View Full Version : Herping in Alabama

01-02-04, 12:39 PM
Hi all. I'm from alabama and I have a couple of questions about field herping. I would like to search out some wild snakes around here and photograph them however I'm still very very wary of venemous species and I'm only slightly interested in photographing the monster rattlers and cottonmouths we have down here around the river. I'm more interesting in the mammoth rat snakes I have seen in my years. I don't plan to go out until the spring or summer since there aren't many snakes to see here this time of the year. We are hoping to get some hooks from the Birmingham show the 17th and we are going to purchase some leggings that are bite proof. Any advice you can offer us on how to avoid the venomous species. If we come up on one will simply walking away backwards be an effective means of retreat? I'm very wary of the cottonmouths especially since I have seen one chase a person with my own eyes. We have no intention of disturbing any wildlife. I just want photographs. If there is any information it would be appreciated and if there are any site on the web that you'd like to recommend I would greatly appreciate it. Sorry for such a long post.

01-02-04, 05:54 PM
I dont have much to offer, but backing away is probably the best thing to do. Theres no real way to avoid the venomous, as they share the same habitat as the non-venomous. Cottons are kinda notorious for "chasing" people, but most of the time I would say its just a front. If you find any venomous, photograph them from a safe distance and post them on here for all us northerners who dont get to see them often!

01-02-04, 06:11 PM
And just to emphasise, back away SLOWLY! If you try and jump backwards quickly you might scare them enough to provoke a strike. Good luck with your photography!
