View Full Version : Frightened Beardie

Sonic Reality
01-09-04, 07:07 PM
Well my beardie was misstreated by a past owner before i got him and got him close to death.He had such problems as being to think,jumpy and bony.His head was wider than his body and his ribs would show,Even though i saved him(tho everyone thought hew wold die) and he is perfectly healthy right now.

But readin some of your posts your beardies are friendly.He isnt.He wont come out alot of the time even thought the temparature is warm(have the fire on just before we take him out) he wont stay out long and wont let us touch him often.My dad can handle him buty he wont let me.He bit me at one stage and ouffed his beard out

I know its most likely because of his abused state before hand but he should have forgotten about that by now in scientific ways(memory span) and i was just wondering how would i get him to act nice and friendly instread of cold bitter and angry.

PS its not all because he is going into maturity(2-3 years) hes ben doing it since we got him.

Any ideas how i could gain his trust?We maybe getting a female at some point but im not sure how hed react...

Sonic Reality
01-09-04, 07:11 PM
Its not because im a newbie that noone replies is it?

01-09-04, 09:17 PM
If it was me i would keep working with him. Make sure you work with him everyday. Try not doing things he doesn't like, or things that "scare" him.

If you haven't tried this it could be a good first step. Since he has a checkerd past. Start out tong feeding him (the smaller plastic tongs, you can get them at most pet stores). Then possibly hand feeding.

You can also try resting your hand in his cage and slowly work your way towards him. Until the day he is comfortable with your hand being on him (doing all of this in his cage).

I have seen dragon slave suggest putting on 2 shirts and putting them in between the shirt and turn out the lights and the beardie should go to sleep, then he would get used to your smell. I do the similar thing, but i don't put them under my shirt. My girl LOVES her bed time when i'm holding her. She nudges her head under my chin, and if i move my head she will nudge me until i put my chin back on her.

It will take time, this isn't something that will change over night, or in a week or two. So be paitent, and it may also never work. You never know.

Let me know if things work out.


Sonic Reality
01-10-04, 07:18 AM
thank you

01-11-04, 05:33 PM
great advice, best way to get them closer to you is, by hand feeding and bonding with each other, but yes your right the abuse musta made him bitter and angry, wish you the best of luck with the guy.


Sonic Reality
01-13-04, 12:16 PM
hes doing pretty well now.I got a photo done ofhim and when i get all the film onto cd ill put them on!

01-13-04, 12:26 PM
He's starting to adjust better now, is that what your saying. Are those tips helping???

Can't wait to see the pics.

01-14-04, 12:06 AM
another thing is u said u "put the fire on" the smell of smoke could also cause some stress. beardies livign in australia prob have some strong instincts to avoid fire. (natives used to actually start huge plain fires)

just a thought
