do this daily..or a vita-spray works nice also.good luck on your baby!

Is this a joke?

01-16-04, 07:47 PM
no,its not a joke!are you a joke?why?is there a problem with what i wrote?look i have a lot of knowledge on reptiles.!i oun at least 26 diffrent species of reptiles.i do lectures in museums,schools,librarys...that in all reality do,se not make me an expert.but if i can help someone with the knowledge i have..than it is all worth it to me..no offence,but it kinda upsets me when people like your self who suppose to an animal/reptile lover,calls someones bluff.well there is no bluffing here.i do know what im talking about..i have been doing reptile since i was 17 1/2...i am now 32-going on 33..do the math.

01-16-04, 07:50 PM
I think he is referring to keeping many species together... not a good idea...

thanks for the info on the shed ease stuff, I'll keep that in mind if I have the problem again...

01-16-04, 07:56 PM
sorry for the defence!!or outburst you might say..!! :) just trying to help..

01-16-04, 07:59 PM
no no Diablos!! I am not upset or nothing... just trying to figure out what he meant, that is the only thing I saw that he could have been referring to thats all...

01-16-04, 08:03 PM
im not upset with you!!!hahaha...i just did not like that remark..and yes,i do have 2-male red tails and 1-female hoggs liveing together in the same enclosure..odd as it may seem,they get along wonderful.in fact i can not seperate them.trust me i tried.they have been liveing together for at least 1 1/2 years.and not one problem.perfect health.desease free.and she is pregenant!!lucky me!!like i sald sorry for the out burst,maybe i just speak my mind to much..

01-16-04, 08:07 PM
your hogg is pregnant? but the red tail? and you have 2 males together? oh boy.... well if it works... I don't even want to touch that...

01-16-04, 08:16 PM
and yes,i do have 2-male red tails and 1-female hoggs liveing together in the same enclosure..odd as it may seem,they get along wonderful.in fact i can not seperate them.trust me i tried.they have been liveing together for at least 1 1/2 years.and not one problem.perfect health.desease free.and she is pregenant!!

Some people shouldn't own snakes.

01-16-04, 08:47 PM
hey,look it i have ouned snakes and reptiles for a long time..ever since they have been together,they have been doing great.if you would like to see some pics,you can check them out.i have some pics of them all together doing great!by the way jeff,what do you oun?let me guess.a leopard gecko?or mabe a red tail or 2.well mr.know it all.explain then?explain why i shouldnt have snakes?i dont see the problem here.as a matter of fact there is no problem here at all.just people who have a disagreement about a subject.by the way good web site jeff!i meen it.but as far as i go and my animals.well,it works for me and seems to be working for them.

01-16-04, 08:50 PM
wow....gonna go hide in a bunker

01-16-04, 08:53 PM
:hammer: :rolleyes:

01-16-04, 08:54 PM
oh boy.... just went to the gallery.. I hope that frog isn't in with the snakes!!

01-16-04, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by diablos
!by the way jeff,what do you oun?let me guess.a leopard gecko?or mabe a red tail or 2.well mr.know it all.

by the way good web site jeff!i meen it.

If you looked at his site you would know that he owns a bit more then a Leo and couple Red tails..

Just out of curiosity to you Diablos.. If you walked into your reptile room and you looked in the enclosure with your Hog Island and two red tails and you noticed a runny crap, would you know who did it?? Could you pin point who the runny feces belonged to just by looking at??

01-16-04, 08:56 PM
really this is amuseing..because it seems that a lot of people watch too much Animal Planet,and because of this,they now think that they know everything there is to know about any kind of reptile..when i was first getting into reptiles.i caught a black racer,wich in fact bit the hell out of me!but thats what they do.any ways,it was 1978 when this happened.back then there was all kinds of reptiles for the catching,and there was no Animal Planet.if you needed to study something, you would either catch & release.or read a book..

01-16-04, 08:58 PM
well ok, but show me a book, or a breeder that says that 2 species should be living together, LET ALONE INTERBREEDING! and wow, everyone knows you DO NOT keep 2 MALES together... my god... didn't you look anything up before you bought your poor snakes?

