View Full Version : I don't believe he just did that!
Wuntu Menny
01-02-04, 12:10 PM
Ok, I"m watching CNN and they just showed a clip of Steve Irwin doing something I can only classify as incredibly irresponsible. Stevo just pulled a Jacko and brought his 1 month old son into the enclosure to feed a croc! Baby in one arm and chunk of meat in the other, he walked up to the croc and fed it by hand.
Now Steve's done some silly things before and we all either love to hate him or hate to love him, depending on which side of the fence we sit, but what could he be thinking? As confident as he may be with his knowledge of behaviour, I can't help but recall a certain incident with a lawnmower where Stevo nearly became lunch. It only takes that split second...
Solid Snake
01-02-04, 12:33 PM
i love his show cuz he makes it exciting... if you're gonna complain i suggest u give him a call...
01-02-04, 12:43 PM
I used to watch that show. Until I came on here and realized how irresponsible he really is.
Sure the prospect of someone getting injured usually makes a show more interesting. Why do you think alot of people like to watch wrestling and race cars?
But DON'T bring a BABY into it!!!!!
it's highly irresponsible of him but in his eyes he just wants to continue a tradition that his father held and i dunno bout his grandfather. steve was trained as a child and he's probably just doing the same for his son. and if the croc ignored the chicken steve would prob be bit and saftey ppl run to get the baby and leave steve to fend for himself cause he can.
Steves just mindless entertainment. think of it this way. if steves kid gets chomped he's not going to grow up to do the things steve does.
I have no complaints about Steve. He does what he does. He brings excitment to the more boring and less appreciated animals of society. And he does warn not to his the things he does. Barefoot Bushman is another great guy. If those guys didn't know their animals well, they wouldn't be alive at this point.
I know, sometimes they over do it.
Retic chic
01-02-04, 01:40 PM
My cousin lives and works in Australia now, and has been to Australia Zoo to see Steve Irwin in action. He says it is like the WWF, seems everything is staged and elaborated. Actually, he said it was more like Stampede Wrestling, remember Stampede Wrestling???
Wuntu Menny
01-02-04, 02:14 PM
I agree with most of you with respect to the sensationalist approach, I just don't feel that it does any of us any good to be associated with that. We're already fighting an uphill battle to salvage a shred of respect from the nonherping public. Stunts like this only seem to reinforce the arguments against keeping herps at all.
Yes, there are always the "Don't Try This At Home" disclaimers, but we all know how effective those are. If you don't want someone to attempt to duplicate it, don't show them how in the first place. As far as maintaining family traditions, the same could be said with regard to rattlesnake roundups, fox hunts, or for that matter, any other "Whacking Day" ceremony. There are plenty of traditional pastimes that we should have outgrown by now.
Dozer: Is the barefoot bushman you refer to Rob Bredl? If it is, I'd have to agree with you. He's one of the few I enjoy watching. His approach seems more educational and less traumatic to all involved. He does play up the danger aspect a little, but I find the end product far more entertaining and informative.
01-02-04, 02:43 PM
Wuntu and Retic Chic - Do either of you remember Monty's Travelling Reptile Show? (I'm not sure if it got played in Saskatchewan, or if you even lived there at that time, Sheila, but you remember Stampede Wrestling, so you must remember Monty, hehehe)
Now THERE was a responsible, educational, absolutely non-sensationalist show. I remember when I was a kid, he did a show at the Calgary Stampede, and he brought out this 18 foot burmese python and got a bunch of kids to hold it... well, I got the head. And what the big burm do?
All of a sudden, there was this foul smell coming from my side of the burm.... LOL
I was addicted from that moment forward. I think I was somewhere around 8 or 9 years old at that time.
Wuntu Menny
01-02-04, 03:00 PM
I remember Monty very well. I'm sure he was responsible for getting more of us into herps than we would like to admit. A lot more could be achieved back then without resorting to the Hollywood herping we see now. I suppose that can be chalked up to the cliche of those being simpler times.
