01-01-04, 08:56 PM
Sup everyone...
Well, I'm not sure anyone cares but I jsut got back from a Christmas trip from Texas and just droppin' a line to say hi to everyone. I hope everyone had a good and safe holiday... I persoanlly had a great time.. The fishing on the Gulf Coast produce some amazin' results. Caught a tonnew of Whiting, Redfish, Black Drum, Mullet ( ;) ) Crazyy eels, colourful fish, groupers, croackers, stingrays, sharks, etc. etc. As for the herps, I gotta say it was quite slow, however I did see some truley uniquie animals. I'll have to say that this was the first time i have seen a sea turtle in the wild. Not only did i spot one, but a guy fisihing next to me hooked one on his line and the sea turtle was roughly 5 feet away from me ( the line snapped and the hook will fall apart in roughly 5-7 days due to salt water, so it'll be fine :) ) I also got to see a texas tortoise in the wild, this was amazin' for me. We were bird watchin' at a 'park' and there he was :p Among other herps we seen the famous spetacled racer ( pardon the spelling ), anoles, red ear sliders, endless little toads and I'm problably missin' somethin' :p Just a neat little thing i think might intersets a few, I'll post pics of the tortoise once i uplaod 'em ( hes the only herp i got pictures of :( )
Oh, and I also got to see a wild dolphin jump fully out of the water while it was riding a wave :)
Well, I'm not sure anyone cares but I jsut got back from a Christmas trip from Texas and just droppin' a line to say hi to everyone. I hope everyone had a good and safe holiday... I persoanlly had a great time.. The fishing on the Gulf Coast produce some amazin' results. Caught a tonnew of Whiting, Redfish, Black Drum, Mullet ( ;) ) Crazyy eels, colourful fish, groupers, croackers, stingrays, sharks, etc. etc. As for the herps, I gotta say it was quite slow, however I did see some truley uniquie animals. I'll have to say that this was the first time i have seen a sea turtle in the wild. Not only did i spot one, but a guy fisihing next to me hooked one on his line and the sea turtle was roughly 5 feet away from me ( the line snapped and the hook will fall apart in roughly 5-7 days due to salt water, so it'll be fine :) ) I also got to see a texas tortoise in the wild, this was amazin' for me. We were bird watchin' at a 'park' and there he was :p Among other herps we seen the famous spetacled racer ( pardon the spelling ), anoles, red ear sliders, endless little toads and I'm problably missin' somethin' :p Just a neat little thing i think might intersets a few, I'll post pics of the tortoise once i uplaod 'em ( hes the only herp i got pictures of :( )
Oh, and I also got to see a wild dolphin jump fully out of the water while it was riding a wave :)