01-16-04, 09:02 PM
actually yea..i would!..first,i would probaly check all there bums,open the clocea,take a fecial matter and study it under my $2500 microscope.if i could not identify the parasite or problem,well i go to my locale vet & freind,and have my animals checked out if i couldnt figure out who did what..and who has what..!!!trust me they get there monthly check ups!!!

01-16-04, 09:04 PM
but why would you interbreed them? or keep 2 males together, I can't get my head around that... just doesn't make sense.. sounds to me you are doing what is more convinient for you, not what is best for your snakes. even keeping a male and female together all the time isn't a good idea.

01-16-04, 09:13 PM
let me guess.a leopard gecko?or mabe a red tail or 2.well mr.know it all.explain then

LMAO!!! OMG If you only knew.

haha that's great. A leopard gecko. LOL.


01-16-04, 09:14 PM
WHAT!!!now i know,i know shame on me.. :( interbreeding....and i do know that you are not suppose to keep 2-males together..but there is an exeption to the rules..my boas,when i purchased them,were liveing together since first born.and have been doing so,even in my care.i have never ran into a problem with them fighting,biteing or trying to eat each other.they are healthy,,and doing great..Trust me..they could not be loved more!!!and everyother day or so they hang out together with my wife and i with the 2-dogs, 2-cats, 2-whites tree frogs,2-european toads,1-sudan plated lizard,1-mexican rosy boa,1-solomon island tree boa,1-western hognose snake,1-snow corn snake,4-ball pythons & not but least my personal baby lola!my albino burmese.who just turned 1 years old 2-days ago..and out of all these animals..i have never had a problem,or agression problem either..thank you very much..boo-ya!!

01-16-04, 09:16 PM
hehe Jeff has the best Geckos and awesome racing snails

01-16-04, 09:16 PM
while you at it, why don't you just throw a kingsnake into their tank too, you know to keep them company?

And ummm boo ya? you did say you were what 32? not 12 right?

Chris Stone
01-16-04, 09:17 PM
I think the guy who is interbreeding..is probly been is an inbreed because of how freaking stupid he is...and this is not a joke..dude i am 16 and i would know better than to do that..thas like sayin hey iam gonna put my pet rat in with my snake..they will get along great...then i will put my dog in with my fish...and then guess what i am gonna feed my dog cardboard..bud you are stupid...ok i think you must own dogs. not reptiles..you jus dont know about big words

01-16-04, 09:20 PM
You have no clue at all. You are not only anthropomorphizing
right left and center but you are also arrogant on top of it. You are making yourself look worse and worse.

Snakes of the same species, or different species should NOT be housed together!

1. Disease is not only passed, but impossible to tell who gave who what and who has what.
2. Snakes are solitary. Not herd animals. Um duh?
3. You loving them has nothing to do with it. You are choosing to FORCE them to live in a way that is NOT natural. now you explain ot ME why thats o.k.....because you love them? LOL. them living together since birth means diddly. Anyone who knows reptiles realizes attachments between snakes are NOT possible. Period.
4. To provide enough hides if a person was going to house together, you need a huge cage. Each snake should have the choice to be alone at any temp in the gradient at any time. Your pictures and description obviously show you are not providing this.
5. Other people have said in this thread that you are possibly breeding together two different snakes and that of course is always a good idea isn't it? lol
6. What if one regurges/......who is it? Yeah, you wouldn't know.
7. My fav reason, which I'd like you to address specifically....give me ONE reason that is beneficial to the snakes to house together. Just one, and it must be benefical to the SNAKES. Not your feelings, not your idea on whats right, but the snakes. Go ahead. :)


01-16-04, 09:23 PM
You people need to grow up..is this not a discussion about boas?or am i just in some drawn out sitcom!!look it what ever you people think about me!so what...!it really meens nothing to me.i didnt come here to argue about my animals,uh,yea..my animals..not yours!!what ever way i chose for them to live.is my business.it seems to be working out great for them,so hey,,who am i to say that i am doing the wrong thing or not?if they are happy & healthy..then great.that is all that matters to me.

01-16-04, 09:25 PM
"what ever way i chose for them to live.is my business"

Wow! That statement sure is a sign of a good keeper! LOL. Are you kidding me? I guess I feel like having a aquatic dog. Its my dog so whatever I choose is o.k. for her. As long as she is living, it must be right!

Off to fit her with a scuba suit...

