View Full Version : New Ball Pythons

01-06-04, 03:31 PM
My new additions arrived this morning! I bought 3 BP's (2.1) from a guy in North Carolina. http://www.carolinaspecialtypets.com/ is the link to his site. Anyway, he made me a deal I couldn't pass up. I had originally contacted him about a male he was selling. Well he offered me 2 males and a female for $210 including shipping. I took it! I've named them already as well.

Askook (male) is 1500 grams.
Nathain (male) is 1800 grams.
Lindie (female) is 850 grams.

Nathain shed on the way.

Now I need to get a scale so I can keep track of the weights plus get a weight on Hannah and my baby red tail.

I'll be getting pictures as soon as they've had a chance to settle in :)

Thanks for reading this :)

01-06-04, 07:23 PM
I new it would come through for you, I'm glad. :) That's a great deal, good luck with all of them.


01-06-04, 07:48 PM
Thanks Jennifer. I was surprised to see how pretty these 3 are :)

01-06-04, 11:16 PM
Congrats on the new additions! :) Be sure to post pics when you get them...

01-07-04, 04:04 AM
Congrats! Good luck with them :)

01-07-04, 10:49 AM
Thanks. I will indeed be posting pictures of them as soon as I let them settle in. Don't want to keep them stressed out by trying to take pictures too soon ;)