View Full Version : How much?

01-02-04, 11:15 AM
I have a 13 month old beautiful male Veield cham. How much do you think he would be worth if I were to sell him? I am thinking of selling him and getting a Panther.

01-02-04, 06:10 PM
Veilds are not worth nearly as much as panthers, hummm id say ahh $100 ish not sure though...

01-02-04, 06:14 PM
Yea i agree..at a store near me the sell them for like 120 retail. They sell the panthers for 200+..cant remember exactly.

01-02-04, 07:45 PM
Well, I have some extra money I can spend for a Panther, I'm just (hate to say it) getting very bored with Veields. I have only seen a veield and a jacksons cham ever in my life (well in real life, not on tv) and I just really want a different kind.

01-02-04, 08:01 PM
Are you sure you won't get bored of a Panther in 12 months time?

If you are bored of the Veiled then yes, sell it, because he is only going to get neglected otherwise and that's not fair to the animal. But you do have to ask yourself right now... will I get bored of the Panther too?

I apologise, I'm not getting down on you by any stretch, but that statement really irks me sometimes. I've got sssooo many chams here that are dumped on me because the previous owners got bored.


01-02-04, 08:25 PM
Believe me. I would NEVER neglect a chameleon. That's almost offending. I don't think I'll get 'bored' of a Panther because I have never seen one as well as they have always fascinated me when I see pictures and hear about them. And I never said I actually WAS going to sell. I am thinking of it. Please don't take me as a cold-hearted person who is selfish enough to neglect an animal because I feel it is less fun than another animal. I have had Veileds for about 3 years and I want something different however since I still live with my parents I still have to follow the parents rules and they say no more enclosures. So, the only way I can have a different species of cham is to sell the current one.

01-02-04, 11:16 PM
No I don't think you are a cold hearted person at all, realistic and honest, which, in some ways, is refreshing in this hobby.

I wrote what I did in the hopes that someone who is interested in getting a cham, well any reptile for that matter, will read it and think to themselves, yeah I'm might get bored of the dang thing in a years time. Am I getting it now because it's cool. I know myself that if I'm not 100% committed to something, that something does not get 100% of my attention. The animal won't get neglected persay, he'll get fed and misted etc, but he may not get 100% of the attention he deserves every single day and that's when the decline of said animal starts. I'm not saying it's happening with you, but I've seen it happen many times with others.

My apologies to you VV, if I offended you in any way.


01-03-04, 12:24 PM
ya around 90-100, i saw someone selling it for 80 which is pretty cheap, uhhhh ya just make sure your up to it. What kind of panther are you planning to get???


01-03-04, 02:41 PM
I'm not sure what kind I want. I don't even know if I want to follow through with it. I'm just thinking of it.

01-03-04, 05:15 PM
ahhh i see, well just make sure your up to it;) good luck


01-03-04, 07:14 PM
By the way. Since I finally found a Canadian forum, where do all of you guys get your supplies?

01-03-04, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by vipervenom
By the way. Since I finally found a Canadian forum, where do all of you guys get your supplies?

Depends on what I need. Pet stores for bugs and UV lights. I buy some bugs directly from bug breeders. Everything else can be found in dollar stores, hardware stores, department stores, craft shops... the list goes on. Are you looking for tips on anything specific?

Check this thread: http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27112

There are many other threads in the archives here that give tips/tricks in where to get chameleon supplies in Canada.


01-03-04, 09:41 PM
Thanx. But I was just wondering because I am looking for some Poison Dart frog supplies at the moment.

01-03-04, 10:00 PM
Home Depot was selling ficus trees and madicascar canes trees and Cruton plants for 2.99 each 8). I bought 10 lol.

01-03-04, 10:05 PM
Do you have any pics of a Madagascar cane tree?

01-03-04, 10:08 PM
I will take a pic tonight as soon as I get home 8) from work.

01-03-04, 11:30 PM
thats in detroit tho lol:P im in T.O maybe that are the same here, unno, but if you want to check out where to get frog, stuff put your theard there, they could help, but ya like trace said you can find everythinig every where if you looked, a lot of stuff at the pet store are expensive, when there really really cheap


01-05-04, 03:56 PM
Thanx joer. And meow_mix450 I found a good frog place thanx anyways.