View Full Version : Do you know your latin
Hey everyone, lets play a game. If you can take the latin name I give you and translate it into the common name and then put your own latin name and see if anyone can guss the common name.
Boa constrictor imperator
Common red tail boa.
Can you idenify?
Acrantophis Dumerili?
Dumeril's ground boa ;)
Any others? :D I'm not too good at this, but I can try..
How about
aspidites melanocephalus
01-01-04, 11:53 PM
aspidites melanocephalus
Black-Headed Python
01-01-04, 11:59 PM
How bout.....
Micruroides euryxanthus
01-01-04, 11:59 PM
Acrantophis Dumerili= Dumeril's boa-Madagascar-CITES appendix 1
Acrantophis madagascariensis
01-02-04, 12:01 AM
oh yeah...thanks Google.... :D
01-02-04, 12:06 AM
-Just guessing, some sort of Madagascan Boa?-
Here's a couple of my favorite latin name because of the way they are pronounced:
Antaresia childreni(haha almost a give away)
Corallus caninus(what nice teeth, makes me think of canines, but on a snake)
01-02-04, 12:07 AM
Micruroides euryxanthus
what subspecies? The nominate
is euryxanthus, euryxanthus...The Arizona Coral Snake
So what is Epicrates striatus striatus
01-02-04, 12:13 AM
Micruroides euryxanthus=Western Coral Snake according to google.
not to familiar w/ latin names
01-02-04, 12:15 AM
Antaresia childreni..., Antaresia maculosis, Antaresia stimpsoni
I come from the era when the entire complex was all the same damn thing and bred with one another..
We called all of them childrens pythons in the 80's(Liasis childreni)
Stimpsoni were called Desert Childrens or Red childrens... It's funny how the price went up after the academics split and renamed them
And canina's, of course are Emeralds
01-02-04, 12:23 AM
Lol Great! Yes, i know, the groups were all considered the same thing but the name i have givin is indeed the cildrens python(the true one). And as for canina's, yes, emeralds. Lol.
As for Epicrates striatus striatus thats the Haitian boa.
How about big'ol Eunectes murinus?
01-02-04, 12:27 AM
all gibrish to me :p
01-02-04, 12:28 AM
Haha, it was the same to me when i started but now im catching the drift and i want to know the names. Lol!
01-02-04, 12:36 AM
It's good to become acquainted with the scientific names
Murinus..those big ol nasties.(green anacondas)
I've worked with notaeus...much nicer and smaller
What's their common name?
01-02-04, 12:41 AM
Haha my fav annies, Yellow Annacondas!
Gary D.
01-02-04, 12:42 AM
Eunectes murinus ssp. is the green anaconda
try Eryx colubrinus or Tupinambis merianae
01-02-04, 12:43 AM
Heres one:
Morelia amethistina
I think these are cool though there is not much on them.
01-02-04, 12:46 AM
Eryx colubrinus
O! O! I love these, Kenyan Sand Boa!
Tupinambis merianae
Some sort of Tegu?
01-02-04, 12:47 AM
Black and white Tegu?
Originally posted by CHRISANDBOIDS14
Heres one:
Morelia amethistina
amethystine python
how about
Aspidites ramsayi
Gary D.
01-02-04, 12:49 AM
Morelia amethistina= amethistine or scrub python
yeah, the argentine tegu, good show
how about Fucifer pardalis
01-02-04, 12:56 AM
Aspidites ramsayi
Womas! Beatiful!
Fucifer pardalis: Had to search it in my book but Panther Chamelion
Lets use some less common reptiles.
Here's something less common
casarea dussumieri- (hint- the only boa that lays eggs)
01-02-04, 01:14 AM
I have a guess, Round island keeled-scale boa? The reason for my guess is that it is not a "TRUE" boa. I kept this in my mind as i thought it was very unique. Am i right?
Here is one: Varanus prasinus
Varanus is the easy part because now we all know its a monitor but prasinus? Lol, LOVELY COLORS HINT HINT, Think back on Caninus, and think, oops maybe i said too much LOL!
erm, I'm kind of a newbie, but i had Latin in Highschool... is that an Emerald Monitor?
Here's my favorite: Oxybelis aeneus
01-02-04, 01:34 AM
Yah, Emerald Monitor! Good job! Well actually Emerald Tree Monitor but we understand.
Oxybelis aeneus: Hmmm, searched for this, Vine snake, Brown Vine snake. Cool.
Lets see, how about Python reticulatus! Haha what i give away!
Heres a guess, python reticulatus, possibly a python, hmm, lol.
Ok here is another, Heterodon nasicus. I LOVE THOSE CUTE LITTLE GUYS! Lol.
01-02-04, 01:50 AM
here's one to try.. Sistrurus miliarius streckeri
i want a green tree monitor :P..
01-02-04, 02:04 AM
Nuno casarea dussumieri- the round island boa isn't the only boa to lay eggs
In the last 2 years, we've just found out that two sand boas also lay eggs...Thats how exciting herpetoculture can still be...there are still tons of things we are just discovering.
