View Full Version : Monitors (savana)

01-03-04, 10:00 PM
hey i need some help here with this i got a 2 year old savana monitor that i noticed today when i was cleaning his cage that he had snot bubbles comming out of his nose and drooling like crazy is this normal cuz i have never seen it before

01-04-04, 12:21 AM
It sound like a RI, he need to see a vet.

01-04-04, 12:39 AM
sounds like your heat isnt high enough. you need to raise his temperatures!
ambient of 80 degrees, bask of 130 +
Lots of hydration for an RI!

01-04-04, 01:12 AM
Incase you dont know what RI is its short for respireatory infection and can be very deadly if not dealt with.

01-04-04, 01:25 AM
Yup, thats what it sounds like, and possibly mouthrot, take a look in his mouth and if there is a cheasy like matter then there is probably mouth rot too. Vet.

01-15-04, 01:51 PM
thanks guys i was just over reacting and he had just drank some water and ate a rat it was just the left over siliva stupid me