That being said, I shudder to think of the lengths they'll go to 20 years from now when these times are being fondly recalled as the simpler ones.
I can remember Monty's when I was about 6 or 7 years old, dont know wether or not it got me into herps but I sure remember learning quite a lot watching it.
I think that steve taking kids into croc inclosures in very irresponsable, But for the most part i like watching his shows. Mostly because you get to see some amazing animals.
IMO the herp world owes alot to steve, Like him or hate him you can not deny that he has done alot of good for this hobby. Of course he has also done some bad as well, But nobody is perfect.:)
Retic chic
01-02-04, 03:25 PM
IMO the herp world owes alot to steve, Like him or hate him you can not deny that he has done alot of good for this hobby. Of course he has also done some bad as well, But nobody is perfect.:) [/B]
I agree that Steve Irwin has done a lot for the enthusiasm for the hobby, but maybe not as much for the responsible education that good ol' Monty had.
well here ya go it's already making news
01-02-04, 04:49 PM
ok, holding the baby was wrong..but did anyone see the video just posted on how he jiggled the kid around? I dont think he realizes its a baby!! I love him and his show, but that was just stupppppid!
01-02-04, 04:56 PM
He's pulling a Michael Jackson incident, except instead of dangling a baby off a balcony, he's dangling a baby in front of a croc? :)
01-02-04, 08:31 PM
"IN THE MEANTIME AND INBETWEEN TIME, THAT'S IT ANOTHER EDITION OF CROC HUNTER" I too used to like watching him, but I have a real hero now Rob Bredl (sp?) aka barefoot bushman. he makes Steve Irwin not only look like an idiot, but a wimp in comparrison. Mark I.
P.S. Too bad Steve couldn't do a show where he dangles MJ over the croc pit LOL that I'd like to see, UMMMM pedophile for lunch!
He's done a lot of good, and has contributed his share of bad, but child endangerment is a bit over the top. Endangering yourself is one thing, but a baby is another. Of course the press is going to have a field day with it, and yet again puts herps/herpkeepers back in the press under the familiar negative light :(
Well Terri was giggling and Steve said he was under control and the baby wasnt harmed. I'd actually believe it when he said they had everything under control so i dont think the baby was in danger. I dont think steve did it to impress the crowds.. he just wanted to acustom his son to crocs.
edit: i might be contradicting what i said in my first post but this is after i saw those pics and quotes.
01-03-04, 09:47 AM
thats just wrong. He would never have had enough time to pull that baby up had the croc decided that he looked like that piece of chicken.
01-03-04, 09:59 AM
I personally wouln't do it with my kid, but I am not Steve. He was raised with crocs and all Australian wildlife. Would you have stepped on a venemous snake to pin it down when you were 4 or 6? You think he is weird doing those things around crocs, watch the Barefoot Bushman, now that is odd. But then again, reptiles act out of instinct, and with time you can know just what they will do and Bushman proved it many times. I do not see anything that wrong here, he knew what he was doing and I am sure if he tought for a sec the baby would be in danger, he wouln't have done it.
Simon Sansom
01-03-04, 10:38 AM
Rob Bredl is the real deal. Irwin's just a sensationalistic bone-head, and he's just proved it (AGAIN) in front of the world.
And yes, I remember Monty Krizen's show! Now THERE was a real herper.
Only saw it a few times, but I absolutely LOVED it. Hey, remember the big Rhino iguana with the spiked collar on that used to just sit there through the show? Awesome.
01-03-04, 10:54 AM
The actions in regards to what just occurred was careless endangerment of thier own child. If any qualified handler wants to go in to his animals padock that is his risk and responcibility.
The problem now comes in that he took an infant in with him causing some distraction to what he was doing. When dealing with dangerous animals your complete consentration is needed. Steve himself has had many close calls by himself and has been bitten on more than one occasion.
Had that croc made a unexpected lunge and Steve tripped and fell and dropped the infant then that croc would most likely had a free neo snack.
