View Full Version : "advanced Keeper"??

01-05-04, 08:33 AM
Perhaps this has been brought up before but anyway, I just noticed that when you get to 5 blue starts (5000 posts maybe?) you get the ranking of "Advanced Keeper". I don't mean to split hairs or be totally anal because I don't know how many people actually pay attention to the stars, but I think that it implies that someone with a lot of posts is a more advanced/better keeper. I know the topic itself has been brought up before (more stars = better keeper) but till now the rankings have just been animal names as opposed to actual, literal keeper rankings.


01-05-04, 09:05 AM
lol I totally agree. Lots of "advanced complimenters"(is that even a word?) out there and "advanced welcomers":D. It may give new members a false impression about someones advice.

01-05-04, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Derrick
lol I totally agree. Lots of "advanced complimenters"(is that even a word?) out there and "advanced welcomers":D. It may give new members a false impression about someones advice.

I totally agree!

01-05-04, 09:25 AM
I agree too. 5000 post dosen't mean squat about your knowledge of reptiles. Time and time again new people to the site are confused by this. A persons number of post should never be associated with their level of knowlege.

01-05-04, 09:46 AM
Maybe it should just be called things like Newbie, and elder???? or just have " Posts--5000" When I first started posting I thought the more stars and stuff you had the more you knew. Thank god I found out otherwise!

01-05-04, 02:22 PM
I agree with everyone. It can be confusing, especially for people that aren't used to the way *titles* on message boards work.

01-05-04, 02:27 PM
I think everyone who uses this site should be a site supporter(weither you donate $5 or buy a photo hosting package or something), and then all the stars and names like "advanced keeper" would be gone!

01-05-04, 03:35 PM
Is that all it takes is $5usd? Dang! When I'm not broke I'll definitely do it.

01-05-04, 04:17 PM
Becoming a Site Supporter is as simple as making a donation of any amount you feel comfortable with. Whether it's $2, $5, $10 or more...
The whole 'ranking' scheme has come up in many threads over the last 2 years.. I think most people now know that just because it says, 'Advanced Keeper' under someone's name, it really doesnt mean that they are just that..

01-05-04, 04:34 PM
I know that those of us who have been around for a while are certainly aware of the fact that it doesn't mean that they are advanced keepers - but the newer members who haven't been witnesses to the other threads on this subject could easily think that the more posts they have, the more "advanced" they seem, and this way of thinking is only fortified by asserting the "fact" that when someone has 5000 posts, they are automotically seen as being advanced keepers.


01-05-04, 04:43 PM
Want an accurate rating system? How about at 5000 posts it becomes "Forum Addict"


01-05-04, 05:15 PM
The content of people's posts speak louder then the Title under their name.. Even new members can see who posts helpful info as opposed to who posts 'nice pic' or 'welcome to the site'..

Personally i would like to see the whole star and title scheme gone.. I know some like it, im not one of those people. :D

01-05-04, 08:06 PM
I kinda like the "elder" title mentioned by sapphire moon. If I get the title Elder, maybe Social Security will start paying me sooner. LOL.

01-05-04, 08:16 PM
i think they got rid of the whole star system, cuz all i see is site supporter, or registered.

01-05-04, 08:21 PM
Personally, I liked the ranking system, and your right it seems to be gone. Aw well...

01-05-04, 08:33 PM
Dang! Now I'll never get my venomous rating:(

01-05-04, 08:43 PM
Looks good Big Bird!!! A lot less "hectic"!!!


01-05-04, 08:45 PM
hah hah Nick :P I guess as you can see here you cant please everyone so I quit trying to :P I think it looks pretty cool aswell!! :)

Shane Tesser
01-05-04, 08:45 PM
Geeze.....now i would hate to not have a site supporter cup beside my name.....and to be honest..i think that should have to be renewed yearly!

01-05-04, 08:50 PM
Shane, no, I dont think it would be fair to make people donate to the site every year... All I have asked since the beggining is for people to donate if they wish / feel they should give back to the site which they spend alot of time on, get knowledge / help from, and enjoy being a member of... :) If they feel like donating once a year, once a month, every 6 months, never, its really up to them! :) Or by our preffered method of supporting the site, but purchasing one of the many services we offer, I really like to see you guys get something back in return for your donations!! Thanks for all who do support the site though, its you guys who have really been the extra help we needed in keeping the site up and running, and progressing... :)

01-05-04, 09:13 PM
Yes well, it's different that's for sure.

01-05-04, 10:07 PM
ill donate some mooh-lah once i get some. ill be proud to support this site.

Wuntu Menny
01-06-04, 01:34 AM
Now if only we could do something about these monotonous shades of grey.....

KIDDING!! You've done a bang up job of placated the restless natives.


01-06-04, 01:39 AM
hahah Wuntu Menny, I think you can change the forums color settings in your "profile" area. But I may be wrong. :)


01-06-04, 06:53 AM
Wow...i have just noticed that the star ranking was gone.

Good job! I didn't like it too much either...

01-08-04, 02:17 AM
I liked that star ranking system type thing....

the who with the what now?

01-18-04, 11:40 AM
i myself only have a 100 or so posts, does not mean i dont know squat about snakes, i have only been into it for a few years, but i have learned quite a bit through friends like jason h and chase (members in my snake group) and of course ssnakess.com, so in my opinion stars do not mean anything. also i plan on donating funds to this wonderful cause soon, thanks Jeff for the awsome site.