P.S. This is not personal against you dude. I could care less how you live. Its about your animals. You coudl better their lives by removing them to their own enclosures, THAT is what matters. THAT is what we care about.

01-16-04, 09:28 PM
by the way,im not being arrogant at all!i just know from experience, that not everything you read in a book is the whole truth or you find on the internet.

01-16-04, 09:29 PM
that is not what i meen..i meen they are my animals.they have lived like Together for years.!!!!and seem to be doing great.thats all..

01-16-04, 09:31 PM
Trust me..my animals are and could not be in more better health!!!!!!have you people not read a word of what i wrote?they get vet checked monthly!!!!!!

01-16-04, 09:34 PM
I am tired of this..time to move on..thanks for the argument..people!!!!great place to discuss boas!!!to bad we didnt get a chance too since every one seems to wanna bash me!!!about my boas liveing arangments!!!

01-16-04, 09:36 PM
1 1/2 years is hardly 'years' and they are stressed... you may not notice it yet, but you will.. and your hogg who is 1 1/2 years old, IMO should not even have been bred! do you feed them together too?

01-16-04, 09:38 PM
Uh,,She is 5 years of age..not 1 1/2 the boys are.4 1/2!and as far as my vet can tell there is no stress going on..!

01-16-04, 09:40 PM
of course not..they have there oun feeding tanks..!

01-16-04, 09:41 PM
well you said they were living together since they were babies... how can that be if they have been living together for 1 1/2 years like you said, if they are older than that??

01-16-04, 09:46 PM
look it im telling you there are exeption to the rules..what ever most of you have read.sometimes is not the truth!some books out there are scams.some web sites are scams.use your best judgement.you have to remember something.everyone is out to make a buck,no matter who you are.so let me get this straight..if i wrote a book,on reptiles..and sald in my book.(well,you can onley drink the water,if its purple and when boas,bite you that meens that they love you!)you accually gonna beleive me?thought so.

01-16-04, 09:51 PM
i got the 2-boys boas about 2-hrs away from my house drove to where they were and bought them!!!!!and discussed with the old owners how they were brought up,feeding ect...i got the hoggs,shortly after that.she was also in a tank with another boa--red tail mind you.so her to be liveing in the same tank with the boys really has no effect on her.trust me when feeding time comes!they eat just fine..like good little boas do..

01-16-04, 09:52 PM
no, not at all. and we are using our best judgement.. snakes are NOT communal creatures! so why would you force them to live together? why not seperate them and see how much BETTER they do?

As for making a buck, how is them telling us to put 3 snakes together gonna make THEM money?

exactly, it won't. a responsible herper wouldn't buy that book, we actually know what we are talking about and care about our animals, and not just do what is easier for us.

01-16-04, 10:08 PM
im telling you!its not by conveinece that they live together.i told you.there are exeption to the rules.been there and done that.i have seperated them.you know what happened?they stopped eating,and you could almost read in there eyes the depresion going on in them.no joke.i seperated them for about 3-maybe 4 months.T-rex the brother of Frankie,just stopped eating.than Frankie stopped.soon Angel stopped, now i didnt try and feed them for at 2-weeks or so after the seperation.and the funny thing is everytime i checked on them to see how things were going,well either one or all was not acting like themselfs.attitude wise they started to change,feeding..and im telling you..(god i wish i took pictures at this time!)you could sence and see the depresion going on.after a while i decided to put them back together,and bam..back to normal.feeding back on track.attitudes back in place..hell Angel turned a bright white she was so happy.how could i the caretaker,the parent,take that all away from them.i have talked with N.E.R.D,and alot of other breeders out there about this problem of them liveing together or see if it was o.k.and as far as they know,its not unheard of or uncommon for 2-diffrent species(red tail & hoggs!) to live in the same tank together peacefully without any complications or problems.so i did what was right by my animals..

01-16-04, 10:21 PM
well its been great argueing with you folks!!have fun..and keep on herping!just dont get herpease in the prosess!!lol..

01-16-04, 10:25 PM
ok fine, If it is working for you, keep doing it, but I still cannot let the fact you cross breed go... that is just unnatural... but like you are saying, to each their own. you are going to do what you want to do anyway, regardless of what we say

01-16-04, 10:32 PM
Diablos, check your private messages:)