View Full Version : Tokay!!

01-07-04, 11:24 PM
just thought i'd throw this picture on here of my tokay...



01-07-04, 11:28 PM
Nice Tokay! Briliant Colors!

01-07-04, 11:53 PM
Thats a cool lookin tokay, nice and chubby.

01-08-04, 12:05 AM
and he has a good set of jaws on him too.. haha.. :D

01-08-04, 07:43 PM
good lookin tokay! im tyin to get mine as fat as yours though!

01-08-04, 08:11 PM
Nice looking tokay, they certainly have an interesting look.


01-08-04, 08:36 PM
sketchy.. he has an unlimited supply of crickets... he's in a 35gal hex tank.. and i filled it up about 4-5 inches with black dirt.. and then a layer of cypress mulch.. has some half logs to hide under.. and a big log.. and i dropped in 100 crickets one day.. and havent bought any since.. they just breed in there.. i cant get rid of them.. even when i cleaned it out they came back some how.. haha.. so he has a constant eating supply.. keeps him happy.. now if i can find him a girlfriend.. then i'll be happy.. :)..

what do you guys think of their bark? and their mating call?.. if yours have done it yet.. once he gets going he doesnt shut up.. and his cage is right beside my bed.. its loud! he goes on all night.. very cool!

01-08-04, 09:13 PM
how old is sketchy? he looks looks like hes in very good condition! oh man cant wait till my male gets that big... i wouldnt call it a "bark" but yet i dont know what to call it haha. mine hasnt produce any mating calls yet.... oh yea does any one have a "tame" tokay? i been training mines for acouple of months (when they were still little). mines are some what tame, they let me handle them with out biting.

01-08-04, 09:51 PM
very sexy....i like them best when they are undressing.

01-08-04, 10:41 PM
my tokay actually isnt that big.. i got him as an adult and he seems to be a runt.. compared to other males ive seen.. he does have a good size.. he's not bad for handling.. he has his days..
i've had him since 2001.. and he was at least a year when i got him.. and yeah.. their "bark" is more of a duck being stepped on.. haha.. oh well.. :) post pics of your tokays if you have any? i have some open mouth shots which are cool but they are on webcam so its not clear.. i'll have to get some digi cam shots..

01-08-04, 11:11 PM
He's a really nice Tokay - great coloration! Have you ever thought of breeding your male? The babies are GORGEOUS! A lady from the USA taught me how to hand-raise them, however the adults are easier to tame than the babies.


Denise Ryder
e-mail: thelizardqueen@4otis.com

01-08-04, 11:44 PM
here are some more pics of him...
and i do wanna breed him.. just need to get a female..




01-10-04, 01:18 AM
WOW Joey!!!! He looks so awesome!! best looking tokay I've ever seen

01-11-04, 07:25 PM
yeah he is. hes got some beautiful coloration on him.