Yes many private parties keep large animals or dangerous ones! But how many would be so foolish to place thier own child at risk when it is unwarranted? I have always had a major problem with his free handling of venomous reptiles and now he places his own son's life in potential danger. He is a representitive to the world of the reptile community. His actions on Tv and Film many people could preceive to be how we all conduct ourselves. This is a danger to our rights to keep our animals.
Understandably someone will try and bring up Corwin, O'Shea , Marvin, and say look what they do! Ok I will look they use the proper tools for working with dangerous animals. Nor do they place other people in danger on camera in the publics eye. Steve would be a far better ambassador to the reptile community if he would simply start showing the proper respect for correct handling practices and safety equiptment.
01-03-04, 11:58 AM
The fact that Irwin stated that he had the croc under control proves that he believe his own press releases. What an ego.Sure some animal CAN have predictable behaviour but ask anyone that works with animals, on camera and off(even Irwin himself) and I bet that everyone will say that animals don't always do what you want them to. Endanger yourself, fine endanger a 1 month old who has no choice, GIVE ME A BREAK. how can anyone justify this??? Crikey Honey, They Took My Kids
01-03-04, 12:32 PM
I think Steve knows enough to be able to do that safely. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just as dangerous as carrying a baby across a busy road when you know what you're doing. Of course bringing a baby to meet a croc isn't really necessary whereas carrying a baby across the road might be at some times.
01-03-04, 12:43 PM
ok so this was stupid and dangerous, but how many of you smoke around your kids? or your kids are subjected to second hand smoke?
this is dangerous too but you dont see these parents being put under a spotlight for putting there kids in danger, how many times have you been driving and seen a car with kids in it and the parents smoking.
the big deal is only because he is on TV.
01-03-04, 01:24 PM
So just because someone smokes, anthing goes in life. Yes officer, I know I was driving backwards, 110 mph, on the wrong side of the road, but hey, They have peoples smoking out there!!!
01-03-04, 01:26 PM
We can't justify bad actions by pointing to another bad action. I think the comparative analogy has been M Jacksons dangling incident which is a closer analogy.
Bringing a baby into a croc enclosure sounds pretty stupid, but so does letting an 8 - 9 yr old kid hold the head of a burmese python.
I've watched this Rob Bredl, and maybe it's just the shows I've watched, but he's got a really rough way of handling snakes and lizards. Plus he flirts with the young girls too much.
These shows are really just to get us excited and stuff. I mean look at Fear Factor, the stuff on that show is just cruel, disgusting, and lame-o, but hey, it's TV, not the real world.
I like Steves show but doing this in front of ANYONE was just plain stupid. He has admitted as much now since the child welfare department was called on them.
Fine get your son used to crocs like your dad did, but do it in private.
01-03-04, 03:05 PM
Bad decision. Bad PR. Luckily only Steve's career and ego were hurt this time. As a parent it hits me a few ways. I'm sure in Stevo's mind he knew exactly what he was doing and was in complete "control" the whole time. It just should not have been done, especially in public.
Getting back to Monty's Traveling Reptile Show, anyone remember his big python's name????
01-03-04, 03:08 PM
i like croc hunter but what he did was not rite when they're that young they need to be supported cause theyre very fragile and the baby would be just a snack to the croc if he got him
Wuntu Menny
01-03-04, 04:04 PM
Tim: Wasn't the python's name Garbage Can? The rhino iggy was Tebo and I believe the alligator was Albert.
01-03-04, 04:06 PM
I agree Marisa,it was definitely done for sensationalism with very little respect for the kid. The conditioning of his child should've been done in private with less distraction.
You wouldn't teach your kid to ride a bike on the shoulder of a busy highway.
Wuntu Menny
01-03-04, 04:12 PM
Good analogy Mr Lizard! I like that one.
01-03-04, 04:22 PM
WM, you got it! :) Great show. I would race home from my paper route to watch it! I wish I still had all of the tapes I recorded it on....
Wuntu Menny
01-03-04, 04:42 PM
I used to watch Monty first and the papers could wait! Damn, when I watched it, there were no VCR's to tape it on. I guess those were simpler times, weren't they?
