View Full Version : What Phase Is This????
Mandas Leos
01-07-04, 12:17 PM
I recently bought 2 leopard geckos from a pet store...i have never seen either phase any where on any website i have been on.....does anyone know what they could be? i dont have any pictures of them but i will desribe them as best i can....
the first one is completely white accept for bright red dots that arent in any pattern and its head is all just has all red dots
the second one is a dull green color like sage green with black dots and a stripe down its back of a fadded color green...and the dots and on each side of the stripe....HELLLLLPPP
Also in another tank i have 2 fire bellied toads, what else can i put in the tank with them??
I don't think those are leo's you bought, but some other species of gecko.
01-07-04, 12:49 PM
aside from the colouring, can you give us a body description?
size? how big is the tail? describe the tail. Describe the eyes including positioning ( are they on the sides of the head, or more in front ). Anything else you can give us would help.
I definately agree they don't sound like leo's.
01-07-04, 07:19 PM
Skin texture would be helpful too.
I'm not really a gecko person but the first one sounds a bit like a tokay,though the body color would be more of a gray or blue.
Maybe an aberrant color phase?
As for the second one,day gecko comes to mind although they tend to be bright green and no black dots.
Like I said,I'm not a gecko person but you might have some luck checking against pix of these and any other suggestions.
Tim and Julie B
01-07-04, 09:55 PM
The first is likely an albino tokay. The second I have no idea. Pics will be great!
Mandas Leos
01-08-04, 11:40 AM
the first one shed and now he is light yellow with brown spots...i still have never seen anything like it.....and the second one is still green....i have 3 tokays already lol they dont climb the walls and they have their fat tails and bumpy manager thinks the green one may just be patternless and turned green from his substrate??
Albino tokay? Are you serious?! Hahaha, I thought there was only very few in existence, and that they were worth a G!
If they are available in pet stores, I want one!
Originally posted by Mandas Leos
i have 3 tokays already lol they dont climb the walls and they have their fat tails and bumpy manager thinks the green one may just be patternless and turned green from his substrate??
Tokays are arboreal geckos that spend most of their time stuck to the glass or climbing branches in their home. Leopard geckos cannot climb glass, and have fat tails. It sounds to me like you have your geckos confused. Both geckos have very different requirements. Here is a pic of a normal leopard gecko...
<img src="">
One thing that also concerns me, what kind of substrate are these animals being kept on that is capable of staining their skin? :confused:
To answer your second question, it isn't a wise decision to mix different types of species within an enclosure. If you have space and want more room, maybe you could add a few more firebelly toads ;) For more info, stop by the General Amphibian forum.
01-09-04, 09:23 AM
what kind of substrate are these animals being kept on that is capable of staining their skin?
That colored calci-sand will dye animals skin until they shed. I have seen it alot with beardies and leos.
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