View Full Version : Can you see that?

01-08-04, 08:55 PM
I don't know if I need to move further away from the nuclear power plant or if I should just spend less time staring at my snakes but here's another marking on a different Ball that I thought was kind of different. It's a lot more subtle than the mark in the other thread. Look for an orange coloured ring. Can you see that or am I making it up?

01-08-04, 09:00 PM
I can see it, it looks like a prity thick ring

01-08-04, 09:48 PM
Has it always been like that? Or did it come about like the other ball python's situation?

01-09-04, 12:07 AM
Yes this one has always been there. He's an '03 male, I've had him since September so obviously he's shed several times since and it remains there. Everyone says this but the photo doesn't do it justice, on certain angles on the right day it's really orange. Now that I know I'm not seeing things I wonder if anyone's ever come across that kind of colour on a normal ball before?

01-09-04, 09:41 AM
Mousekilla you just have weird looking balls! :D No really, I've never seen that before, it is strange.

01-09-04, 09:52 AM
could it be a burn?

scale rot is an orange/pink color, but that usually sheds away

no offense, but mabe you should revise your husbadry, and clean all the cages, and start new husbandry habits.

i dont mean to offened, but this stuff happened to me, and it was poor husbandry, just a suggestion.

01-09-04, 11:49 AM
There is no way it is a burn. The colour has been consistent for the past 5 months and that area shows no damage. I'm not sure what it is that you're saying you experienced due to poor husbandry on your part (does one of your BPs have an orange ring somewhere too?) but I can tell you that my cages are already clean. I use a newspaper substrate that is replaced at least every 7 days (when you get The Star delivered you'll do whatever you can to get rid of some newspaper!) so if I have any husbandry issues dirty enclosures is not among them. I'm not claiming to be an expert keeper in any way here but I do have clean enclosures for all my snakes as well as proper temps and humidity, they have hides and fresh water. I even offer food once a week and keep detailed records. I'm not sure what you would have me revise but I'm open to any suggestions.

01-10-04, 08:50 AM
Hard to get perspective on the pic, is this odd area near the tail?

Looks like a bit of what I've heard called a ringer. Is it a possible het piebald by any chance? I’m interested in figuring out if these occur more often in heterozygous pieds or are just random in all genetics.

Here is one I hatched out this year. It's also not very extreme compared to some I've seen.


01-10-04, 03:52 PM
Yup, the ring is near the tail, this pic's probably better for seeing the location. I noticed that yours has the same triangular smudge sort of thing on the side that mine does. I wish I had taken a shot of the side too but the colour is more easily seen on the belly scales. I bought this guy from a breeder at a show as a normal male. The breeder showed me the ring on this guy but he was sold to me as a normal so I assume that he's not a het. The same breeder also breeds morphs of various kinds so who really knows? Thanks for your pic, it's good to know that someone else has seen this sort of thing.

01-10-04, 09:23 PM
in that case i would say that that is just an abnormal darkened pigment area

oh and sorry for the last post, i hope i didnt offend you, sorry

01-10-04, 09:38 PM
No offence taken, BPs seem to be the most often abused species of snake for some reason. Maybe because of their small size people buy them as a first snake or first non-colubrid and they make all kinds of mistakes. These guys are just a little more work than they're often thought to be.

01-11-04, 08:05 AM
Where was the show that you bought him at?

01-11-04, 01:55 PM
In Toronto, at the PCPC show last September from Hiss and Hers Pythons which is based in Quebec.

01-12-04, 01:16 AM
wow, weird. i definitely see it.