I think the comparative analogy has been M Jacksons dangling incident which is a closer analogy.
some how i dont think michael jackson dangled the baby so that it wouldnt be afraid of heights when it got older
Jako is waco, he shouldn't even be compared to Irwin. Just because both may have done somethin' really dumb, doesn't mean they are both comparable. Jako has had problems with children in the past, Irwin hasn't. However, we're all human and we do make mistakes. I beleive this is Irwin's first.
01-04-04, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by MartinW
I think Steve knows enough to be able to do that safely. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just as dangerous as carrying a baby across a busy road when you know what you're doing. Of course bringing a baby to meet a croc isn't really necessary whereas carrying a baby across the road might be at some times.
You know, that is very similar to an analogy I was going to make, except I was going to say it is the same thing as taking your baby with you in the car. But then I decided not to.
I like Steves show but doing this in front of ANYONE was just plain stupid. He has admitted as much now since the child welfare department was called on them.
I was thinking the exact same thing. I am sure his dad did the same with him, but he was dumb to do it publicly. I do feel sorry for him though, as dumb of a mistake as it was.
some how i dont think michael jackson dangled the baby so that it wouldnt be afraid of heights when it got older
Exactly. As stupid as it was, it is not fair to put this incident in correllation to the MJ incident.
01-04-04, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Neo
some how i dont think michael jackson dangled the baby so that it wouldnt be afraid of heights when it got older
You don't really think Irwin advertised this event in order to acclimate his son to crocodiles do you??? It had nothing to do with his son. It was a gimmick for the crowds. His son was a prop
scalawag how could it be a gimmick for the crowds if his family has been raising kids this way for 30-40 years? Steve was taught to catch his first croc at 8, first venomous snake at 4.
Just because in North America we have cats and dogs and teach our kids to be afriad of wild creatures doesn't mean its the only way. I think both Bindi and Bob (his children) are extremely LUCKY to be raised with the opportunity to learn about animals in the same manner Steves parents raised him.
I agree this should have been private, but when you think about it being 100% normal to that family, you can see why the mistake was made.
Steve doesn't need any publicity like that, and have never tried to get it that way, its illogical to say that out of the blue he has started too, especially considering his family has been raised that way for 30 years.
Tim and Julie B
01-04-04, 04:27 PM
It's amazing how many people think they "know" Steve enough to know why he did it. Read a report. Hear from his mouth why he did what he did. Here's what I posted in the other thread, if anyone wants to read it, though redundancy is pointless since everyone has thier minds made up.
Well, I don't think anyone has a right to decide what is right or wrong in this case, except Steve and Terri. Why? How old was Steve when his father started taking him out on croc hunts? He too was a baby. No one pegged his father as being irresponsible. The only reason anyone cares is because he's a tv personanlity. And we all know how much people like to stir $hit up. Also, how often have we seen Bob and Tracy Barker herping on tv with thier kids? The older one always walks around flipping rocks, with god only knows what lurking underneath. These people live for the love of thier animals, and are instilling the love and value of reptiles in thier children, albeit at a very young age. However, these are the future role-players in the hobby we've come to love. Before condemning Steve (who has done so much) take a look at what you keep in your home around your kids and other pets. Almost anything can be a danger to a child, but if you are watching over them they will be safe. He was holding Bob quite safely, working with an animal he knows extremely well. It's nothing compared to what MJ did, because Steve was not intentionally trying to drop his child to his death. Keep that in mind before making a judgement. Just my two cents. Oh, and while I wouldn't do this myself, I do keep reptiles that many would consider harmful to kids and I plan to have my kids grow up around them.
Wuntu Menny
01-04-04, 05:11 PM
I understand your point Julie, but Steve's dad wasn't the media focal point that his son has become. He didn't go out of his way to share Steve's early initiation with the world. Had he done so, I believe there would have been some negative reaction even back then. To openly and deliberately share this moment with the entire world only invites criticism and controversy. Its not like they were unaware of the potential ramifications of doing this.
