View Full Version : ficus tree ????

01-02-04, 01:37 PM
For those that seen my other post "Settling in Great!!!" You have seen the pic of the pitifull ficus tree i have. Just now my boyfriend thought of something. We give it the same water we give our herps "reverse osmosis water" Would that have an impact on the plant? Do plants need the minerals that tap water has? I hope this is the reason and with us switching from giving r.o. water to tap water will help the plant.

Any other suggestions would be helpful.


01-02-04, 03:20 PM
I think the RO water is missing a lot of the nutrients the plant would want to absorb. My guess is the new water will make a big difference. But then i'm really just making a hypothesis.


01-02-04, 06:08 PM
I would say with no real knowleage at all lol hehe that the tap water would be better for the plants Just my opinion, but i doubt that that is the major cause you just have to get the lighting and watering balance right. try putting more floreseents on the cage or along the sides might help. with my plants i find that underwatering is the main problem enen with watering the chams it dosent water the plans soo dont know lol. Oh one more thought if the plant is in the pot u bought it in you may need to re pot it in a pot thats about 2" bigger, new soil will gove it a bost as well. it might be root bound. I find i have to add a new layer of soil about every 6 months for nutrents for the plans because i cant use firtalizers. Hummm just some thoughts...

01-02-04, 06:15 PM
I got the ficus along with neo a few months back. The ficus came in a tiny holder, it's roots were busting out of the pot. Plus it had miricle grow in it. So i took it out cleaned the roots off real good and repotted it in a very big pot (bigger than necisary, but thought it could grow into it.) I used clean potting soil (no additives). Maybe it's still in some sort of shock, i guess only time will tell.

I was thinking of getting another double fixture to place on the side. I'll wait a week and find out.

Thanks for the help.


01-02-04, 07:43 PM
Try maybe throwing in some natural fertilizer. Like um, it may smell bad or something but, a dead fish or something. That really helps trees outside. I dunno. Also, I just thought of this not too long ago, why not add a couple live worms to the plants soil to help aerate and fertilize the soil better?

01-03-04, 12:27 PM
well whatever worked for you in the beginning keep it that way, unless your not afarid to by another ficus tree then go for it