..Eryx muelleri and Eryx jayakari
aw geez! I would kill to see one of these guys in the wild!!! But since I'm from where i'm from, i guess its not fair to give it away. But you can bet Sistrurus is on my list for next year! Who wants to go herpin!!! I'm ready for August!
Originally posted by Stockwell
Nuno casarea dussumieri- the round island boa isn't the only boa to lay eggs
In the last 2 years, we've just found out that two sand boas also lay eggs...Thats how exciting herpetoculture can still be...there are still tons of things we are just discovering.
..Eryx muelleri and Eryx jayakari
Wow...Thank you Roy. I never knew of any other species. What are the names of the sand boas? I can't find any info in my books, I want to read up on them.
Tim and Julie B
01-02-04, 10:57 AM
What about Cordylus tropidosternum? I think it sounds pretty cool:D
Originally posted by Tim and Julie B
What about Cordylus tropidosternum? I think it sounds pretty cool:D
Tropical girdled lizard?....
How about Heladerma suspectum suspectum; can't wait to see one of these guys in the wild out here..hint hint... :p
I'm not gonna give this one away either, but Jennifer if you want to see some I know where to look! I know where there are a couple dens...
I know people who have found them out here, and where they did..but a den or two sure would be nice to find. No touchy though...:p
monitor boy
01-02-04, 03:50 PM
Actually for the first latin name
boa constictor imperator is actually columbian boa or common boa not common red tail boa because in fact BCI boas aren't true red tails so how can it be called a common red tail boa
Not up to par on latin names for lizards, but I know this one!
Heloderma suspectum suspectum - Gila Monster :)
Tim and Julie B
01-02-04, 10:27 PM
Cordylus tropidosternum- Tropical spiny tailed lizard
Riopa fernandi?:D
Simon Sansom
01-02-04, 11:16 PM
Okay, I'll jump in...
Here's a good one...
How about <html><i> Stegonotus cucullatus </i></html> ?
And no using any search engines, lol!
01-02-04, 11:19 PM
Riopa fernandi
fire skink
Stegonotus cucullatus = Slaty grey snake... Those are beauties! :) Certainly not talked about enough.
How about Charina bottae umbratica??
Simon Sansom
01-03-04, 03:06 AM
Is that the Southern Rubber Boa? I don't know my <html><i> Charina </i></html> very well.
01-03-04, 03:06 PM
Yah, rubber boa, not sure which locality.
How about:
Naja pallida
.... is it some kind of cobra? (I know nothing about this) :)
01-03-04, 03:31 PM
NAJA Pallida
Red spitting cobra,what a beauty! I had to cheat though:D
Never even knew of such a thing.
Here's one........ Angkistrodon piscivorous,hint--you mess with one they'll come after you:)
I was close... a monitor or tegu?
Jeff Hathaway
01-03-04, 06:01 PM
Agkistrodon piscivorous- cottonmouth or water moccasin.
How about Necturus maculosus?
This game could go on for a while...
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
Simon Sansom
01-03-04, 06:07 PM
Here's one of my all-time favourite latin names; <html><b><i> Parademansia microlepidota </i></b></html>.
I just love the way it sounds...
01-03-04, 06:17 PM
The smooth scaled snake from New south Wales and Qeensland, this is often mistaken for the Taipan but is 4 times as toxic
as a Taipan. The book says the venom from one bite, could kill 125,000 mice
Simon, where did you pull that name from? LOL
01-03-04, 06:56 PM
my favorites are thamnophis marcianus, regina septimivata, nerodia sidpedeon, and heteradon nasicus
Simon Sansom
01-03-04, 09:33 PM
That's a name that's always stuck with me, for some reason, lol!.
<html><b><i>Parademansia</i></b></html> is the old taxonomy that I've always been used to. I believe that the Inland Taipan, or Fierce Snake has since been moved into the genus <html><b><i> Oxyuranus </i></b></html>, along with the other Taipans.
What a snake! I'd love to see one in the flesh.
01-05-04, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by snakehunter
my favorites are thamnophis marcianus, regina septimivata, nerodia sidpedeon, and heteradon nasicus
HeterOdon nasicus is with an O not an A!!;)
i am kinda partial to them myself
Jeff Hathaway
01-05-04, 02:41 PM
Checkered garter, Queen Snake, Northern Water Snake, Western Hognose Snake
No takers for Necturus maculosus?
How about Eurycea bislineata?
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
erm... necturus is a complex of neotenic slamanders -- waterdogs. Not sure of this exact species, but i'm gonna take a guess that its a Canadian version of the common mudpuppy.
How about tantilla hobartsmithi?
rhampholeon kersteni, anyone? anyone? the answer? anyone?
bonus: what movie am i mimicking?
Leaf chameleon from Kenya. Just saw them on a wholesale list! ;)
Here's a favorite of mine, Clelia clelia. I'm sure someone would guess this one in a jiffy, but I think it's a cool sounding name.
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