Obviously they were felt the stunt was safe or they wouldn't have staged it in the first place. The majority of the general public however, views this as reckless endangerment of a child. Yes, there are plenty of things in our environment that pose potential threats to our offspring, but we can't go around strapping the car seat to the roof because we're confident enough in our ability to operate the vehicle.
In this day and age we are expected to exercise a certain level of common sense and resposibility when it comes to raising children. If we demonstrate anything less, particularly in public view, we invite scrutiny and our fitness as parents is brought into question. I personally feel that this act was openly challenging the acceptable limits of child welfare and found it offensive both as a herp keeper and a future parent.
i think also that the fact that he has most of his crocs in a zoo. He's not gonna relocate the croc to a private enclosure to show his son and he's not gonna close the zoo to do it either. i dont really think he did it for the publicity. the publicity just came.
01-04-04, 06:53 PM
I understand your point Julie, but Steve's dad wasn't the media focal point that his son has become. He didn't go out of his way to share Steve's early initiation with the world. Had he done so, I believe there would have been some negative reaction even back then. To openly and deliberately share this moment with the entire world only invites criticism and controversy. Its not like they were unaware of the potential ramifications of doing this.
I think Steve knew it had to be done (according to a family tradition). I think because the crocs are already in the zoo, he thought he would do it there being that he knows each crocodile like the back of his hand. I am also pretty sure he picked one of the friendlier crocs. Of course this is a relative term. Also, I do not see how Steve 'went out of his way' with this. I don't think he expected this kind of reaction. I really don't think they were thinking about the ramifications, I think they were thinking what a wonderful experience to share publicly. Of course, a stupid one, but he had good intentions.
Tim and Julie B
01-04-04, 07:19 PM
I know that while it is deemed a controversial act on Steve's part, it is only seen as such because of the standards to which the public has stated a parent should be. Times are changing and you can't even give a child a smack on the hand when they do something wrong, so of course he's the big monster now. Though we must understand that being a father and a croc enthusiast are probably both second nature to him. That he wouldn't endanger his son or his animals. He was working with an animal he knows through and through, and yes I know that wild animals can and will be unpredictable, but he felt safe in his actions and is most likely reeling at the prospect of everyone disliking him for doing something that he never gave thought to. Everyone deserves a second chance, and after the publicity he's most likely endured due to this event I am fairly certain he won't be doing it agian in the public eye. I have a hard time believing that he could/would do it as a publicity stunt. Seems to far from his personality to me, but again that's just MHO.
01-04-04, 07:31 PM
My post from another thread on this subject:
The only problem i see is that he went public. Now he has to hear it from the countless morons that pass judgement on others when they are just as much at fault for putting their kids and others into danger. If you do not think that packing your kids in the minivan for a ball game or movie is dangerous, then your a moron. If you fail to realize that Steve has many people that are watching out for him while he is in the exibits then your a moron.
I do not see how all you folks could pass judgement on another so strongly when YOU are just as guilty for doing things that could carry the same consequences, even if these things are publicly acceptable. You think that the common things that you do daily are any safer than what Steve did? If so you need a reality check. Just because what Steve did is beyond our reality, does not mean that the public itself is at fault for endangering their childrens lives on a daily basis. I would rather be Steves' kid than be the kid in the back of countless minivans worldwide. The world has been conditioned to believe everything they do is normal and great, but others actions are horrible.
How many of you fathers out there have venomous or other potentially dangerous reptiles at home? Who has not taken there kids out to shoot the 'family' guns? Who has not ran a red light with a carload of kids only to think "That was close!"
On a side note...I was raised by a mountain man, literally. I was going on my fathers trap lines at the age of 3, and even on hunting trips as an infant. I was setting traps and snares at 4-5 years of age. And believe me when I say a full grown Mountain Lion is nothing you want to see pissed off at the end of chain. This is something our ancectors have been doing for ages, to condition and teach their young about the world they are entering. Some of you folks need to lighten up and see beyond your own ways, and realize you are at fault for dangerous actions as well.
My 2 cents....
