View Full Version : where did your first reptile come from?

Retic chic
01-04-04, 09:15 AM
Just curious where we got our pets from originally?

wild caught
pet store
pet expo
private breeder

01-04-04, 09:41 AM
My first were snakes turtles, and frogs that I caught when I was a kid. We never kept them longer than a few days though, I didn't really know how to care for them. We would abserve them for a few days and then let them go.

Susan Murphy
01-04-04, 10:01 AM
I didn't realize I was interested in sankes and lizards until my third husband. We have 10 snakes, 9 lizards, 1 tortoise, 2 English Bulldogs. If it has legs its mine, if not its my husbands!

01-04-04, 10:02 AM

01-04-04, 03:13 PM
My first snakes came from a co-worker who was moving and couldn't have snakes in his new place.

01-04-04, 03:36 PM
My first was a RES when I was 11. The women who sold me the turtle still works for the same store. That was 18 years ago, she hasn't aged a day either, creepy.

01-04-04, 03:44 PM
A bp FROM PCPC back in like 89 0r 90 i think

Wuntu Menny
01-04-04, 04:06 PM
I suppose the very first would have been a WC snake or salamander from the neighborhood sometime around '72. The first deliberate pet was a tokay gecko from a store in '85. I had the gecko for 6 years until a succession of bad roomates resulted in his premature demise.


01-04-04, 05:58 PM
I aquired my first pet (a green iguana) when I was four years old from a pet store 20 years ago (and she is still kicking around the house today :)).

01-04-04, 06:12 PM
A BP from Grant @ Port Credit Pet Centre, great guy. This is also where I met him for the first time.

01-04-04, 06:56 PM
My first snake was from the SPCA.

01-04-04, 07:01 PM
Baby Veild Cham from super pet.


01-04-04, 07:28 PM
All my herps are mainly wild caught (or from wc parents). I can only think of about 7 herps that were purchased from stores. My first were frogs and garters from around town when I was a youngin'. I kept them for many years until they died or else I got them from friends and others not wanting or able to care for them any longer. Most herps were just something I caught and let go at that time. I never started seriously collecting until a few years ago.

01-06-04, 09:00 AM
My first herp is my bearded dragon Meka. I bought her from at the time, one of the better stores around, since then they have succeeded in disgusting me and I will never buy from them again.

My dragon is a sweetie though.


01-06-04, 10:37 AM
My first were wild caughts. I used to go to a field a few blocks from my house and took home some garters.

Scales Zoo
01-07-04, 01:57 AM
I got my first snake from a petstore.

Looking at votes, most people did.

And the tally currenlty shows that 1/5 of the people got their first reptile from a breeder, and as many got theirs from their backyard. Very interesting.


01-07-04, 02:10 AM
My first was from a petstore.

01-07-04, 02:56 AM
My first snake was from a petstore..I have always had pets tho...From friends who don't want them anymore....I will never shop at a Chain Pet store again tho...******* ***...

EDIT (Linds): Please refrain from naming names. If you have something negative to say about a specific place/chain, please star it out or share via PM, sSnakeSs.com does not need to be threatened with anymore suits. Thank you.

01-09-04, 12:44 AM
my first pet was a stray cat.
my first reptile pets were toads and frogs i'd catch and release the same day. then there was the turtle that i caught @ the summer cottage when i was about 11

01-09-04, 11:45 PM
From the woods behind my house. Used to go out and catch garters, banded waters, rat snakes, king snakes, green snakes, ringnecks, and the occasional copperhead (very carefully). Brought home plenty of turtles and lizards too. I'm not sure what my first snake was but it might have been a rough green. I didn't buy a reptile (black rat snake) till I started college and moved downtown. I got a lot of enjoyment observing animals in their natural habitat and trying to recreate it to some degree at home since there wasn't much out there about reptiles in captivity.

01-10-04, 12:15 AM
The first reptiles I ever kept were WC Garter Snakes. They were a blast and I learned a lot from them. Years before that, I used to catch frogs and toads in the field behind my house.

My first "real" pet reptile was from a breeder though. :)

01-11-04, 10:52 AM
some of my first reptiles i'v had (that were not the best animals to pick) i got when i was still in elementary school so, there dead =( but i got an iguana from my sister, won anoles at carnivals, then i finally went to easier things like little newts and salamanders from the pet store and actually one of those salamanders (a tiger sal) i still have =)

01-18-04, 09:33 AM
from my mother...hahah sorry i thought that was funny..

petshop really!