View Full Version : safety of my cham

01-02-04, 03:56 PM
ok i got 2 new kittys for x-mas. All my enclosures are kitty-proof except my cham's. It's fairly light weight mesh and could easily be tiped over or crawled up if the cat was curious. I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue or has possible solutions? I have him in my bedroom where i will close the door if i leave the house but i would like a more permanint/easier idea. He moves slowly enough where i don't think they'd be all that interested, but cats are curious creatures and it still makes me nervous!

01-02-04, 03:58 PM
herm .. cats and dogs in general scare the crap outta chams (in my experiance) .. i personally kept my door closed at all times when i had my dogs, and everything was good


Wuntu Menny
01-02-04, 04:05 PM
Jason is right, your cats should never have access to your chameleons at all. The mere presence of them is enough to stress the chameleon unnecessarily. I've had enough reports from keepers whose cats decided to turn their chams into appetizers to ever consider allowing the two to meet. Don't even let your cats know that there's a reason to enter the room. If they see something that arouses their curiosity, they will try to get at it at every opportunity.


01-02-04, 06:01 PM
Keep your room as a cat free zone I have 3 cats here and i have scared the crap outa them about the room. so now even when i forget to close the doore they are to scared to go in there lol. My male veiled escaped form is old closet enclosure by turning his big cask sideways and squissing throught the doore I came down stairs to a hissing cham with all 3 cats sitting in a circle aroung him I was very lucky that they dident kill him. they kill everything else in the neiboroughood.

Well like i said your room no cats aloud!

01-03-04, 12:31 PM
ya if your cat did get into that cham room, most likly it will rip the mesh easly, so just be careful, plus all cats have different personalitys, so one might go for them and one might not, but you cant always be sure, so just keep them out of that room:D


01-03-04, 04:47 PM
When your cat looks at the door, it's time to break out the spray bottle. Scared the crap outta my cat and he never goes near the room now. lol

01-03-04, 05:15 PM
ha ha it works on dogs to:p unno why i guess they hate water lol


01-03-04, 09:14 PM
I'm going to catch a lot of flack for this but; you could always feed the cats to your snakes and problem solved! :p


01-04-04, 11:12 AM
Oh, Trace! That's so harsh! I never expected that kind of comment to come from YOU :) geez! lol

01-04-04, 11:25 AM
I never expected that kind of comment to come from YOU

LMAO!!!!!!!! It's funny 'cause it's true! I'm the most opinionated person out there and sometimes I just gotta say it like it is.

My hatred for house cats is well documented on this site, but I'm glad you got my joke!

How's Boris doing anyways?


01-05-04, 09:10 AM
He seems to be doing well. Not eating too much but that could be because he's on a mealie diet for the time being. The crickets eat through his mesh enclosure so i'm working on a wired enclosure which should be done soon. What a pain in the A$$ that is to build lol!

01-05-04, 09:44 AM
I'm happy he's doing well for you. That's great.

OH those horrible crickets! I hate those things for many, many reasons. What I've taken to doing is strategically placing a piece of carrot or two in my cages and/or placing the veggies the chams eat on flat plates at the bottom of the enclosure. (sour cream container lids are great for this!) Anyways, the crickets go over and eat that instead of chewing their way to freedom. It's also a last chance gutload too.



01-05-04, 10:22 AM
Ah, thanks for the tip! I'll have to try that this evening...i think Borris is sick of mealies by now :) The new cage should be finnished soon. Now i just have to worry about how to get him out of his old one and into the new. He's not a big fan of coming out of his home, he gets a little moody ;)