01-04-04, 08:16 PM
You don't really think Irwin advertised this event in order to acclimate his son to crocodiles do you??? It had nothing to do with his son. It was a gimmick for the crowds. His son was a prop
LOL that is the dumbest theory I have ever heard. Tim/Julie, I am loving everything you say on the topic. Very well said.
01-04-04, 08:50 PM
If the whole purpose was to introduce a ONE MONTH OLD to crocodiles, why not introduce it to a hatchling with its mouth taped. Why advertise it as a big event and hold your baby while feeding a 13 ft crocodile??? tHeGiNo, please refute my points. Maybe you can persuade me to your line of thought.
01-04-04, 09:18 PM
he didn't do anything wrong, the baby wasn't in danger at all. i've been to his zoo, i saw tyhat exact show he was doing in real life, they lie down 5feet form the crocs when they're on land and if the croc tried to bite them they just stand up and walk away. it wasn't a big deal at all, hes starting his kid early into the reptile world.
even if the croc *somehow* did grab a hold of him he would just hand the baby off to one of the many people standing around.
If the whole purpose was to introduce a ONE MONTH OLD to crocodiles, why not introduce it to a hatchling with its mouth taped.
we dont know if steve has already done this because that kinda stuff doesnt make international news. for all we know steve's kid could have had a baby croc sit on his lap already. the kid's prob already been introduced to little lizards, big lizards, now crocs
01-04-04, 11:50 PM
Even though most people bitch and moan about this guy a lot, i know for a fact that he loves what he does and his show is definately exciting. Plus the fact that he ALWAYS cracks me up...
He knows what he's doing, i trust him.
01-05-04, 02:08 AM
scalawag i quote
"Why advertise it as a big event and hold your baby while feeding a 13 ft crocodile???"
where did it say it was an advertised event?it was a tourist who taped it and sent the tape to the news and in turn got all the calls to cause this stir.
he does these feedings for the public all the time, its like going to the zoo to meet the snake keeper and he has his baby with him would you all freak out then?????
steve is awesome and very passionate about his animals
01-05-04, 08:28 AM
This is a quote from one of the first news articles
"Yesterday's show, for the public and the media, was billed as Bob's "croc-feeding debut".
"Good boy, Bob," Irwin said as Murray's jaws snapped shut on the food.
"He's one month old, so it's about time Bob got out there and did his first croc demo," Irwin told the excited crowd."
Wuntu Menny
01-05-04, 10:02 AM
Now that we've all shared our opinions, its clear that we have different perceptions on the matter. Maybe we should consider leaving it at that before this degenerates into name calling and mudslinging like so many other threads do. Personally, I don't need to be adding any more people to my ignore list.
01-05-04, 05:36 PM
If the whole purpose was to introduce a ONE MONTH OLD to crocodiles, why not introduce it to a hatchling with its mouth taped. Why advertise it as a big event and hold your baby while feeding a 13 ft crocodile??? tHeGiNo, please refute my points. Maybe you can persuade me to your line of thought.
As already suggested, I am sure the baby has been introduced to smaller lizards and crocs. I am also sure it wouldn't have had the same effect.
Then to make the claim that he did this for his own personal interest, the reason all I said was that it was stupid is simply because the claim itself is ridiculous. It is backed up by zero evidence, and again it is just ridiculous. That is why I did not feel the need to refute your point. Claiming him to his his baby as a prop, now that is taking it a little bit too far.
Wuntu Menny
01-05-04, 08:01 PM
Well, maybe just one more...
01-06-04, 12:20 PM
Tonight on larry king
01-06-04, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by tHeGiNo
As already suggested, I am sure the baby has been introduced to smaller lizards and crocs. I am also sure it wouldn't have had the same effect.
Then to make the claim that he did this for his own personal interest, the reason all I said was that it was stupid is simply because the claim itself is ridiculous. It is backed up by zero evidence, and again it is just ridiculous. That is why I did not feel the need to refute your point. Claiming him to his his baby as a prop, now that is taking it a little bit too far.
