View Full Version : Super sweet...

01-03-04, 11:38 PM
We just installed an ati tv Wonder ve. So while i'm crusing around ssnakess i can also watch tv ANIMAL PLANET. I'm so excited, I can also recored tv shows and then burn them to disk, and transfer Vhs to Dvd. My boyfriends Mom also bought a digital camcorder. Yea!!! Lots of playtime for me!!!!!!!!!

Sorry if you don't want to hear about it but i'm so excited, now i can capture some of my herps on video instead of just still photos.

01-04-04, 12:08 AM
I love ATI's toy's. They're my favourite video card company.

01-05-04, 09:50 PM
While you're doing that I'm clunking along at 28.8. lol!

01-05-04, 09:55 PM
Wow sounds like you're gonna have a lot of things to be tinkering with! :D

Originally posted by drewlowe
We just installed an ati tv Wonder ve.

LOL I don't even have the slightest idea what that is :p

01-05-04, 10:01 PM
Linds I didn't either till they brought it home and showed me. I still didn't belive them until i installed it.

Basicly i can watch tv, and see tv listings, on my computer.
I can also recored the shows i see and then save them in my hard drive of burn them to disk, then theres this thing if i hook up a V.C.R. to it i can take the vhs and make it into a dvd. The wonderview is just like a internal usb in a way or like firewire, You have to install it into your tower.

HEHE I can't belive i'm watching cast away (nothing else on tv) and writing a post on ssnakess all on my computer. It amazes me with the technology we have, sometimes.

01-06-04, 02:12 AM
LOL that's DEFINITELY from the future! No idea there was anything that could do that! LOL... I'm so behind the times, I'm having trouble getting caught up. Everything seems "from the future" to me. I think it's one of the phrases I use most often :p My boyfriend got me a DVD player for xmas and I've been utterly amazed that I can play music and data cd's in it :p :o Hehehe... put a little snake slideshow on my tv for a little while o> LOL... he's been trying to get me in to the third dimension with video games, but I just can't advance past my SNES :p

01-07-04, 07:41 PM
That sounds awesome Drewlowe!
Do you have a # or web adress for the company? Or would I just do a search for ATI?
Is it expensive?

01-08-04, 12:13 AM
Linds I'm not that far back, but i'm not all teched out either. If it's for a video game we most likely have it, my boyfriend is a hardcore gamer. My boyfriends mom and her boyfriend are the ones buying all the things for the computer then i have to play around and figure them out (which i very much enjoy doing, except for photoshop.)

Mr. Lizard- www.ati.com the one i have is a tv wonder VE.