View Full Version : need help setting up internet on my new PC

Turtle Matt
01-02-04, 12:43 AM
I bought a new computer for myself and got a router for it...I've got the net working on my computer downstairs (it has windows 98) but I can't get it to work on my computer with windows XP...Can anyone walk me through setting it up?? The computer says its connected but won't bring up any sites for me (it says its not connected). Im not much of a computer person so any help is appreciated..If it helps, the router is by INEXQ and the model is BR400 (I think thats it).

01-02-04, 12:51 AM
Not really sure man but i can ask my dad tommorow he is computer specialist and i'l let you know what he'l say.

01-02-04, 01:34 AM
The BR400 is distributed by a lot of ISPs as part of thier internt package. I that how how you came by yours or did you buy it stand alone? If its through your ISP your best deal is to contact them as you may need to be assign another IP.

you could go to the inexq site thier direction for setup ar kind of screwy though. they use Win2000 directions for thier winXP setup guide. you may beable to muddle you way through it. any specific questions feel free to ask

01-02-04, 01:48 AM
Easiest thing to do at this point just to test something is, turn off your Windows 98 machine and then reboot your Windows XP machine. If you can access the internet on your XP machine after the reboot that means that your internet service provider is only letting you connect one machine to the internet through your router. What you would have to do then is either A) buy your own router with a built in DHCP, or B) Setup Internet Connection Sharing on your Windows XP machine, which is very easy. But test that first.

01-02-04, 02:06 AM
hehe good idea Vengeance I never though of that. Routers are cheap and in the long run it pays off. Up here they charge 5$ a month for an extra IP

01-02-04, 02:14 AM
Yea, you really don't need an extra public IP address either, unless you want to try and run a buisness from your house.

01-02-04, 11:20 AM
bell's sympatico high speed allows multiple ip's for free, no router needed, just use a regular hub and install their software on each machine (xp has the software built in).

01-02-04, 11:39 AM
Yes, Yes it does, I'm on Sympatico as well, but if you have a router instead of a Hub that you need to make sure that the router can support PPOE or else you won't get any internet access at all.

01-02-04, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Vengeance
Yes, Yes it does, I'm on Sympatico as well, but if you have a router instead of a Hub that you need to make sure that the router can support PPOE or else you won't get any internet access at all.

i haven't seen a router in the last 4 years that doesn't but i'm sure some of those no name brands have this issue.

though these days if you're going to buy a router it's almost worth it to buy one of the wireless bridge routers so that any future computers don't need cables (I love wireless networking)

Turtle Matt
01-02-04, 12:46 PM
Ok, my sister had her computer hooked up through a router before and we didn't get charged anything extra..

01-02-04, 12:57 PM
Matt, its pretty much plug and play with routers, what you probably have to do is reboot your modem and your router. MSN me i'll walk you through it.