I'm just going by the facts at hand. Where is your evidence that he has introduced to smaller lizards and crocs. Or are only those with differing opinions than yours required to have evidence. And the best argument you have is that my claim is stupid simply beacuse the claim itself is riduculous. Very savy debator. My point was that if this was only for exposing his kid to the animals, then why advertise it as an event and do it in front of hundreds of people who paid money?
01-06-04, 01:37 PM
again it wasnt advertised that he would be feeding the croc with his kid
he advertises croc feeding all the time its the same as zoos here that do meet the keepers
and again the footage was caught by a tourist and sent to the news.
this issue is so done before you critic another look at yourself and your practices im sure you are 100% safe in everything you do and how many times do you do what seems safe to you with others but in the eyes of another they are not safe.
01-06-04, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by BoAddict
again it wasnt advertised that he would be feeding the croc with his kid
he advertises croc feeding all the time its the same as zoos here that do meet the keepers
and again the footage was caught by a tourist and sent to the news.
this issue is so done before you critic another look at yourself and your practices im sure you are 100% safe in everything you do and how many times do you do what seems safe to you with others but in the eyes of another they are not safe.
BoAddict, do some research, it was an advertised event in front of a packed crowd and the video was from the media not only a tourist. check out this link
He did it. It's done. Nothing happened, no one was hurt no matter how much you think the baby was "this" close to being eaten. NOTHING HAPPENED!
Why can't people accept that Austrailias child welfare isn't pressing charges so obviously Steve is still a competent parent?
I can see why celebs just "love" tabloids.
01-06-04, 04:05 PM
I am not posting evidence, however I am stating how something is LIKELY. You are going all out and saying he did this for his own benefit. Please show me your evidence that he did this for his own benefit.
01-06-04, 05:15 PM
"They've (the Irwin family) assured them that it won't happen again and I am sure that if it does they will be back in touch with them," he said.
Irwin told Channel Nine he would take his son Bob back into the crocodile pen - but would ensure there were no cameras.
So Irwin says he will do it again, endanger his child again and break the law again,
I think this shows the world how irresponcible he is. To risk his childs life and break the laws again.
01-06-04, 05:18 PM
how is he breaking the law????
if hed broken the law he wouldve been charged
01-06-04, 05:53 PM
Go to number 10.1
01-06-04, 06:20 PM
i went and looked @ 10 . 1
and the zoo is following those rules
01-06-04, 06:36 PM
Now explain to me where a 1 month old is a qualified permited person
01-06-04, 07:13 PM
Mustang, it is his child, his religion, his beliefs. I feel his is not putting his child in extreme danger, and it is HIS choice to bring his child up this way, the way he knows fit. The way he himself was raised. I know what you are going to say, he could drop the baby, the croc could unexpectedly attack, etc etc. Saying this would just result in me saying everything myself and many others have stated, in that things we take for granted daily in regards to situations children are put in can be put right beside what Steve is doing, even surpass the risks he is taking. This is inevitably a never ending circle of repeating beliefs.
O.k. so obviously you think this was wrong. You obviously think you have a better idea on how they should have taken care of the situation. And whats that? Remove his children? Shut down the zoo that does so much for native wildlife there?
As it stands the situation should be dropped IMHO.
01-06-04, 08:05 PM
Marisa I believe. They the officials should treat him the same way they would everyone else plain and simple.. He does not diserve special attention based on his monetary potential for the state.
I believe sanctions against his license and permit should be made just like they would for anyone else. And perhaps parenting classes ordered for him and his wife. Just the exact same they would for anyone else.
Gino I hear ya on the repeating circle... and I agree it is getting to be that.
Mel Brooks would have a field day if this was a movie script.
You honestly think he needs parenting classes to teach him not to raise his children the same way he himself was raised, which turned out to be quite successful I might add. Well yup this is a circle because that just doesn't make sense to me.
Things that have been done for generations haven't become more dangerous with time, people have just gotten dumber.
01-06-04, 09:11 PM
Marisa the point is he should be treated the same as anyone else and that his popularity should not make him above the law or its penalties.
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